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Help I am just Learning


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Where to start? ;) But how are you to know what you're doing wrong as there's no obvious guidelines....so, here's the lowdown....again:


First thing to know is to click on a line and you will see at the cp there is a yellow handle. If a spline is continuous, this handle should have a square on both ends. Grabbing the squares and moving them(then press undo after) will indicate which direction the spline goes.


1) In one CP there should be only 4 lines coming out. Anything more or less will produce a crease. You can use 5 point patches and hooks to get around this problem. Study the models on the cd to see how to use these.


2) The 4 lines should equate to 2 splines. That means you have 2 continuous splines running through every CP. The splines should cross each other like so..... X.....and not like this......)(


3) From your model, it looks like the lines on the outside and around the mouth and eyes are made up of many small splines. These should be consolidated into longer continuous splines.


4) Reduce the number of splines in the face. In particular coming off the nose...this can be done with hooks.


5) Stitching a spline into an exising patch produces a spline that constrains to the patches orientation. So no "roughness" will occur from misplacing a cp.


That's enough for now. :)


I should say, this is a better first effort than any I made!

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Okay I started over and tried what you said. I gues I need to get use to the program being that when I try to adjust the handles it just goes crazy. How can I get better control over it. Then when I tried to mirror the other have it does it along the z axis.


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I think you just pushed the extrude-button at the wrong places...

Try to connect the splines by hand where they are too straight and it should work better...

In the end you can make a smooth surface in many ways. Maybe even like what you did here...


If you have too many problems with the handlers(shouldnt be there... maybe when you try to animate them but not in the modelling-window) you can control the biases by activating the "Show Manipulator Properties"-option or in the properties itself, but that needs some expierence.




PS: After that you can try the smooth-plugin from s.gross...

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i'd recommend that you look at a few other face tutes. not to copy, but to see how others have approached the problem.


for example: most folks start from the eyes and mouth, and then extrude the loops out.


after four years, i'm still trying to smooth out my faces... it's all about practice.



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You should adjust the handles before mirroring. Just use your mouse to move the handles...doesn't go crasy for me. I think you might mean it goes crasy on the other side. This is a problem with the current release and we're all hoping it will be addressed soon. It's to do with the pivot point.


You can drag the porcelain material onto your model to make it smooth.

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Maybe you could deliever the model to us, so we could look into it and give you some more tips on doing it better?




PS: I dont think that is it too bad after all... if you get the creases out, it will get a good model (maybe)

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so your saying if you mess up there is no way to recover the model?

Not at all. You'll just have to go back and edit the model. To do that, you would copy the half you want to work on. Then delete the model and paste that half back. The main problem area from the pic is the cheek. It just looks like the spline isn't continuous or maybe the cps are peaked?

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I've marked all the problem areas I could see. Number 1 is a continuity problem. The rest are problems of too many splines going through a cp. You haven't used any 5 point patches at all. You cannot make a face without them.


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Your model is looking better and better. A couple things to try to make it even more smoother are to make the patches as square as possible and as equal in size as the patches next to them. You also might try using hooks in the many rows of splines going up the middle of the forehead. That will eliminate the waviness caused by the splines being so close together.


Keep going, it's really coming along nicely.



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