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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Working on Song animation

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here is a screenshot of what im doing. I am making a animation music video of the song We Will Rock You. i have the lead singer guy in the front and the back five sing the We Will, We Will Rock you part. i am editing the sound to make it sound funnier so it sounds like litter creatures. well another thing would be if this is legal or not.


but what i want to know is if there is a way to have a bunch of the little creatures doing a head bob during the whole song using sprites or something to make it easier or something.here is what i got... i want to make the whole thing in the back filled with those guys easier than having to drag and drop all the models and place them and the drag and drop the animation and make them set times... HERE is what it looks like... lighthing is just temporary


here is the animation they will be doing... just simple

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You'll defiantly want to use expressions. John (he has the walking egg that's on fire icon) has been doing tons of tests with expressions, so you can contact him to get some good ideas, though I think he'll eventually drop by this thread. You could also create logical operators to control the expressions so you won't have to change them by hand.

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I can get an expression to do that but to match the beat of the music would be tricky.


I'll try to post a project with a expression you might be able to adjust. I assume you know how to set up a pose and then add an expression







walking egg with fire ?



Okay here's what I got






You can put your model with the expression into the chor and turn on the pose and it wil bop to you shut off the pose. Now that is for each copy but it could be used as a feature to start say each row at a different time. By adjusting the expression you can speed it up and change the angle. Some other person might have a better expression but this was the easiest I could think of.


I used it in the x rotation based on how I placed the bone1 the expression was Abs(Sin((ChorTime())*6)*15)

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I used the absolute value so the head would only go foward and back to the original position otherwise it would rock backwards. This was just a quick idea and like I pointed out it might be hard to match the song's beat to the action with the expression.




"the egg was an early Animation Mentor model someone posted in AM format that I added the electric arc and matching hair"




I grabbed the background sound needed and set up a action to follow the sound with an old program amptitude ( no longer available). I repeated the sound but it would need tweaking since I just cut the sound quickly for this.... this is a quick render. You can see it matches better than the expression would.



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