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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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I'm making a model for a student ( although I'd rather be animating ). Its of a lunchbox and she wants a foil top to it that will peel back, like the top on a yogurt carton.


The top surface is for her graphic but she wants it to be like a shiny foil on the underside. I don't have a lot of experience with materials or surface settings, can anyone suggest a way to get the aluminium foil type effect ?



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Instructions for use:


-Download the material and source image.

-Import the image into your project.(Rt-click on images/import...)

-Import the material into your project. (Rt-click Materials/Import...)

-MAKE SURE that the environment material is being fed the cannonball image. (Hit the plus-sign on Chromium Material, make sure the image is being targeted.)

-Drag the Chromium material onto a group of CP's that you want to be chromey.

-When you RENDER, make sure Reflections and Plug-In Shaders are set to ON.

-OPTIONAL: Place a flattened sphere or other simple geometry just behind the camera in the choreography... make sure this geometry is white with 100% ambiance. This gives nice reflected highlites into the chrome.





I will try to follow your instructions but, when I imported the material last night to try,I got a warning that it was created in a newer version than I was using ( V15J) and would not load properly.

Thank you for your help.



That may be just a compatibility warning. Usually, if unheeded- everything works fine. A:M is quite 'forward compatible'.


CRAP! I just realized that since I used matcaps shaders, you will need to install the matcap shaders(free) from the forum...




The shaders, and the 'chromium' material I made, should work in V15.


I've got a small test render going through as I type.

In the meantime might I ask a supllemental ( as they used to say ib Star Trek )


I decaled the graphic onto the lid plane but it came through onto the other side as well.

Is there a way to prevent this ?


Is there then a way to apply the crome material to the underside to the graphic


I have spent the day animating a chrome underside to the top graphic but as a separate layer . Most of the effort has gone into preventing one layer penetrating the other as it peels back. Frustrating.




Robcat had a way of doing such a thing... me, I would have to copy/paste the geometry for the lid and offset it in Y space(vertical) and give each separate group the different decals and material attributes.

Robcat had a way of doing such a thing... me, I would have to copy/paste the geometry for the lid and offset it in Y space(vertical) and give each separate group the different decals and material attributes.


I did it the way you suggested you would use but spent about 8 hours keeping the two layers apart while they peeled back from the container. I will post a small anim of it later as the HD version for the student is going through at the mo and taking a long time to render.

Thank you for your help.




As threatened, here is a low res version of the peeling back, with John's shiny material applied to the underside.

A BIG thank you to him for his help.

I sent a copy to the student to get her to check it, only to find that she wants it to peel from bottom to top. I was not amused.!



Cool, Simon! I am happy to see the metal sure looks... metallic! People do that kind of stuff all the time. If you make it go left to right, they will say I wanted it right to left. I had a client that wanted an animation done on a 'limbo' background... so I made a black fade-out background. He treated me like an idiot and said "Everyone knows limbo is WHITE". I lost the gig because I made it a black background when I should have known it was to be white. It comes down to, people don't know what they want, until they see what they don't want.




I have to confess I wouldn't ( don't ) know what a limbo background is ?

When I read your description I first thought of the dance and then, 'that can't be right... ?'


The student in question is particularly vague. I wouldn't mind so much if I was getting paid for it but, in my foolishness, I offered to do it to help out.

Next time I will know.



It comes down to, people don't know what they want, until they see what they don't want.


That's rule number one in the software dev biz I'm in. I've gotten fairly good at asking the same question in multiple ways of what they want...

so for the color of the background


Q: do you want it white or black?

A: Limbo


Q: sooooo not black?

A Not Black...


Q: soooo white?

A: yessss Limbo.

  • Hash Fellow

I recall, at Nortel, once spending half an hour with a woman from another department getting just the right shade of purple background for something i was doing for her.


Then the next day she drags her manager by and starts shrieking about how I put the wrong color on her project.

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