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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by cfree68f

  1. Well,


    I've been working on this site with a huge team of other people for over 2 years, and it finally launched today. It'll be a while before I can put up any of the work on my site so I'm showing it on theirs.


    Some of the modeling was done in AM... All the hard stuff at least ;-) (namely any statues you see) I wont go into much other detail at this point. I led the group who was responsible for the 3d development. We recreated... The Ancient City of Alexandria, The Giza Plateau in 2 time periods, The Temple of Luxor over 4 time periods, and The entire tomb of King Tut as it existed when it was found. We also created all of the 3d for the Multimedia animations and are working on Fly through animations for all of the sites.


    Some tips and tricks for if you try the site out are...


    When you are in the multimedia veiwer.. resize the window... The maximum resolution we did the stuff at was 800x800! it also exist in 4 other sizes... the default 400 x 400 and 100 pixel increments up to the 800x800.


    If you have trouble clicking on a hotspot in the QTVRs just mouse off it and back on and it should activate. We are working on debugging the viewer still.


    Yada yada... I could go on and on...


    When you go to the site... to get to the good stuff.. just click take a guided tour and then select multimedia from the list of stuff that comes up and that will bring up all of the rich media stuff to browse...


    In addition as a reward for reading my yapping you can click on over 1000 high res images of everything from King tuts burial mask to various statues and other generic stuff. These could make some good source for modeling or anything else and cant be found any where else, trust me I've tried... wish I'd had access to these when I was building all this stuff in the first place.


    Anyway take a look and let me know what you think.



  2. I found It!


    HamaPatch I sing your praise... This program rocks and its... FREE!


    For those of you who didn't check out my other posts... I have had much trouble with most of the exporters in Hash and plugins. Specifically getting these exporters to export clean seamless patches from Hash to other applications. I know, I know, why would I want to go to anything else in the first place. Well theres this thing called a client... and sometimes they use other applications...

    anyway I digress.


    The point is, I found an application... Its been around for a while, but I never tried it. HamaPatch It converts many formats... The OBJ export did the trick. Not sure if it will do materials but theres probably a work around. An 5 point patches don't make it across, but that can be fixed fairly easily... a 1 button push in the other program, fixed every hole. Hooks and 3 point patches have no problems.. which is huge. I haven't found another polygon exporter which can deal with hooks or 5 point patches, and for some reason the new versions of Hash seem to export 4 pointers oddly sometimes as well. This obviously isn't Hash's fault... but the exporter, or even the end programs inability to translate. Anyway... HamaPatch is handy for other things as well. It has a knife tool! so you can cut your models up and reimport them yada yada...


    On a nother note it exports Rib formats as well. That means nurbs conversion in some programs and if the format for rib is as good a the obj... then game on!


    Here is the object as it imported in the other app.. with some tweaks to hide "identity" of said app. Sorry Steve If I'm going off the deep end on this, but I believe it is of use to other AM users...


    anyways heres the obj with 3 subdivisions... both straight shaded and wire framed.




    and the link to HamaPatch


    Hope this thread has been of use to someone... and thanks to everyone who's helped me.

  3. I found It!


    HamaPatch I sing your praise... This program rocks and its... FREE!


    Though I'll be sending some money his way just to keep him going.


    Converts many formats... The OBJ export did the trick. Not sure if it will do materials but theres probably a work around. An 5 point patches dont make it across, but that can be fixed fairly easily... a 1 button push in the other program, fixed every hole.


    Oh I wish I'd found this earlier... On a nother note it exports Rib formats as well. That means nurbs conversion in some programs and if the format for rib is as good a the obj... then game on!


    Here is the object as it imported in the other app.. with some tweaks to hide "identity" of said app. Sorry Steve If I'm going off the deep end on this, but it is of use to AMers...


    anyways heres the obj with 3 subdivisions... both straight shaded and wire framed.




    and the link two HamaPatch


    Hope this thread has been of use to someone... and thanks to everyone who's helped me.

  4. thanks for the help guys. Looks like there is no easy way to do it, if you arent using max. Which I'm not.


    Anyone no of a good renderman exporter for 10 or higher? I've had some limited success bringing that into Maya as Nurbs patches... they have to be stitched together, but that isnt too much of a pain on small models.


    thanks again

  5. Hi guys,


    I am working on a model which requires several things, Hair (yes I know the new hair kicks butt, but I'm not going to use alpha software in a production and....) it also has to be transferred to another program, I wont name any names.


    Since I promised a peak here is the image...





    my question is how best to export this model when its done and...


    a. keep texture mapping and uvs if possible (I'd love to texture him in AM)


    b. export him to a polyganol format. I've done this before but when I do "hooks", five point Patches and sometimes other odd geometry dont come accross to the aplications with vertices attached. In other words there are all kinds of open seams and other problems that have to be cleaned up. Sometimes this is easy, but I noticed with this model at least and in the new AM 10.5 p that many, many patches have problems converting to polygons, including 4 pointers. To beat it all I cant seem to tell what makes them do it. I thought I understood with the five pointers and hooks that it might just be the translator didnt know what to do with the odd geometry, but now I cant make sense of it.


    So I plead to all the splinemasters to help me figure something out. I tried finding Arthur Walasek's latest .Obj exporter, but I cant find any links that are working. The .3ds and other exporters that come with AM have the problem mentioned above and dont keep UVs for the model.


    Anyone have a clue?


    Thanks for any help in advance... oh and comments on the little guy ... as he is... are welcome.

  6. Ok... well I don't want to get into a My salary is bigger than your salary discussion so I'll keep this as generic as possible.


    There are several paths you can take in the field of computer graphics, Main paths and some not so main paths.


    The main paths from my perspective would fall into the categories of Corporate, Small Business, Self-employed, and freelancer. (yes self employed and freelance are two different things)


    Under these main categories you have the spectrum of actual competencies. (graphic designer, illustrator, animator, 3d artist, yada yada). And within those you have your "titles" (which I abhor)... creative director, art director, lead animator, rigger, more yada yada. Are you following me? good.


    So what does all that mean, not much except for the main stuff and what you are good at. If your good, real good, you can pretty much right your own ticket.. do what ever you want, at least the stuff you are good at. So? you already knew that right. Well here is the part they don't teach you in school and you don't find out till much later.


    That first category of main things pretty much determines a lot of things about you and your career, even aside from the How good you are stuff.


    You can work for a corporation and easily make a 6 figure salary with wonderful benefits. Great! right. Well perhaps, but more often than not you'll find that "With Great Power (ie. Money and benefits) comes great responsibility" With all apologies to Stan Lee for ripping off his lines. But its true. Responsibilities in the form of putting up with lots of crap, putting up with ridiculous expectations, having "goals" set for you and then being measured by some other standard when you meat or beat them.


    You can work for a small business and be the big fish in a small pond. Your salary will be smaller, but you'll be in control right? Perhaps. Depends on where you work. True you do have a greater chance of this happening in the smaller places, simply because there are more smaller places, but they can have there down side as well. You could be very talented and sit outside the mainstream never to be noticed, underpaid for you talent, and effort. Or you could bide your time and Make it to the big time or go off on your own.


    Which is where the self employed and freelance comes in. With this one you'd better be good, and hungry, and willing to go wherever and do what ever it takes to make it work. But you have the luck to work for yourself. to control your own path. You'll have much less chance of making the "steady" money of the person who works for the smaller business. Even less chance of making the kind of money you might over the long haul in Corporate. But again if you are good You will make it, you may make even more if you are good and fast.


    Whats the difference between self-employed and freelance? self-employed can be their own business. You could have others working for you, you could manage others, or just market the business and let others work. Freelance is the person who works for anyone. Freelancers can have others work for them, but its not the same as a business. If a freelancer stops working, he stops getting paid. That isn't necessarily the case for the self-employed small business. Hmmmm.


    Did you get that last part? A person who runs a business and has others working for them, Can and thats a big if on the can ... Can stop working and still make money. The other cool part is that this isn't the case for the other 2 main categories either. You cant work for a Corporation or a smaller firm and stop working and keep earning money, unless you are drawing workmans comp or something, but thats another story.


    So which is best? Thats up to you. Each has trade offs and the truth is there aren't really hard fast rules, just generalities.


    The one thing I can tell you is that the more you make the more you spend, up to a point. That point is pretty high up there. You'll never miss what you never made as much as you'd miss it if you had made it and lost it. Wow thats a mouth full. What it means is... a person making 30,000 dollars a year has a whole world of directions they can go with their career. Someone making 120,000 a year... They don't. Unless they are willing to start all over again.


    Thats enough sharing for now. Let me know if it helped. or if it didn't. or if you think I'm a pompous opinionated wind bag. On second thought if you lean toward the third option... don't let me know.

  7. As someone who has a degree in art, I'll give you my perspective. I went to a state school and pretty much taught myself. But the thing it did do for me is it gave me a view of the directions I could take my career and contacts to start going. Had I done it on my own.. I may have done just as good,,, I might not have done it at all.


    One thing is for certain in this field... Talent is everything... If you have it and the

    ability to market yourself... you'll go far.


    The question to ask yourself is what do you want to do? Do you want to make a rediculous amount of money in art. A degree from the "right" school might get you there a little quicker. In my case I can see where it has helped a little. I work for IBM and do some pretty cool stuff. If you want more info let me know and I'll share.


    If you know you are talented, very talented and you have the direction allready... I'd say focus on getting very good. And perhaps trying to teach yourself.. Most schools wont teach you as much as you can teach yourself anyway.


    HOWEVER... if you do want to go to some school... a good school... A great school for art... I might offer of the Savanah School of Art and Design or SCAD for short.


    You will be exposed to so much cutting edge technology that your blood pressure will stay up for 4 years... I took some courses there.. A good example of how well funded they are.


    The had Ikigami broadcast Cameras as security cameras in there Video school. Thats "rich" and even if it may have been for show... I've worked with people who have graduated from SCAD... They do actually teach the degrees there.


    In addition to SCADs support and funding.. it is recruited by... ILM, Disney, and many other "high end" production studios... At least it was, not sure if it still is.


    Any way... thats my 2 cents. If you are not inclined toward schools with large tuitions then I'd also recomend the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale. The Dean of Multimedia there is a friend of mine and I'm very impressed with there focus on animation and arts.


    Hope thats enough info for you. If you'd like more. Feel free to ask.

  8. besides my earlier comment and after 10 viewings... my only other comment would be... that the clouds you are using in the background zoom in to much when you zoom in on the boat as it sinks.


    This is hardly noticable ( like I said it took me several views to see it) and probably isnt an issue if your camera is more than a mile away and is zooming in with some sort of super macro lens ;)


    Otherwise... U Still da freakn man!



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