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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Magazines which feature AM tips/tutorials?


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  • *A:M User*

Are there any 3d magazines out there that feature AM tutorials on a regular basis? The only one I can think of off the top of my head is 3d Design, but not sure they have much AM content. 3D artist was pretty good way back, but they are no longer published and while there is still a web presence it appears largely defunct.


I ask because I would like to find a source for small projects (something that could be completed in an hour or two) that would keep my skills honed on the days that lose steam on my movie.



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I can't say I've ever seen a tutorial for A:M in any of the 3D magazines though I've often been able to transfer those tuts to A:M. As for what you're looking for there use to be an abundance of small 1hr project... in fact, unless they've changed the video tuts on the A:M site are almost all short projects like that. There use to be tons of A:M tuts on various user sites and Rodney use to maintain (or maybe just point out) forum sticky topics with nothing but tutorial links.


Hope that helps.


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  • *A:M User*

I'll have to do a forum search and see what I can find.

I think the tutorials off the main page are just the Art of AM

stuff. I wish I had downloaded more of this stuff

when it was easier to find.



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  • Hash Fellow

It's been a while since I saw a magazine cover A:M, but it's been even longer since I've bought such a magazine. :unsure:


Maybe someone just needs to hit them up with a proposal for a series on A:M

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  • *A:M User*
It's been a while since I saw a magazine cover A:M, but it's been even longer since I've bought such a magazine. :unsure:


Maybe someone just needs to hit them up with a proposal for a series on A:M


Well, this sorta ties back in with the "let's do something with AM" thread. I think the impression is that outside of our little community AM has fallen off the map.

I haven't bought a 3d print publication in a while, I think a lot of the old magazines that catered to that market went under. Last time I was in the local bookstore, the only thing

I remember seeing was Photoshop magazines and maybe one design magazine, but nothing geared to animation or CG animation specifically.


It may just be that those niche publications aren't very profitable, and with regular print publications going under for lack of readership they may never return.

Maybe they'll move to the web, seems like you could charge a low monthly rate and still serve up the same content but for much lower cost than what it would take to run a print publication.

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  • Hash Fellow

This is getting OT but most print media's dreams of just moving and setting up shop on the web seem not to have not worked out for mot of them. No one want's to pay for anything (witness how $79 for A:M seems to be a hard sell) and the online advertisers can't be worth much either.


I can't figure out how anyone makes it work at all.

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  • *A:M User*
This is getting OT but most print media's dreams of just moving and setting up shop on the web seem not to have not worked out for mot of them. No one want's to pay for anything (witness how $79 for A:M seems to be a hard sell) and the online advertisers can't be worth much either.


I can't figure out how anyone makes it work at all.


Giving people the benefit of the doubt, the reluctance to spend on anything (especially anything online or something that is perceived as having zero production cost beyond the initial investment (movies, music, micro-code) may have more to do with wages being flat for the last 30 or 40 years, adjusted for inflation, than anything else.


Back to my initial query, I did manage to find www.3dartistonline.com but it does not seem to be the same publication as 3dartist.com (the defunct wone that I remember as having more AM content).


They seem to be doing ok but I suppose could be struggling. I'll have to see about getting a subscription, the newsstand price is pretty brutal.


One thing that strikes me as odd, has anyone noticed the UK publications generally seem to be better quality (more how-to articles, better content in general) whereas the US publications are more like nothing but ads? I realize they have to pay the bills but when 90% of the magazine is ad content, that is an awful lot.


This is veering off-topic again but I think that computer magazine hobbyist publications took a wrong turn once they started catering to the bean counting crowd as opposed to the engineering/hacker types (think Byte turning into a publication cheerleading for MS Office when they used to have actual articles on programming and stuff).

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In a odd way I sometimes prefer print tutorials ----- a video magazine with a bunch of hash fellows would be cool too but a web magazine devoted to AM now that's an idea that would be another one of those little helpers to increase AM user ship.


There is a web magazine for Carrara which is another non big boy 3d application by Daz-its done by users and it highlights the good things you can do with the software and a lot of gallery pics. It would not be a bad thing to emulate in my opinion.

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  • Admin

I've been offering to support anyone who wants to publish an A:M magazine for... going on 10 years now.

At some point I believe I gave up on that dream and decided this forum is that A:M magazine.

This 'mag' is still not quite where it needs to be but I'm happy to report it's oriented in the right direction. :)

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I still have the first two issues of Serious 3D. (1998)

I believe they only had two issues before trying to go digital.

I loved the format. There were step by step tutorials for a different model each done with a different app. Even ones for Animation Master!

Issue one was prehistoric creature modeling (AM's was done by Robert Ward)


Issue two was living cartoon modeling (AM's again done by Robert Ward)


If there were more ever printed or published online, I would love to know.

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This forum is indeed a gem and a very valuable asset to the community indeed. A web based magazine of AM would be more purely a magnification and spotlight on the peoples and the projects -and with a focus of highlighting some techniques and tutorials for new and old users alike.


And Rodney-----never let your dreams fade away no matter how long you have to wait.

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