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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by DJBREIT

  1. I sort of stombed uppon it just before you posted thanks You just need to return th zero to returm to path control.
  2. The ease only allows me to pause it along the path. After it pauses I need to change the rotation of the camera then return it to the paths control. Or do something that will do the same thing.
  3. Enforcement. yes that was it.
  4. I have the camera constrained to a path. But when it reaches the door I would like to have the camera follow the door as it opens. Then return to the paths direction after the door has opened so it can continue down the path. I have tried something’s but it ether did not work or it screwed up the hole scene. By sending the camera to 0,0,0 at the start of the scene.
  5. The five-point patch was added to solve a lot of problems in modeling. I think there is only one spot where a six point patch would be useful but all others can be fix with 3/4/5 patches. Even the 5-point patch has its problem. You run across them as you get into complex model. And learn how to avoid them. Tring to cover all number of cp groups would start to cause the computer to slow down and have some undesirable effects. So to keep it simple they stoped at 5-CP
  6. The one exeption is a 5-point patch can be one spline since it has an option to turn it into a patch or leave it as is.
  7. If you only use one spline to make three or four CP patch the program wont close it as a patch. This is done so you can make a cylinders or openings.
  8. Here is some help. The arrow shows your snap to grid. In tools/option/modeling where the yellow line is where you set your grid. Holding the keys from front view 1=X side to side 2=Y up & down 3=Z front to back "From front view" You can add a spline to a cp with out connecting to the other spline using the shift key. There are some shapes in the library you can use.
  9. An excellent reason to render with light buffers to EXR format. Then you can just change the lighting in A:M Composite to look like it's night. I think I remember hearing that all lights must have values other than 0,0,0 or 255,255,255 in order to be able to change the colors in AM Composite. I have to keep that in mind. But in this case it may not have help. Since I had the light on and I needed to have it at night with moon light coming throw the windows.
  10. Thanks for the info. Sorry for the late response. I had a long scene almost done rendering. Just to find out it needed to be at night time. I found out this seems to be an old problem. To do with the “render lines” and “hair system”. I found if you put a small patch above it, it renders fine.
  11. A small problem with hair or leaves in this case. I render the tree and the top comes in lighter then the rest of the tree. How do I fix it? Also I need to render this out as a image/decal with the background as transparency. What would be your approach?
  12. Thanks Nancy that was what I was looking for.
  13. how do I change the range from time to frame?
  14. I was rendering a long set of jpeg. and A:M had a problem. The last frame rendered was 979 I would like to start the render on 980. There is nothing spacial with the animation that I need to worry about I just need to restart it where it left off.
  15. It knocked out 28 groups of wood material in one shot. I just wish I had the rest selected. Doing it in note pad will take even longer. I have tried The pivots are stored like this in the Groups. Pivot=xxxx.xxx xxxx.xxx xxxx.xxx But if you have the Translate changed you will not be able to see the pivots in AM (I do have a report on that one) If someone wants to make a plug in that will do the same thing I can help. I was hopping that bug was a hidden command that they forgot to tell us about.
  16. I take it this was a bug. And After trying to reproduce it came up with nothing ether. Bummer the first bug that would have been rely handy.
  17. I was work on coping a bunch of group pivots to there material. After two hours of mind numbing work I hit some keys and the groups I was working on had there pivots numbers copied to the materials translate. I wish I new what keys I hit because it saved me a boat load of work. If You know something about this please post.
  18. Hmmmm It may have been like this. My lines maybe a different color since it is set to one that sticks out. Yours seem to be set at blue. What happened is I put on the CP lock in this image but to cause this first open your model and expanded it. Then open one of your work windows like "project workspace. Next put quick render on your model then close the work window. you should see the yellow line on the side. I think the yellow line is suppose to be the edge of the render window and normally is the same as your model window. It is just a glitch in AM Not a big one. To fix this turn of quick render. If it is some thing else then I don’t know.
  19. Do you mean something like this?
  20. The Ease sort of answered most of the question but left one problem. Since this is a tour I don't have a defined time line and I need to change and extend the path as I maps out the tour. the problem is the Ease is a percentage of the path so when I change or extend the path it throws off the movements and stops of the camera that I have laid out. If the ease was a time stamp this would not be a problem. Is there a fix or would you do something totally different instead of using a path?
  21. I am setting up for a video tour of a house I have made for You Tube. And after taking two days to figuring out how to get the doors and windows to work at the right time throw an action. It maybe faster to just ask. I am using a path with a camera. 1. How do I speed up/down and stop the camera along the path so I can have the camera stop and look around. 2. How do I set up so the cameras movement as the actions that dictate the time of the video instead of the path. Since it is a pain to recalculate the time ever time I make some changes to the cameras tour of the house. 3. How do I set up an object on the path ahead of the camera so the camera will aim at where it is going instead of where it is on the path. Just like a person would do. look at where they are going instead of where they are moving.
  22. Some how this double posted.
  23. This one turned out not to have some of the flexibility that I needed. This one I did try but after realizing I had to figure out the steps. I decided to ask to see if there was a simpler way of doing this instead of eating up my hole night on this one problem. But it turned out to be the one that I used to fix the roof. This is How the spline Was set up on the roof I isolated the part I was working on and made a spline along the edge of the roof line then using the “rotate translate” I made the spline flat wile keeping the CP distance the same as the coved piece.. No images after this do to two crashes And being frustrated I forgot to take them. Then went to “Pose mode” “ON/OFF” the switched to “muscle mode” then flattened ( as you said) the model with the property. “Y=0" then used the spline as a guide and stretch the outer splines to the CP marks on the single spline that I made from the edge. Then I added the two decals one was a bump map the second was added as a diffuse map. No color map was added. Not a full render. Thank Nanncy
  24. I was putting decals on my models roof until I reached this curved piece I have tried a few things but it cames out distorted. So instead of poking and hoping all night I’m posting it here. What would be your approach to applying the decals to a curvy surface?
  25. I have found where it is coming from but how it is doing it is the bizarre thing. it is coning from one of the choreography. Since if I open the last choreography and start moving the light around the light in the model window moves. Since it is just an annoyance I will put it up in the AM report when it comes back up.
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