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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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I didn't try multi-pass. I'll experiment with that too.


I've found a solution to the difficulty ( possibly) but not an answer to the problem causing it.

I've deleted the layer and replaced it with a new backdrop on the same scale using the same decal.

If it works I' get it composited and posted later



Here's the result I get with Multipass. No jitter.




Are you doing that in V18 ?

I'm puzzled.

I've got a version with no jitter now, but had to substitute a .mdl file for the layer and use the jpg as a decal at the appropriate scale.

Each time I thought I'd 'cracked it' I rendered a test and got jitter.

How did you do it ?




heres a test with no layer and a mdl plane.

NHF S sixB2.mov

  • Hash Fellow

The only change I made to your chor was to force the first camera keyframe to Hold interpolation


The only change I made to your chor was to force the first camera keyframe to Hold interpolation


Thank you. I tried that, and retained it thereafter but, still got the twitching.

A puzzle indeed. I wonder if it was a by product of the Toon render ?





Thank you. I remembered your example and was thinking of it when I tried mine.

Your background photos were a lot better than mine and fitted together very well.

Mine did not.

I have another project that your example will work really well on and will use it then,

It uses a time lapse sequence with a motorised camera turn,, so the photos all link up nicely.



  • 4 weeks later...

Haven't worked out the clouds yet but, this was an idea towards the intro for the project.

Going for a time lapse effect.

Its going to be a TV commercial for the property developers and acts as a link between two scenes.

Any critical feedback very welcome.







720 conversion from 1080 file



Thank you for your feedback. Much appreciated.


I'm trying to get it to look like a TV commercial for a property developer. Its the link into the second scene where, the two main characters are having lunch in front of the news on TV. It sets up the location for later in the short, when the Bill and Doris go to visit their daughter and grandchildren. The news report is about the developers going bust and the financial crisis reaching the region.

Basically, its the context in which the narrative takes place.

Hope that doesn't all sound too pompous.



  • Hash Fellow

I think it ought to start with nothing on the ground rather than the first set of blocks.


For the clouds, i think you need an actual timelapse of clouds drifting by rather than dissolves from different shots. The different cloud shots are distracting from the buildings.


Could you set up a camera and click off a frame every 5 minutes?



Thank you for your feedback.

Agree about the starting blocks ( ! pardon pun ) but I think the clouds work OK as an indicator of seasonal time ? I hadn't thought of that initially, but followed up a suggestion on FB. It seemed to make more sense to give a longer timelapse than a short version, given that it covers one house, then the whole estate being built ?


I have a lot of timelapse cloud sequences from other projects ( presently resting in the fridge, awaiting reheating ). Its relatively easy to do these days with a DSLR and a laptop, even bought a clockwork rotating head so you can get panoramic timelapses. Ebay is a terrible diverter of funding !!!



  • Admin

Looks good from here Simon.




Just in case you are wondering... I don't often comment on things that look good enough to go to the next stage.

Some folks prefer deep feedback and others look for encouragement but I struggle a bit with this... it sounds silly but... I guess I want what I write to be read. ;)

Yes, I read too much into this but some people don't care for 'Looks good.' commentary and some desire in depth feedback, analysis, etc. etc. even to the point of discussing the tiniest detail.

But we can also over analyse a shot to the point where nothing ever gets finished.

We definitely don't want to do that.


I'll have to look at the forum's 'Like' system and see if it could be tweaked for use with a method to quickly suggest a thumbs up/green light.

Then it might become mostly a matter of looking for those cues from people whose feedback you consider sufficiently in line with your expectations to commit to moving forward.


Bottom line: You are making impressive progress with this project and I enjoy seeing your updates. That's why we have this WIP section.

Keep it up!



Thank you very much for your feedback and encouragement. Much appreciated.

I'm happy with all feedback, I get a bit involved and start to lose perspective so, any comments or suggestions will help against that.

I Hope to have the next part done today. I have to make sure her hands stay in the handle bars and put the sky in . Minor details !



Two slightly different versions of the same scene.
001 has an all toon figure in the foreground,
002 has toon flesh over a 'normal' dress.
Any preferences ?
Mine is towards the second but very happy to hear other views ?
Hope to get the animated version done tomorrow.
Test 001.jpg
Test 002.jpg



This is the tipsy neighbour eyeing up the young gardener but, it also shows the problems I'm having with cp weighting. Hope to resolve that later today.

Robert pointed out the woman is looking straight ahead, where a lower and more sided gaze might be better. I will correct that but will wait to correct the weighting before re rendering, as the render times are very large with all the reflections going on.

any other critical feedback very welcome.



S5D 720.mov

  • 4 weeks later...

Still plugging away. Hope to have some QT files to post over the weekend,

This is a test towards part of scene five.

the background will come into focus when the figures exit towards the camera.



S5 comp.jpg


This is a VGA test without the focus pull


S5 G.mov

Just noticed a pesky shadow. DRAT !

back to the render for that.



  • 2 weeks later...

Apologies for the delay.Had to take some time away from cg work because it was driving me slightly round the twist. Had to get away from sitting in front of the thing and do something else.

Anyway. There are some glitches and continuity errors in this ( you may spot more than I have ) but, this is it so far.

Any critical feedback very welcome indeed,



NHF So Far.mov


Off to try catch the glitches and errors spotted so far.


A cautionary note,

Doris ( 70+ grandma,) directs a crude gesture at the tipsy neighbour at the very end of this sequence.

Apologies if anyone is offended. Its supposed to be in character.


This is about x6 as fast as it will be but, the intention is to use the motion blurred frames as inbetweens with the sound of a camera shutter 'freezing' the poses which will hold on screen as photo prints.

Thats the idea anyway ...



  • Admin

That was fun!
Nicely done. :)

Think the timing may have to speed up on the movements ?


Yes, I think so. Although it looks a bit like they are intentionally going slow so that their photos can be taken.


Thank you Rodney.I think its going to take a lot of small adjustments to get it 'right'. The blends between still frames was done in Final Cut but the rest is all AM.

I must admit to getting a bit fed up with it all because I've been bashing away at it for so long. But will get it done properly. Want to get all the animation done and the narrative working before doing all the sound.


Keep getting ideas for other projects but resisting starting them. The next one is likely to be a combination of AM sets and camerawork and hand drawn figures ( using TVpaint ). Need to get the script sorted first and the dialogue recorded as the animation will work off that. Happy Families is all voice over and sound effects.



  • Hash Fellow

I'm not sure I understand the story point being made. Or is this too small a segment for that?


The sliding feet bother me but maybe that's intentional?



Thank you for your feedback.

The story arc is that the couple are 'celebrating' their 50th wedding anniversary, They are light hearted about it but their daughter and son in law are much more formal and materially oriented. This part, and their arrival via motorcycles and fast car ( both linked to their competitive past ), are to show that they have not lost their lightness of spirit or settled for the slippers, TV and walking the dogs lifestyle often expected of people in their 70's. They are slightly rebellious and have more in common with the grandchildren than the middle generation.


"Vive la Difference"


It does have a sad ending though.





Plodding on, as ever.

Encountered a problem.


I'm preparing a series of stills to form part of a montage sequence. Trying to show part of the characters of Bill and Doris ( 70+ Grand parents ).


Prepared the series of poses in a single cho, then put a hold on each frame so it could be rendered out as a sequence without having to change anything.

The results were inconsistent, as you can see below. The models, lighting and render setting were identical in each frame but the way the width of toon line was rendered, changed markedly, on successive frames.


This was frame 002 of ten,

B and D 002.png


and this was frame 003 of the same sequence,

B and D 003.png


Notice the difference in the size of the toon limes ?


Can anyone kindly suggest a solution ?




PS an irrelevant question but, has the counter on the number of views for this thread gone haywire, it seems to leap up hugely each day ?

  • Admin

That appears to be the result of animating that toon line property although we'd have to check to see where that is.

An important clue would be the specific character/objects the change is occurring on although... you might look first for some animated parameter under the camera.



As for the number of views. We are experiencing a high number of guests and while we might hope each is a legit viewer some are surely running searches or downloading the entire forum. Some of that can be accomplished as a guest while other access would require a login. I've noticed an uptick in registrations too and some of that is legit... some opportunistic. I'm as docile as a lamb. As patient as a lion. I watch. I wait. I play and pounce as necessary. :)


For what it is worth, I also notice there are a lot more searches from search engines these days and while most of those types of visits appear to be quickly answered, the subject matters of the searches appear relevant (as opposed to random). That is encouraging. :).



Thank you for your help. Much appreciated. I shall have a look straightaway.


I was a bit taken aback that it was showing 30,000+ views but, only very few people actually comment and they seem to be the regulars.

Good news that the forum is receiving more traffic though !




I Tried it in V18 ( usually work in V17 ), but got the same result.

I looked in the PWS and there didn't appear to be any animated parameters under the camera.


so , incorporated everything except the images, and saved it out as a V18 file.

If somebody could kindly have a look to see where I might be going wrong ?

Thank you in advance.




Scene 06C.prj

  • Admin

Hmmm... I may not be much help.

When I render frames 2 and 3 the toon lines turn out the same.


I'm uploading a modified project file that removes a few models/objects that don't appear to be related to the problem.

The project should only render frames 2 and 3.


Try this project and see if you get the same (that is to say wrong) results.

Modified Scene 06C.prj



Thank you for your help. Much appreciated.

Unfortunately I got here slightly late so, will check it later tomorrow, after a good nights sleep and a busy day.




I tried the modified file Rodney kindly made for me, for which thank you.The results were slightly mixed


Frame 003.png


The figure on the left is the original and the other is from the modified file.

Encouraged, I tried to save the modified model. It saved but, when I tried to open it in V17, it was not allowed.

Tried again, several times, it finally allowed the process.

Is there a difference from the way V19 saves models to V17 ?


This is the modified model in V17, cho render on the left, Quick render to screen on the right.

Render settings the same for each



I'm going to try to composite around the problem in Photoshop but, it would be good to know how to fix it if possible.




Caution : There are a LOT of flashes in this


Will probably adjust the timing but, this is the montage section before resuming 'proper' animating.

Any critical feedback very welcome.





Should add, this is a 720 version of a 1080 setup.


  • Hash Fellow




This is the modified model in V17, cho render on the left, Quick render to screen on the right.

Render settings the same for each



Those are clearly different views. Are you SURE everything is the same? Same viewport?



Thank you for your reply and help, much appreciated.


I've just gone back and tried the modified Doris model in V18 and it rendered without the odd lines in both Quick render and File render versions.

Saved that model out as Doris C3,

Closed V18


Opened up V17.

Imported C3 and, to my surprise, it rendered ,both Quick render and File render, without the odd lines.

Closed that and reverted to the original C model.

To my even bigger surprise, that rendered , in both forms, without the odd lines .


Yesterday, it would only render with the bad lines.

As you may have detected, it was driving me slightly crackers.

One of the infuriating things about such problems is that I don't know if its me or something else causing the inconsistency


V17DorisC 006.png

This was rendered today, with the original unmodified file


B and D 006.png

This is the same model, same cho ( only minus background )

rendered yesterday


In the end, I used the V18 renders of the file Rodney kindly modified, and composited them into the scene.







Having some trouble with an intermittent render glitch.

This is a VGA render of the start of the next scene,

around frame 34 a set of dark marks start to appear on the top of the cake.

S8 000.mov


It was the same when, initially, it was rendered as a sequence rather than as a QT file.


then I tried again, with this result.

No marks.

S8 063.png


The only animation at this point is the camera move. Can anyone suggest what might be going on and how to fixit ?

Thank you.


  • 2 weeks later...
  • Hash Fellow

Suggestion: You can do the "toasting" gesture more clearly and more gracefully by including anticipation and arc.


You can build that all into one move by going slightly back, then down and forward ( the green path).


In this diagram the starting pose is blue , the ending pose is purple and the path of the hand is in green.





Thank you for your feedback. Very much appreciated.

I did try to put some anticipation and arc into it but, clearly not enough.

Not sure if I'll have the chance to redo itfor a while as it was taking 15-20 mins each frame to erase the non toon sections to reveal the toon underneath.


Inevitably that means it will be done but the completion date stretches again.





I had a quick review of progress so far earlier and there are acouple of scenes need reworking.

Hey ho...

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