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Everything posted by DZ4
I really don't see the need for "real-time" rendering except for motion capture possibly. All the shows you watch on TV are pre-recorded except for the super exciting "going live" news, but I like to think of that as an 'all the time' thing, like life itself is the movie (with lots of space to edit out), but on another planet. I think this is on topic, however: I was putting together a 12x12 sprite sheet to put in my (what do you call it, animation player?) app, when I thought to myself..."every sheet is 12 seconds of video... if I could build a sprite sheet in 12 seconds... we could broadcast live..." "Oh, at 12 frames per second, otherwise 6 seconds or something like that for 24 frames per second... and what about 30 frames per second?, well that would make a good math lesson for kids or people just getting started, but then again..." Stop! All the end product showing the display needs to compute is: "Hey, we got 12 seconds for that JPEG file to come in, any word yet?" "Okay, well once it comes in we'll swap it with the old one" "Okay" An alternative method (so many synonyms when you don't need them) to streaming... Bit by bit by bit... and buffering... not that a program that beats it head against a line 60 times a second wouldn't be enticing to Flatland readers.
I would like to apply for a grant. In return, the grantee would get to sell advertisement on animations that go on smartphones. Plus, I'd get to develop the software further full-time. All I need is enough to make a living and pay off debt. Then everybody has a chance at developing their own version of an app, with their own content (although it's already sitting there for free on the website . But the idea has been laid out plainly enough, and put on Google Play to show. They even would get a cool business name...Monoboom! ...with a website! ...and the first ever (deep breath) Adjustable frame rate multi-layered sprite driven interactive Android application focused toward animation with a cool name like Starplayer (although the music is pretty lame right now). Not to mention three characters that dance very nicely to help sell... stuff. It's just sitting there...waiting to take off... Of course, if it did take off, I'd like to get 10% of the gross or something like that, right? But I can't do all the content, especially since others could do much better. Anyway, that's my answer to the original Question #2. Bring on the Sharks! I guess that would be the grantor... or shark. Someone that has connections and knows how to promote. Otherwise, the idea, and potential, will be lost, and I'd rather not see that happen. Okay, I'll throw in a picture book as well. Rather a Monoboom Manual.
Oh you mentioned hair-splitting. That's not a "happy-fun" topic around here! a line rendered as line with glow yo! As you can see, still a work in progress, but Vera wanted to F U up! Looks like she could at least spell Japanese!
Oh! Don't forget collision detection, then you'll be feelin' me>>>in color! Ha! Oh, wait...how do we do this??? Sbarky says Boto says "... " Vera's already talking tongues! Stinky little mind of hers.
I think the program would be a loop through the pixels, each one going through an efficient routine: Pixel++ { What dots are in view?; What objects are in view and what part is in view?; //Whoa! big one Return dot info; Average color/depth/lighting...; Final Color; } Next Pixel... Someone told me it's all 2D at one point and I get what he was saying, but the math is very much 3D, right? What was it called? Radial coordinates? I'm sure it comes in handy shooting Tie-Fighters from the Millenium Falcon...but maybe today we're shooting X-wings? 3D angle and distance. Degradians and Gradians ... no clue! Figuring out what lights are where is another thing within the dot info, I suppose. Not sure where to stick it in the loop because it is too simplified.
I think it would come down to pixels, then the algorithms would be interpreting the normal direction of the interpolated curvature between two finite lines. So, a straight line between known curved lines first at intervals, then at intervals along that line, perpendicular lines stick out to make a curve. Then interpolate between adjacent curves with additional information such as color, then find out which pixel the camera would be viewing from and what distance, and simply color that pixel accordingly. | / \_|__|__|__/ / \_______/ / \ |_|_| \ \ /__|__\ That would be an hourglass shape with a heavy top viewed by the camera, as you can see. It is curved at the top, slender in the middle, with a flat bottom to rest easily on a table. The camera to the left would interpolate which pixels are where in relation to the vertical points. Then find out which pixels would view which vertical points and color accordingly specific to their location to the pixel's viewpoint. Of course the distance from the camera point would require a "shading" factor, or additional coloring due to specularity and transparency. Drawing between the two lines in an efficient pattern would land one in a rehabilitation center followed by Animators Anonymous and Programmers Anonymous meetings, while rediscovering the TV set, in my opinion. But a curve (or arc if you will) from a line should be visually simple enough to understand. | | | | | __|___|____|____|___|___ I really have no idea what I'm talking about as far as actually doing it, but the basic math seems simple enough. That image would have 13 points, which would be all the camera cares about aside for color and depth, etc.
9 images? Is it like a local town vote thing? Or is that just for testing purposes?
I like the name HAMR! I picture a lot of stuff getting smashed and a hollow ringing coming after that! I think translating A:M actions into a 3D environment that can render in real-time is where it's at. Nobody could look at the A:M software and not think, let's start from there. I had trouble (I mean fun!) trying to put the actions from A:M into a 3D environment (they flew off the screen as posted a long time ago), with AM2ex from Obsidian Games back then. I do like the idea of using OpenGL on a website because the wave of smartphones still uses the "internet" on WiFi. So adapting to that is my goal, but with a multi-layered adjustable frame rate video player that takes Young's slit modulus to the next level, then!, puts a 3D layer in there! Like it wants to dance with the video. But interactive too! so people can type "I'm bitchin" into it like on HeadBook (oops.sorry.notTherYet.U.say.) Actually my goal is to do diddly-squat, but not have to worry!
I haven't seen much about using OpenGL on a webpage but think it's a very good concept. JOGL is what I found other than WebGL, but a lot of those things just seem way over our heads, but then, there's nothing there to show when you really look at it. Not that I'm trying to insult or anything, far from it, but I haven't seen anything like the DirectX8.1 SDK. That was just perfection, although very demanding to learn, not to mention overwhelming with potential things one could never learn all of. But from what I can interpret, it was the same as OpenGL, but then combined with Input, Sound, Music, and some other stuff. And it was free! But that only goes so far, I think. If you get it to do something, you have to remember who put the canvas and paint in front of you. But I think Microsoft did a great job there. Google's Android Java can import OpenGL (dll's), but converting to just Java on a webpage doesn't look like a simple task at all. In fact, it looks like going back to programming devices like sound cards and graphic cards, then emulating which one is on the end user's computer...probably with some boss breathing down your neck cause it's so competitive...heck with that! But I'm not an expert, (or even mid-level) nor have I ever worked in that industry...but I just look in the mirror and say "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggonit, people like me."
Makes one feel kind of insignificant doesn't it? Just remembering that scene in Meaning of Life, after Eric Idle did the universe song.
Well, I was hoping a few of you knew who I was. Or maybe you were being sarcastic? We'll never know! Yea, I'm using a "key"name. Get it? Like a penname? No? Oh well. Thank you! I remember someone saying "The only thing worse than getting noticed is not getting noticed", so I'll take what comes with monoboom.co. Been a long way just to put the site up in a few weeks, but hopefully it's a good resource. I'll stick to the Android forum, unless there's a topic I can be of assistance.
See! you put the name right there for anyone to see. I don't like that! Hi!
Hello! (?). I used to post as someone else, but finally realized I should leave my personal stuff aside, instead of using this forum...Like you guys were probably thinking he should go get his own forum or something, right, plus I would get a little, well, you know...and not being able to log in sealed the deal! Well, I might make a forum (booooring!) soon since I've got my website laid (is it layed?) out. I'd say go check it out but it doesn't seem to be up right now...so I'll wait! Anyway, just checking in... Still want to add more stuff to the website, but, at some point, you need other people to get involved with it (maybe someone(s) here!), just to know it's as good as I think it is or could be I should say...Then a bunch of other stuff! But I like when there's time to think it over...I'm about out of time and patience pursuing other career options, so...whatever! I'd like to thank the folks here (I'd say names, but afraid to leave someone out) for helping out with a whole lot of stuff before, but usually just the discussions helped... Still have everything from before, and my app works on my Android so should be good to develop further. Hope Vera's doing okay.