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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

AM with touch support possible?

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Wondering if it is possible to implement touch support for AM for those with touch screens and for tablet connect via remote desktops.


Need a lazy mouse select?

Use common gestures for navigation, maybe modify for view manipulation?


For kicks I tossed on Remote Access on my iPad to my pc and AM displayed perfectly, navigation wasn't half bad but was almost impossible to do anything with since I would need a 2nd mouse button and modifier keys.

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  • Hash Fellow

I imagine it's possible.


I presume MacOS and now Windows have some library of code that reads the screen and converts gestures into messages to the operating system but I dont' know much about it or how one would code A:M to be ready for both. It's something Steffen would have to figure out and I don't know that we have enough tablet users to warrant it yet.


I had thoughts along this line when I tried using A:M with a pen on my cintiq and I found I could get by without right clicks or keyboard by using buttons in the interface that I typically never touched.


But the buttons would be too small for finger pointing I think.

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there is a big version of the buttons already available (at least for windows, possible for Macs too):

Go to "Tools > Customize > Toolbars" and hit the checkbox "large buttons".


Still this does not help with RMBs and stuff like that, but it is a start...


See you


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  • *A:M User*

I don't know how well AM would work on a tablet unless it had a 14" or 15" screen, and even then it would be difficult. I can't imagine being able to use it tolerably on anything less than a 10" device, even if it had larger buttons.

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  • Hash Fellow

I don't know how well AM would work on a tablet unless it had a 14" or 15" screen, and even then it would be difficult. I can't imagine being able to use it tolerably on anything less than a 10" device, even if it had larger buttons.


Yes, some things woudl have to be rethought. I can imagine doing modeling on a tablet with finger pointing but animation with the timeline... maybe it shoudl just stay impossible so no one starts making their animators do work on the subway ride home. :facepalm:

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On this little Mac mini the interface scaled nicely. Selecting buttons wasn't really an issue but access to modifier keys, making multiple selections on cps is where I ran into a snag.


Ideally the tough screen interface could work well if I could use multi tough and had lazy select.

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  • *A:M User*

As much as I'd like to be able to get my AM fix on the train, I don't see it happening. There's just too many things that would be too fiddly to do.


I've also never heard of lazy select. How exactly does that work?

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Did some quick testing of Ipad to pic connectivity with the Remote Desktop and fount that Win 8 and Win 10 work excellent with much of the touch controls working, Win 7 has a cursor that is awkward to use.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to test AM on the other machines because I'm on the sub and only have it on my Win7 machine.


Maybe all it needs is some toggle buttons for modifier keys such as shift, control, alt and rub.

Rub is right mouse button, sorry for the auto correct.

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