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*A:M User*
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Everything posted by Roughy

  1. aight, got most of the hair done now, still need some in the neck area and around the...well, to cover where the ears are supposed to be (doesnt look right from front view atm cause of that). still no eyes, and still no toon render...for some reason i feel like it looks better without toon atm :/
  2. right, id start by posting a more finished one, and wires. but its 6:30am here now...so ive gotto beddy bed.. ^^ for some reason i forgot to turn on the toon shader...hmm :/
  3. normaly, it would be arm - hand - fingers. but in this case, they stick right out of his arm, he doesnt have a hand.
  4. Athlon Xp 2500+ (overclocked atm, set the wrong setting and im too lazy to fix it ) 512DDR Geforce4 Ti4200.
  5. started modeling yesterday...somehow ended up with this. ich, 17000 patches O_o not the best way of modeling or anything, but whatever. so, this thing is really starting to lag up a:m, faster cpu or more ram?
  6. ey sevenar did ya ever get all of the textures "glitches" worked out ? (as i missed all when i was banned :/ )
  7. a:m does have ridig bodies, wich can work quite well. check out the bowling video tutorial.
  8. it is for a short im planning to do, naturaly the chances of me ever finishing it......slim to none. though im not having trouble modeling anime heads anymore, we`ll see how well i do bodies..sigh. i could probably clean up quite a few splines, but what the hay, the areas that are a bit over populated should work fine. Vash - yah, i got that too when i opened it on my laptop last night, dunno whats up about that.
  9. i use rotoscopes just get the face shape done correctly (just an outline of the jaw and such), then i do the rest "on the fly". start by tweaking the heck outta the jaw line. http://www.streamload.com/roughy/sayowire1.mov
  10. soo......sat down on friday and started messing, got the head finished in some 30min, and did the hair every now and then over the next 2 days. hair still aint done though, the back of her head is missing a lot, and i just noticed them two holes at the front there, but whatever...ill fix em...later. and no eyes O_o, creepy. (oh, that thingy there is a headband, not the hair line or anything, should prolly give it some more color) http://www.streamload.com/roughy/sayoround1.mov i could have revived the old thread but...didnt feel like searching for it. gotto go Zzz....
  11. i cant imagine how you got that thing to run 14min for one frame. you got exactly the same specs as me (better vga card tho). if it was 14min per frame if you were running multipasses, then it would be acceptable, but without....somethings definetly wrong. what res you rendering to?
  12. his feet doesnt match the ground. everytime i live action compositions i measure up the scene, then hight and distance of the camera from the ground, and then finaly i might take note of its rotation as well. in this one i wasnt actuly planning on having him walk inside at all (note the whole stepping on the light thing). and i did not measure the room, distance or camera rotation. so the shadows are off and the floor doesnt realy match up perfectly, but its good enough. got a deadline on this whole project.
  13. might be a good idea to go clean up the huuge cp ammount before going on? oh well, in anycase. if you cant do something, dont go to bed! it only becomes worse the next day! Keep at it, to hell if you got school the next day or something. (worst thing that can happen is that you fall asleep during class....leaning your head on pencil case..and the thing slips...BANG! that hurt, and the teacher definetly didnt like it..oh well). anyway, keep it at!
  14. well, still not done, need some eye lashes and the back of the hat still needs (a lot of) doing, and i freakin forgot to pull that strain of hair outta her ear...and...i somehow managed to stuff in another few seconds of "nothing" in the clip....pfff... http://www.streamload.com/roughy/haruround1.mov
  15. Ooooo!! love the bow & arrow chick!
  16. Thx everyone! Im planning on doing the rest of the body as well, japanese school girl (pfff...what a kliche) render without the strong light
  17. i was messing around with different toon shaders, this one gave it kind of a....angel look O_o. should prolly keep it like that, even tho i didnt realy mean for her hair to be pink. im looking to texture the hair a bit, ye know them usualy lines, but its kiiinda giving me a hard time, specialy the strains of hair that are sticking out front, not realy sure how to approach it.
  18. well then, got another one of them modeling rushes and started modeling a new character, so far so good. http://www.streamload.com/roughy/haruwires1.jpg Edit: Wireframe link works now
  19. Bout time we got some more norwegian spliners here !
  20. yah lol. i noticed the whole shadow thing as well. thats just the defult placement in chor, didnt bother to change it. as for the eyes being far apart..... the anime i used as a base for that character is from 1997, i guess thats recently, but i kinda like that style. im doing the character for a short, scifi of course. mainly dog fight (space) but also a few indoor shoot outs. know my chances of ever finishing it are slim to non, but, maades..
  21. aight, started tweaking the hell outta it on sunday, and this is the results, so far. still need work on the hair and do eye brows etc. http://www.streamload.com/roughy/multiround1.mov
  22. http://www.streamload.com/roughy/frontwire.jpg aight, ill get to work on it when i come back on friday, Going skiing for a few days
  23. aight, so i decided to try out an Anime style character, dunno if i failed horribly http://www.streamload.com/roughy/shiponround10.mov http://www.streamload.com/roughy/purpleeyes.jpg it is supposed to look like i chick, but as it turns out, thats a hard thing to do. c&c welcome !
  24. when playing the vid the framerate drops to near nothing during the last few frames (when it actuly hits). looking at it frame by frame it does look great!, but hard to realy comment without seeing it smooth.
  25. love the 2003 one, watch it once or twice a day (god the music fits sooo well ! )
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