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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by c-wheeler

  1. Ok John- but the scan was only used because I got it in the post that morning and was excited - I didnt expect all this hassle
  2. Jeez! I should have checked this a bit more often - or is it just the 8hr time difference? Ok Where to start The original image was rendered out at 2550 by 3610. There were bits that needed toucing up What do you want to see?
  3. and side view
  4. New character
  5. I forgot the pic
  6. For some time now I have been illustrating their website and writing a book for them-and the armourers guild- a sort of "a get the most from your fencing kit"(so not a likely best seller) ,and had already made "toon style" models of a lot of the equipment, as well as videos and some product visualisation for them. We first started to do realistic bits to use on the website when they found that some of the pics they had of the real thing, didn't look as realistic as the models, and being very small, were very difficult to photograph well. I was working with them on the "personal equipment" section which included masks(and other bits of equipment) and had modeled a lot of it so that I could show various parts and take them to bits and show how to repair them. It did not have a high level of finish and looked like the atatched pic. When I was asked if I could provide a realistic pic for them I just said "yes" Also I just had a look at one of the scans I did for the blak backstrap, the white flecking was on the original scan as well. It looks like white cotton or something, probably off my t-shirt.
  7. That looks realy good, well done Chris. Any chance of seeing the bone setup?
  8. The slightly blurred edging on the white elastic was actually a mistake. When I rendered out there was a white line where there was a problam with the decals. On some of the decals used absolute black(0.0.0.) and I think it came out transparent.???? Anyway ther were several patches. All the touchup was done with corel photopaint I used scans of the actual parts from the manufactures for the textures The cloth was flattened in a pose before any decaling was added. Stitching was both color and bumpmap
  9. Mr. Jaqe, I cant seem to log onto the ftp site without a password
  10. Funnily enough, I happen to have an epee or two and some gloves, britches,jacket, maybe I could do something where they all assemble themselves and fight it out........... Would that count as a mood shot?
  11. Now-if only I could win the immage contest.......
  12. The mask mesh is a material, grid turbulance, sphere maped with 2 attributes, black and white with the white on 100% transparancy. Its actually 5 differnt sets of the material, because I was unable to get the allover pattern right. I also used an enviromental light blur on the chrome studs, as well as other materials on the plastic and on the black non-metallic areas of the mask. All the rest is made of combinations of decals(colour bump etc) applied to the right spot. The accidental wrinkles- aren't accidental It's the attention to detail that takes your work with this program from basic to pro. My improvement I put down to Frank Silas and the apprentiship scheme.And reading tutorials. And plugging away at it. And......No one expects the spannish inquistion.
  13. Here you go Vernon! Actually it was only down to the excellant tutorials on your website that I was able to get the detail right. So its all thanks to you But no royalties, OK?
  14. This is a previous one done for the same people:- Another link for a larger pic here :- A-guild
  15. Not the whole add, no. The mask was rendered against a photoshop background at 1200 * 1600( not exactly), Then the text was added over the top
  16. Well, this is the first time I've felt I could post in this section. This is a recently published ad illustration made with AM. You can click here for a larger size picMask
  17. "Maybe I know they were bronze but I am not sure they were always bronze. Surely at some point they started making them from steel. I am not really sure but I think steel just looks cooler " Yeah I know they werent allways bronze- I think they changed at about 500bc to Iron, but definately not steel- steel was to brittle and would shatter- the kelts developed a system of twisting soft Iron and hardened steel into blades that gave a unique edge pattern. I think this was copied by the japanese armourers in the development of their swords Chris
  18. Shouldn't that Hopolite sword be bronze? Some realistic sword bits:- Chris Wheeler
  19. Paul. thanks so much! I never thought of doing it like that. I guess i just got bogged down. Once again, thanks!
  20. Paul thats a nice effect! How did you do it? Which way did you approach it? I just spent 3 hours just getting nowhere with that Thats close to what I want , the final effect is to have the tape wind around the bar 3 or 4 times in a in a spiral pattern as it's held in a vice, then wire is wound around after it.
  21. Nice models! Did you model the fish in AM? or use another program ZBrush?
  22. Not in London, but I do get up there occasionally, If that counts? Chris Wheeler http://home.btconnect.com/FatclownFilms/
  23. Thanks Pat I shall now have a little play!
  24. I like penguins too and have been working on my own little thing with them.
  25. AdamJames- Yes it is. It's the new LeonPaul GTFoilPoint. and the illustration will go on advertising material. I got this job because they saw this stuff on the web - http://home.btconnect.com/FatclownFilms/foil_page.html all illustrations were done in AM Zacktaitch it was meanr to be transparent plastic, but I think you are right mootsger I assume you mean like a plain sheet. I will try that XTaz, I will try for more reflection in the stainless steel and add some grunge. If anyone is interested I will post the lighting setup. Thanks all for the advice Chris Wheeler
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