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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by noober

  1. Here's another shot from my job that I started on yesterday. Its getting there but I still have a lot to do to it. Its toon render. All comments are welcome.
  2. Well I looked at the link you sent, and though it is a great resource. I was thinking of doing more architectural and mechanical. Maybe some basic exercises for beginners and move from there.
  3. I think your just seeing the shader coming from the toon render. Try rotating underneath and render that. That should work. If so you need to set up a .chor file. Render from there with light. you will see what you actually get. Hope that helps.
  4. I was wondering if anyone one would be interested in me making a tutorial. I don't claim to know all the ins and outs of AM but I have learned a lot working full time for the past 2 1/2 years. I mainly am a modeler, so I could do some tutorials showing how I built some things. I was thinking about some exercises for beginners, then move to more specific items like cars or buildings. So anyone interested? They would be free for all. Hopefully I could post them on the forums.
  5. Great start. Can't wait to see more.
  6. Well I'm in the process of using hair to create foilage. So far so good. Now I need to model a vine. I was thinking of using splines to simulate the vine. can i use a single spline as an emitter?" One more question... Can an emmited object be given more flex points like an emmited streak?
  7. I know the software is made to do this. I personally have tried this before with little success. I sure hope that someone can shed light on this. I have though been semi successful in exporting autodesk files. Though after converting to polys I get gaps where hooks and 5point patches were. But that is to be expected going from spline to polygon.
  8. See thats why your the man. thanks
  9. I have a decal applied to the floor. And it repeats over and over abot 20x20. My problem is when it renders it realy starts to blur as you get closer to the camera. I thought i read something about antiailising. Is this what I need? If so where are its controls? Please someone help. I'm at work working on this right now. Help before the next hour or so is crucial. Thanks for yalls help.
  10. Looking good. I see the spring and the cam, but I cant see the valves.
  11. Bikes are looking good so far.... Love the style your using.
  12. Looking really good. Keep at it. It took me a while to finish mine.
  13. So maybe I'm blind. But could someone show me were the image contest are held? Thanks Shane
  14. Vern said it right. Photoshop or some other tga editing software. I use Photoshop CS 2. But even Photoshop elements should do what your looking for.
  15. I did this back in school. Remember I did this with competitive software, but perhaps you could get some tips on helping yours along. Hope y'all enjoy.
  16. Nah, im good. The film takes place in mid bronze age. Its in its 3 year of production now. Got a year or so left. Then we got another film to start on. Work work work...
  17. This is another scene in progress. Its another scene for my job. Hope you all enjoy. All comments welcome, but remember its toon render.
  18. Building a engine is a great task to take on. While I was in school I had a teacher say that a "student" was not capable of building a running engine. That was all I needed to get started. It took two weeks. But I got it. I used a 3d software that was not Animation Master so I wont post it. Unless someone would like to see the wire frame, perhaps Hash won't mind.
  19. This is where I'm at, for the moment. Enjoy...
  20. I think your right. Thats what I'm looking for. Do I use that as well as fog. Because I would like both effects.
  21. Now I'm trying to surface the bridge itself... Still need help with the fog. Wish the light coming through the fog was a littler more defined.
  22. The light source needs the hard light coming through the fog. I dont want to turn the fog up, the bridge will not show up enough. So I need to find a medium ground.
  23. This is something I have wanted to do for some time now. Its still WIP but I'll give you guys a peak. I would love to know how to make the fog in the light "sharper". Any thoughts?
  24. OK how can I make the fog in the light to be "thicker"? Is it a setting in the light or is it something with the camera?
  25. Never mind, I found it...
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