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Everything posted by Cross

  1. I can't really put my finger on it, but this project is missing something... (EDIT: a little better now...)
  2. They have that. My brother has this shotgun, I'll find out the name. It basically negates the recoil into spings in but of the gun. It looks very much like the guns the soldiers had in Aliens. awsome, i don't know if i'd go so far as to put taht sort of detail into this project, but with this new shot, i can tell i'm going to spend quite a while with this one. I still am getting pretty frustrated with the city idea. anyone have any ideas for starting the background up? at all?
  3. I think its more a tiny issue of a little too much ambiance. if you reduce the lighting just slightly it might do the trick. If need be, you can make a "negative light" over the table. (Negative light meaning a negative value for the intensity %) other than that, this is an incredible piece so far!
  4. now thats something i'd like to see in action...
  5. Thanks! yeah, i just started thinking about that too. The thing would look a whole lot more threatening if it hadd bigger shells... hahah. I'll get to work on that.
  6. Yeah, thats the kind idea i had goin off in my head too, just wanted a second opinion though. Thanks! New Shot, by the way.
  7. trying to think of an environment to put him in, but drawing a blank... does anyone have any ideas? (EDIT: Better Lighting) (EDIT: Another possible shot) (EDIT: Yet, another better shot)
  8. Open your Libraries (ALT+5) and look in the projects section and open the PARTICLES folder. Open the Explosion animation and tinker around with the sprites and turn them all shades of purple/blue. you should be able to make a blue explosion. it's the closest thing i know.
  9. can anyone see anything wrong?
  10. A few more updates, just starting to make a few metal parts to polish him all up. Any other ideas for sci-fi type pats to add to him to make it look more like the sort?
  11. Large update on the project... yeah, call me lazy for not reposting more of my progress sooner, but i really was on a roll with this one. Here's a render of the basic shapes of the body in full render, and shaded wire, Front and back as well as a close up on the newly remodeled face. any... pointers on where to go from here?
  12. Here's what i've done so far:
  13. I... need some serious help with building a character for this model. I'd started making a model for the character, but it turned out pretty badly. Does anyone have any way that i could go about creating this model? Where should i start? I always seem to have a great deal of trouble creating the chin/neck combination. Any pointers? Bellato_Warrior_Level_53.bmp
  14. thanks, been a while since i've worked on this one actually.
  15. ...ouch... yeah, never thought about that... but yeah... they're busted up satelites etc. I'm still going to enter it in... but next time i'll be sure to enter it in later... because yeah i can totally see how i screwed up. BUT there is still a lot more that i could do with this piece... so yeah, EDIT: This is NOT the final render for this (yeah... call me indecisive but who cares) I'll post my final render on December 31st or so. Keep a look out for it
  16. Not a whole lot to say... just... here it is.
  17. That is a trick I learned from DanCBradbury using a white HDR image on a plane that is above the model Wow, i can tell the difference! thats really great, I might end up using that for my project ("Almost ready for submission") From what i can see, the model is looking great! I'm not sure from my experience, I think the lazy way to make it crash would be to use a sprite emitter to show pieces of it flying all over, etc. but you could also have genuine fragments of the model expeled from the crash sight. Smoke and steam will be your best friend on this project... obviously. Here's a word document containing a file on how i made my burning material. It might work for some purpose on this project. Hope it helps! -Cross Material_effectors_in_animation.doc
  18. The gloss is really nice... is there a material on the craft itself?
  19. I agree... probably, the reason why i turned the gradient to black/white is that it was green gradient that clashed horribly with the flame and the planets, but i could definately change the gradient of the sky to a nice redish orange flaming glare... or something... thanks for the tip! I'll get right on that.
  20. Mostly, it's just a project for free time. I was just asking for insight on anything i could do more to it. It's supposed to be more of a sci-fi genre since i was going to use it as a visual for my senior project. I was just asking thoughts on what type of objects i should have drifting in the background.
  21. So here's my stuff, in all it's glory... but i was wondering, i've heard so much about mist, steam, etc but havent had a chance to use the volumetrics... i was thinking of adding in some space junk or something, what do you think?
  22. It's really coming together! Me, I've been making a space background and I might consider doing something similar to this (My post "Suit of Armor"). I've posted a few new pictures since last time.
  23. ...thanks robert hahah...
  24. New Pic, i got an idea from a friend to do a space background. I'm going to add in planets and sat. beacons etc, maybe some ships of duplicate models in the background. any suggestions?
  25. No... i haven't, but i should try to use those for say, dripping flame or such, thanks for the idea.
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