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Everything posted by matt_stanford

  1. Great style and movement!!! Really really good!!! The only thing I noticed was that the sleeve colour is very similar to the background colour, and at about 4 seconds in its kinda hard to differentiate (is that how you spell it?) the two. Other than that...amazing!!!
  2. Outstanding!!! I'm a real fan of your work and I can't wait to see how this progresses. Good luck Stian.
  3. Wow...HUGE improvement!!! Good work Gene!
  4. Man...that is beautiful!!! Don't suppose I could ask to have a peek at the wireframe could I?
  5. Whatever gives you the best results really. I don't think there is a definitive answer. For what its worth, I tend to do the nose first, then the eyes then the mouth, but this is probably cos of the cooper exercise in TaoA:M. I'd love to hear what everyone else thinks.
  6. Much better! The only suggestion that I would have is that there seems to be a lot of pinching going on around the mouth. Now, don't take this as gospel cos I pretty much suck at modelling, but I've always found that I got a better result by having the splines follow the mouth around in a series of circles rather than coming down the side of the face. Hmm...does that make sense? Lemme show you... ...I hope no-one minds me using the same model as an example???
  7. Amazing work Vern! I love it. I wouldn't even know where to start with that!!!
  8. Wow...really nice work!!! I love the way he adjusts his hands on the bar! Subtle movements like this really brought it to life! The only crit I've got is that he looks a little unbalanced when he lifts the weight up on to his chest as he's sqatted down. Other than that, its fantastic!!! Buena suerte!!!
  9. WOW!!! Great work!!!
  10. Hi. I'm pretty rubbish but I'd love to give it a go
  11. Hey...great work! And such a great way to build up the body! My only suggestion would be that his feet seem a bit on the large side. Kinda reminds me of when I was a kid and wore my dads shoes (I wasn't the only one to do this right???) Other than that, its a great model. I'm both jealous and inspired. Can't wait to see how this progresses.
  12. Hey. Thanks a lot. I'll be honest, they're not as good as they may look. If you were to see the wireframe under the knot its a real mess. Bits not connected and the like. But luckily they're hidden Haha...my original idea was "how does Santa prepare for Christmas" Kinda like a Rocky training montage I'm hoping to get the rest of the modelling, texturing and rigging finished by the end of next week...then on to animating. Whew...loads to do
  13. Wow...great work!!! And some great suggestions. Bigger eyes and smaller horns would (in my humble, only been doing this for a couple of months, opinion) be a great start. Yes, yes, yes...wireframes please
  14. Ok...had a bit of time before hitting the sack and it's given me a chance to experiment a bit with materials on the trousers and t-shirt. Also corrected the hand position (thanks Nancy) although I think I should fatten them up now?! I tried scaling the body up Rodney but then the legs looked too skinny, so just squashed them a bit and I think it looks kinda ok.
  15. Hmmm....don't like his nose either!
  16. Hey, thanks for all the great comments and suggestions. I've had a quick play about today and given him a new beard Still needs a bit of grooming though...especially those eyebrows!!! I definitely agree about the arms and legs. When I originally sketched him he had much shorter legs, but when I modelled him I thought...pah, I don't need to rotascope it. Boy was I wrong! Gonna have a play about with the proportions tonight. With the hair and beard, etc, how easy is it to make a hair map like the ones used in ex20? And how neccessary are they? Thanks again.
  17. Ok...so it's not gonna be the next Woody or Buzz...but hey, its my first A:M character and I'm kinda proud of him. Still loads of work to do (getting rid of that horrible beard and using A:M's hair system, sorting out those legs, teeth, tongue, bones...argghhh!!!!). LOTS of work!!! For any other newbies out there I highly recommend David Simmons eye tut (and I was <ahem> slightly inspired by how he did Bertrums belly!) Let me know what you think.
  18. To save a model to your library, right click in the model window then click on "create shortcut in library". That will prompt you to save it as a seperate non-embedded file. Click on yes...choose a name for it...save it and hey presto! Job done.
  19. be glad to i installed the download for the A:M v15e then created a new user account with windows vista, signed on with the new user and hey presto...up and running! thanks again. happy animating
  20. IT WOOOOORRRRRKKKKKKSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you for your help everyone!!!
  21. nope...still not working i downloaded the link you sent but nothing seems to be working. i've only got the internet on a different computer so i saved to download to a memory stick and then opened it onto my pc with A:M. Maybe this is why it didn't work? thanks for the support gerry. you're right...very frustrating!!! all i wanna do is get on and animate!!! specs for my pc are: 3gb ram 640gb hdd 256mb graphics card 200ghz....thats all i can remember wish me luck
  22. hi rodney, thanks for the quick response. i've read of other people having similar problems which seem to be overcome by restarting the pc with the disk in. i've tried this with no luck. i've only got 1 cd drive currently so its not this. when you mentioned about installing the installer on the cd i'm not too sure what you meant. sorry...i literally know nothing about any form of technology! i'm starting to think i might have to pay out for a web subscription after having just paid for the cd!?
  23. hi everyone. i'm in need of some serious help as it seems as though i've fallen at the first hurdle. no...not even the first hurdle. i've tripped over at the start line! i've just bought and installed a:m v15 and its not letting me actually open it! it keeps saying to insert the cd into the drive. its already there!!! this is my first pc and as a result my knowledge of everything to do with computers is at best very limited! if anyone has any help they could offer i would be forever grateful. have i installed it wrong? i couldn't find an obvious serial number on the box or cd so i just entered what i thought was the erial number, would this be it? thanks in anticipation matt
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