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Everything posted by tbenefi33
Mary Christmas.
Now I finally understand why you do a half of a model a lot easy to work with.
That's pretty cool.
I still got a lot sculpting the spline to do cause the body looks like a jump suit in stead of a body. Please excuse the mess in the room where in the process of moving.
Worked on the ears I found colins tutorials on the site and followed the ears this is what I came up with, I'm still tweaking the ears and noise colins tutorial are relay good and easy to follow. thank you colins for posting these tutorials
I'm still shaping and sculpting the around the eyes and noise, I got a knot on my head I'll probably leave that out....LOL What would you use to paint it in ? For some reason it looks weird seeing your head in 3d.
Awesome job I like to the toon render.
I redone the model and I got less spline this time I think, I need to tweek my nose and mouth a little bit. this is what I got so far.
Happy Birthday
This is my second attempt. I think I got the eyes like yours in the drawing darkwing I'm still messing with it though I don't have to worrier about working on my mouth to much cause it small...lol
Thanks for the link that's a nice model you done of Lance. What's a loop around the eyes ?
I was bored last night and took front and side view of me at 2:00 am I decide to do a model of my head just for practice . Looks like I needed some red bull last night.
Finally got the look I was going for, Time to work on the character's 3 guards and 1 prisoner haven't made up my mind who I won't the prisoner to be.
Ok figured it out it was real simple so simple I could kick my self in the butt. The camera was right behind a wall of the front building leading to the main cell block I for got that I haven't added any light in there yet I was just looking at a wall I hate doing mistake light that.
I had to reset the setting, then I made a new roof top I left the lighting and rim lighting the same and for some reason in the choreographic it's turning completely black, the lighting is black but at 25% intensity
I soften up the light in the shadow casting light it cam out a hole lot better thank you homeslice and to the other ones who's been helping me. I need to get rid some of the red on the hand rails to much red and make a decale for back gun gallery that's still bugging me about got it the way I want it to look though. It's amazing how lighting can make or break model.
I bought got the light setting right still playing with it though. How can I get rid of the bar shadows on the floor with out deleting bars on the roof windows to make it look solid like in the pics ?
I'm done with the b and c block of Alcatraz Prison that the only part I need of the prison for what I got in mind. Right now just playing with the lights and that back white part bugging me I may have to change that.
Robcat2075 after you said image I got to looking at the image layout in the choreographic and it was off a little bit and I had re-size every thing but got it looking right this time I need work on the red decal at the bottom of the rails though. John Bigboote yap a lot of copy and past with the cell rooms I had to import model in the choreographic and hide the others models so movie faster to work with getting the hang of though. This one here what I going for
About got the main part of Alcatraz prison done when said and done I think I need to space it apart a little bit think I need to add the lights down the middle of the rafters and put the numbers on the doors make a couple of prison guard and a model should be about it I'll probably keep adding on as I go along. Who would you see like to get locked up.?
You need the extra floors so the convicts can throw stuff down on new arrivals. LOL Ok They won't be throwing stuff at Lindsay Lohan there going to be howling. You may get slowdown again as you add more units. If that happens you may want to to consider an alternate simplified version of the unit that you can use for far away instances. Wish you can copy and past in the choreographies or hold down on side while you scale the other side .