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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Prj Files Won't Update on 2nd Computer [solved!]


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Boy these quirks just KEEP finding me. When copying a Prj from Computer 1 (System 7) to Computer 2 (System 10) the Prj files refuse to update. Have tried re-naming the Prj files-no effect, tried closing AM down before transfer-no effect.

This involves 3 Material effector objects. When the transferred Prj file is opened on machine 2 the objects are in the Object list but will NOT show up in the Chor and with none of the animation that was saved.

Have tried to replicate this with smaller sample Prj files without success. Also had this problem with Lights and Models not showing up when transferred.

Anybody else run into this? Have run out of ideas to try. Any help appreciated.

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  • Hash Fellow

No, I haven't seen that happen before.

Try this...

On the first machine, save the chor out as a separate .cho file.

Then save the PRJ as a new PRJ with a new name.

Take both to the new computer.

Open the PRJ and import the .cho file into it

Do Embed All and save the PRJ with a new name.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Have tried all those things that you just mentioned. No effect. It's as though it's accessing some ghost prj or chor file and refusing to update. The only thing that works is when I completely erase the database from the thumb drive and re-copy everything over again but just saving out the chor or prj doesn't work. (even with different names)

thanks again for responding tho robcat.

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Just throwing this out there, but are you using Microsoft OneDrive by any chance?  It's a wild guess, but maybe the .prj file you're copying from source machine isn't the actual file you want.  For example, on my Win10 laptop I've got a C:\Users\{username}\Documents folder as well as a C:\Users\{username}\OneDrive\Documents.  If I double click on the "Documents" folder in the quick access panel on the left of Explorer, it's actually opening the "OneDrive\Documents" folder and not the other one.

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The chor was being saved to disk and I wasn't replacing that file just the prj so when I copied only the prj files and not the saved chor file the prj just called in that saved chor (which was not updated) and it appeared to not update.

Mystery solved.

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  • robcat2075 changed the title to Prj Files Won't Update on 2nd Computer [solved!]

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