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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by KnightHammer

  1. my first head looked like the phantom of the opera mask with a beach ball as a skull...that is a good head keep going
  2. It could be a while before I can do any work on it...but thanks for the ideas...I had completely forgotten about how to create small lights without modeling them
  3. I need some help on a few things. First~~ The control system of this short range light fighter. I have two extended panels for interment panels or tech readouts but I'm not sure of how to have steering controls mostly what type. Second~~ My material creation still sucks and I was hoping that some one had a material or a quick tutorial on a good space ship hull material. Third~~ Well...I thing overall the design is good but some second opinions would be good
  4. If you know what you are doing AM can be used for everything...just look at the contest entries. Also love the model its intricate yet simple...if that makes any scene
  5. Same with the crash...I wonder if its a new version thing either with AM or Vista I made a perfect cube extruded one side beveling by eye than copied those properties to the other sides. Scale it down it looks good...ish.
  6. I really need to spend more time working on this...beveled the column and a basic material
  7. OH!!! I get it its a box in a box. The leads from the corners finish the main grid but the inner grid with all the points its edges are in line with leads. I've done this by mistake a few time but never thought to use it like this...but now...this could make allot better ground quickly without having thousands of control points but can still be manipulated easily. Still would love a tutorial.
  8. Okay...so bevels are rounded edges right. If that is right is their a simple way of doing that without reworking the model please let their be a material additive I've been over looking. "Darktrees (Darksim) materials, or EnhanceAM materials" no I've not, my AM training was the tutorial and fairly limited at that but I'll look into it.
  9. I've been working on this off and on for a while, a few hours making weeks letting it sit around, and really want it to look good. It is a Temple like design loosely based on Greek/Roman style. Will be made of marble. However my materials turn out too unrealistic and I need some help. Also in its final form it will be atop a hill/mountain to and I don't know if it would look better new or ruinous. So basically any help would be nice.
  10. Looks like an egg version of killer bean
  11. Are the indented lines near the cockpit a bump map or modeled in and if possible can we get a wireframe pic?
  12. Love the head now...i still cant do anything looking that good that's organic
  13. I used 13 when i learned how this all worked...if memory surveys they are the same method. Make a cloth that you need, more patches the smother it looks for me any way, add the SimCloth from change to, plug in, hash, simcloth to a material and apply. LEAVE A FEW POINTS NOT UNDER THE CLOTH MATERIAL or it will fall away. Increase air drag to make it affected by a wind force. You'll get something like this, Ummm...looking back the tutorial shows it better for it has screen shots
  14. The neck looks really square to me... i don't have a pic of it but in the movie "300" when the head wash chopped off it stayed an oval shape also the spine is closer to the back of the neck
  15. EVE....good graphics, not a very fun game (i hate game you have to pay for more than once) hmm....the dimpling of the ships hull... will have to work on that i think in some other project this one is annoying me right now, bump maps it i remember right
  16. Well... i took my time and realized something. I have some serious work to do on textures. I think the general idea behind it is good, but i will be laying this to rest for a while. Thanks for all the ideas they helped allot.
  17. oK oK Here is a new piece, every turret is independent pivots around and goes up and down. This thing would have 360 x fire arc and a +/- 60 to 80 y firing arc unless you parked on the center you can get hit. Ill add detail and color and some symbol for a faction or something later probably change the center to look like a better reactor module Have a few more plans and a few extra models to make before the final final version is made...i like the mine idea
  18. Thanks y'all i got allot of good ideas to work with...give me a couple of days and I'll have something new to put up
  19. Hmmmmmmmmmm.... Ok i can see that now Lets see......rework the material for the asteroids...more shapes than three...possible a better pattern to put them in...color shift to more earthy less Galaxy Quest fuel source.... ......rework the light...add better lights And the ship its self...ummm... I'm thinking just to rework some of its parts and adjust its profile a bit
  20. Ok i didn't win, didn't place so i want to re work this until it is up to snuff with the winners suggestions??
  21. Thanks for the help... I feel stupid asking before rereading the Tech Ref. Didn't like what the spherical did on flat surfaces so i went with a Sine with a white attribute, a fBm with a pale blue and pink, and a Fractal Sum. Here are the results...
  22. Hey... This probably has been addressed before but i cant get a good looking marble with swirls and veins characteristic with good marble, mainly the blueish pink hue. Thanks for the help.
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