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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Master chief

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Everything posted by Master chief

  1. Spleen i do like your effect but my next questions is , how do i do them? I'm sure its pretty easy but there ether hidden in some section of AM I'm not aware of or i just don't know how to set them up
  2. OK so more or less trying to pull off a black hole and need some sort of warping effect ie Any one have even foggiest idea where to start on this one?
  3. thx ron taht appears to have fix it or at least its stoped yelling at me
  4. I think your right Rob, when you said that you thought it was a codex error i tryed rendering directly as an AVI file and AM collapsed after rendering the first frame. Question now is does AM use my own codex files or its own, and if thats the case how do i refresh them?
  5. I'm finally back with a brand new copy of AM and raring to go , only problem is a error right out of the gate AVIFileCreateStream error: C:\Users\(my user name)\AppData\Local\Temp\AMV17\Untitled\Untitled0000.avi. i get this when i render animation preview but other wise the render goes of with out a hitch, it just complains that it cant write the file, then it cant delete the file a render to file does not cause this issue so far i have gone throptionshe optons menu but thnot does nto appear to be a place to chtemporarytemperary location to write these and i am running as administrator
  6. To create an explodable version of any model - right click on the model in PWS/plug-ins/wizards/explode Rebuildmodel A dialog box will come up - I just left it at default settings. Plug-in will create an entirely new version of the model which will contain a sequence of groups named Explode_nnnn, plus will also assign a bone to each new group. I'm guessing that this explodable model is then used with Newton. I believe Johnl3d has done many tinkertests with it. I tested it on a complicated model and it took quite a bit of time to create the new model, and consumed mucho memory. I thought it had hung - but eventually it finished. Probably best to try it out on a simpler model to start, just to get the feel of how it works. OK i tryed to create a new model but my plugins section does not seam to have the explode rebuild option , am i blatantly missing something or do i need to install something to do this
  7. OK i have found how to create the material effect, how ever getting it to work is problematic, i have tryed creating it as a standalone item, putting it with a different model , and putting it in the same model and nothings working, it may be that i cant for what ever reason get it to attach to model pieces in bones mode or I'm doing it wrong.
  8. Ok at risk off sounding complete noob how does one set up a material effector , looked through the mat files and couldnt find a thing....
  9. what I'm trying to go for is the spread of one texture over another with out getting that dual texture flicker. if i could get a animation of what it does in star craft i would show u but i cant, it more or less oozes out wards slowly from certain locations. I know at one time some one said you could make a material or something like one that would cause a set texture to appear when it touched another models surface, i know its not a Boolean cutter,
  10. in theory pretty simple, i have a basic landscape set up with trees and grass textures, and i want a different texture to over right the grass were i want it to do so, think the zerg creep if u ever played starcraft1/2 but with a little more control like if i wanted to send out tendrils or something http://www.gosugamers.net/starcraft/images...Zerg%20Base.jpg if at all possible to have it raise a little of the ground i would be cool but thats a secondary objective in the how do i get it to change textures to begin with
  11. OK looked at that mat and it helped quite a bit, know i have 2 more problems to sort out. 1st materials appear to completely over right the surface there set to as shown in my render I tryed using the same material as the second part of the material for the green stuff but it didn't look the same so i thought that having part clear would work, guess not , any one know i Way i can fix this 2nd i currently have quite a hard edge in the above picture is there any way to simply fade out the texture as it moves along a surface similar to this i realize that in the picture the cracks on he ground are probably just images but they have the look I'm going for, how the cracks peter out the farther they get from the crystal
  12. ok so this is my current results crystal.bmp however my crystals dont quite look it and my latest attempt at the ground failed, is there a way to have a texture slowly fade out rather than cut off compleatly ? oh any ideas on how to make my crystals look better would be helpful.
  13. hey guys long time no see i have been trying to get an effect similar to this not the crystals them self but the cracking pattern on the ground, making ground is easy enough but the few methods i have tried so far don't quite work for the cracks as its ether virtually impossible to get the lines to match the terrain grid or it just doesn't line up. additionally i cant seam to make textures blend into each other vs a hard line.
  14. Ok after installing the version for AM 12 the darktree mats seem to be working again, thanks for the help guys
  15. OK i have tryed relinking the files now multiple times, moving then to different locations one right inside the AM folder itself, and running AM in admin mode just to see if if could find them then. it still gives ye targeting ball up top. any one know if theres a setting some where that i need to adjust to allow AM to use said files that I'm telling it where it is.
  16. has any one ever had this happen. I'm trying some new stuff using the dark tree materials ( dsts files) when i get this at the basic material render screen. i have tryed loading 6 different mats all encountering the same effect. noting that this has only happened after my system upgrade( win7 from vista) but as far as i know i set up AM the exact same way and everything else is more or less working
  17. alright this ones a bit out there but bear with me. thanks to the help i have been getting i have managed to get some of my AM skill back and have rendered a few short animations to my liking ( again thanks guys). my main concern now is that i want to put these in a web page, but try as a might i cant find an option to render as a animated gif. that said first question is does AM have this capability. second question is that if AM does not, does any one know of a way to load a small movie file into a web page to auto run and repeat as if it where a animated gif? hopefully with out the pause paly bar?
  18. OK i got as far as the convert to Eular drivers part , to my understanding this should mean that if i type in rotate X 720, it should spin around twice. how ever when i type in 720 on the rotate dial it simple goes back to 0, typing in 721 results in a 1. which might mean that its not loading the Eular driver but I'm not sure. Oh as far as i know i have embedded all files required this time. Game2.prj
  19. how do i embed stuff into a project file? also why they may be loaded no dark tree materials where used in my project. only AM self made materials
  20. ok as far as i had it setup its supposed to have this 1 a Blue ball in the ceter of the sphere 2 2 outer layers both consiting of a turbulance material one part white, one part clear. each material is suposed to rotate one going eather direction as well as one going faster than the other. Edit: saved project as new file and reuploaded, maybe last one was bugged? Game1.prj
  21. ok i used to be able to do this but i think AM is laughing at me...... I have a ball for lack of words, over this ball is another one with a semitransparent material pattern, in the choreography when i try and rotate the material it like AM simple does not want to accept what I'm telling it to do, i have turned on show more than drivers and even made sure that i have placed keys in the time line. i have uploaded the project file as that seams to be able to help more. I know this should be easy ( as i have done this before) but it may be the new version or lack of using AM for a while Game.prj
  22. Well i have upgraded to the most current version (V15.0j+) when i encounter a new problem it appears that every time i try and undo a action AM freezes then dies horribly forcing a full restart and reload of the project. while i am generally very good at saving every few changes its beginning to become quite bothersome due to my natural nature of trying different effects and positions and such. that said any one encounter this or have any idea what i can set/change to make am more undo friendly?
  23. sorry i thought you where talking about a forum link, i haven't be using AM for about 6 months so i am indeed a little rusty. thanks for the link BTW
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