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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Rodney

  1. Is it possible for a conch shell to have multiple personalities? Sure looks to be the case. Let me tell you the story... Once upon a time in a far away land a man seeking wisdom sought the council of the conch. He arrived at the fount of information and pleaded his case for wisdom into the conch. He got much more for his efforts that day as three, count 'em three voices issued forth from the conch in effort to guide him on his path toward enlightenment in the art of Copy/Flip/Attach. The first voice said, when you copy flip and attach sometimes the flip is in a direction other than desired. One way to fix this is to move the model or mesh closer to the 0,0,0 coordinates. The software will do the rest. The second voice spoke: Another way is to create a spline to guide you on your path. When the C/F/A is complete delete the extra spline. And the last voice simply stated: Pivot is the key my son. The voices fell silent. And the man departed with his newly found light. The producers would like to thanks the cast for they're contribution. Voice 1: Rodney Voice 2: Takahiro Voice 3: Phillip Leavens
  2. Very cute! Looking forward to more of the story. ... and the eventual team up with Vernon's Cereal Killers, of course!
  3. I am NOT on a need to know basis. But a very funny/fun animation, never-the-less!
  4. Excellent fix Robert! I heartily agree! Zach, you can lose the helmet, suit and all the extra bulk. Model Neil with a suit and tie. The tie, of course could be long or short... short or long... depending on the specific needs of your story... This will greatly simplify your rigging process... Yep that's the ticket! This and other helpful tips can be yours for free by joining the Animation Master forum. This has not been a paid advertisement by anyone you know or care to know. (I'll be seeking professional help now, thanks!) BYE! P.S. Nice model thus far!
  5. Yes! Glad to hear we'll see more of the IGORs. A battle royale would be sweet! I haven't seen any Superheroes around here for a long time... none in the style you are presenting them in. I'm really looking forward to seeing where you are going with the Superheroe theme. I've decided to stay as far away from posting anything superhero related so as not to mess in any way with your vision. I assume you'll be entering the comic contest for March! Concerning naming files: One thing I would recommend when adding the date to the name is start with the year, then month, then day. That way when you sort files in your directory they will line up accordingly. Using your example: ToonBiplane20040222Exploding - I use four digit years but 2 digit will work Multiple updates saved to file: ToonBiplane20040224Exploding ToonBiplane20040227Exploding ToonBiplane20040222Exploding Get sorted automatically or with a right click and sort: ToonBiplane20040222Exploding ToonBiplane20040224Exploding ToonBiplane20040227Exploding I don't like to put spaces in files either...
  6. When you say you've abondoned the lab stuff. Does that mean we won't see any animation come out of this? Sure would like to see the IGORs moving through the scene. Not to mention some animation from you. You also said concerning files in you PWS: Me too, but I've been getting entire words wrong lately. You just appear to have the occasional letters capped/uncapped. The reason I ask is that I've experimented a little with a method to remind me of the stages a file might be in. Your letters made me think of that. I say experimented because I've never got to any conclusion or method that 'works'. What I experimented with is capitalizing to indicate the state of completion of the model. Example: CHARACTER GUY - All Caps - I don't use all caps but I guess this could mean the model has been perfected. Maybe it could mean a HIGH RESOLUTION version of the Final model. CharacterGuy - Caps for the beginning of each word item - Indicates completed model Characterguy - Caps only on the first letter - Mostly complete - Can be textured characterguy - no caps - draft model Most people would probably just put the word "draft", "High Res" or something descriptive in the name itself but no.... I have to experiment... Of course versions can always get the number at the end. I suppose this is pretty standard for many people in A:M. The number added to the model though would seem to say that this guy is a substantially different character; i.e. CharacterGuy1, CharacterGuy2, etc. I think of your variations on your superheroes as a good example. My guess would be that you would enter their names as their filename though, right? Sorry to be a bore... thinking while I'm typing... you seem to be an available target! Should be sleeping instead...
  7. Note to self: 12 frames per beat AND do it "Exactly" Got it. Thanks!
  8. Thanks for the info! Good thing you told me it was typed in randomly... I'd hate to think I might have gone in and tried to decipher the thing! Don't know if I'll do anything with all the info I'm accumulating concerning forum postin but it (like a lot of other things I learn here) may be of use... some day. Thanks!
  9. Especially like your spline post. Gives excellent insight into how you are putting it together. Thanks!
  10. I should have added: I like the language/characters in the background. Any info on that... Have you designed a language? ...Built your own fonts? How did you get it in the image? Inside A:M? Post Effect? I'm curious.
  11. I'll say I like the layout of this one. Looks like a movie poster... BUT the real reason I'm posting is OFF TOPIC. The recent use of links to navigate the forum is You linked to a file using a word search option... ultra cool. I was just looking at some of the things others have been doing concerning linking other posts... the idea hit me that Hash or someone else might be able to put together a page that linked to interesting subjects, images, etc in the forum... a kind of forum highlight page if you will. John taught me one himself a few posts ago: How to drill down into a thread to arrive at the exact post: Example, to go to John's post that 'clued' me in click the following link: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1079&st=135 and now Ross added the word search with highlight: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3676&hl=conch &hl=conch being the option to highlight the word conch in a thread search Maybe I should read the forum Help files, eh? At any rate, whether creating mermen or posting cool forum links you have my attention!
  12. Took the family to the Denver museum today... gave me all kinds of ideas. Sure wish I could get motivated to implement them. Until sleep or motiviation overtakes me here's a shot of some Cryogreen tubes... wonder what's inside them... Couldn't get into adding materials...
  13. Pretty impressive stuff! Looks better than ever. I'd post more but looks like you have it goin' on...
  14. Speaking of not having any ideas... I figure I must be in a fit of depression 'cause I don't really have anything to post as an update... One of my computers crashed while trying to install a new video card... that is probably the cause of my current state of mind. For a minute or two I even thought I might be able to work some things into a submission for this months image contest... not lookin' good at all... The forum seems to have largely shut down for the weekend as well What to do... what to do...
  15. As a first head... looks good and I can see the resemblance! Keep it up!
  16. First, I apologize for posting such a large graphic to you WIP area. I'll fix that asap. Downloaded your Lab Project. Really cool. Especially nice to see how other's put their projects together. 1 Question: Some of your entries in the PWS have lowercase letters. Some super secret coding to remind you of something? Or just the way it showed up in the PWS... Curious to know. Evidence:
  17. John, You just gotta update your forum information so people can click over to your website. How am I suppose to be lazy and get to your site if you don't update. Seeya, I'm off to download a cool project (the hard way).
  18. You... you mean we can download... That!!! YesYesYesYesYes! Whooo HOooooooooo! er... Thanks John ...yesyesyesyesyesyes...
  19. Clipped the following from a previous post of yours: So, what happened to the 'daily' updates already. Lets see some more superheroes! Or do we have to wait until after the 29th deadline?
  20. Talk about your ability to articulate! I like. I'd like to suggest that the hands be a bit thicker at the base of the hand. Since this is a mech I'm sure you have all that covered though. Look forward to seeing more...
  21. It is written: There is nothing new under the sun (Where's my KJT) My efforts are a testament that there is no exception to the rule. I'll bet you have a lots and lots of ideas! Just smash a few of them together and see what form they take. FWIW KJT=King James Translation
  22. Very nice. Might want to pass the idea on to Coca Cola... I see $$$ in your future.
  23. John, Questions if I may regarding story "voice": I'm struggling a bit with my current WIP. Seems I have a conflict between humor/serious realistic/cartoony. I figure you may have some insight as your superheroes are most definitely cartoony (maybe better worded claymation-like)--truly awesome designs. From my perspective, without knowing where you are headed, I could see your characters performing humorously or on the other hand used to deliver a serious message, or at the very least act in a serious manner within their cartoon world. Boid of a Feather comes to mind as does your recently posted Advertisement. Humor and Seriousness--Cartoony but Realistic... Apparently they can cooexist but there's a fine line. If you can comment on the subject without revealing too much about your project... it would be much appreciated.
  24. Zach wrote: You A:M guys are eerily psychic... truely scarely... I really doubt you had anything to do with the first two... But the third... Where will you be on the night of the 24 April 2020? Don't answer that question... until you talk to a lawyer.
  25. Zach, I owe you bigtime! I logged in this morning and read your post just before leaving to take my daughter to school. On the walk, the subject of storyline weighed heavy on my mind. The overarching storyline is simply too epic in nature (and unfortunatley so to are all my creations ) The day of inevitable slowdown in progress is at hand. I'll be back to work (real world) soon. I took about a week off to relax... haven't done much of that! Anyway... Your post directed me toward the selection of a portion of the story that might be accomplishable within a reasonable amount of time. Concerning sharing a bit from the storyline. In time... in time... Your post reminded me that this is not necessarily "My" story. An important revelation to the whole structure of "My Robot Movie"--believe me!. I'd like to share the story but I'm not sure I can given the chaotic nature of all elements at this point in time. "Can" I share part(s) of the story with the list? I guess the answer is no for now as the story is just too broad... I see a script in the future... but in the short term images and ideas must continue to flow... Not to mention... revealing to much would definitely ruin any WOW factor. Certainly not enough WOW factor in the world. At least the part that I have any control over. I think all of this is coming together though... Spline by spline by spline... Now, on the way BACK from school, I remembered another storyline that PERFECTLY fits into "MRM" continuity. Unfortunately, it also is an epic of it's own...
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