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Microsoft Hololens, Oculus Rift, VR/AR


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Microsoft accidentally went and made something cool (accidentally on purpose maybe?).


I looked at the developer kit, though, and it costs $3000.


I think this is going to be the next Wild West of the computing scene, but the problem is I don't see Joe and Jane Sixpack being able to afford a $3000 or even $1000 headset. Maybe if the price was down to the $150-$300 range, if it was the low end of that that wouldn't be much more than what it costs to be an early adopter for a high-end console (assuming you needed to buy 4 headsets so the entire family can use it).


Oculus Rift and HTC Vive have a similar problem, they are in the $600-$800 range, along with having to have a fairly high-end pc to connect it to.


Is anyone aware of any affordable VR or AR development kits? Google Cardboard, maybe? (I'm assuming that works with any reasonably modern Android phone).



Cast AR looked promising as an affordable platform (glasses in the $200 range) but they seem to have gone back to the drawing board recently.

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The HoloLens is superior to everything else I have seen and it is that expensive, because it is a system by its own. No need to attach it to a computer or something like that. You can really walk around with it.

If you take that in account, it is not that expensive any more, since you can leave your $2000 gaming rig at the store (which you need for good VR anyway...)


Everything else today is not that interesting to me. There is of cause the Oculus Rift and stuff like that which is nice, but being able to really see reality and combine it with the "holograms" is really very cool.

One of the biggest reasons is: You are not going to be sick with the HoloLens... most people get sick or at least have a funny feeling even with the most modern VR-sets available and even much faster if those use a camera to try to simulate "AR" on it. (which means you get some kind of lag between your movement and the stuff you see, since the processing of the image inbetween takes a little time... its gotten better, but it still is not where it needs to be.


Card-Board-Stuff can be used on any mobile platform, may it be iOS, Windows 10 Mobile or Android. They work all the same and are the cheapest option available. Unity3d can be used to create those kind of applications (and as far as I've seen any VR or AR application... not sure about the HoloLens).

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If you want to get started with VR low end development starts around $100 for android system.

either get the google cardboard or get the Samsung system. its a great way to get your foot in the door.


they are still on the ground floor of VR. I have done a few things with the HTC Vive and Unity. its a steep learning curve if your not use to coding.

but once you get the idea of what you are doing its not that bad. I still have like 30 courses left to take before I get total grasp at what im doing but after 2 months I got a working demo running on my own.

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