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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

X-Wing (First Model)

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Hey Guys,


Im currently working on my first model. Its an X-Wing and im using the tuorial for the plane in TAO to complete it. I should have a rendered version of the fuselodge up tonight if not im shooting for tomorrow. I want lots of feedback and any tips you guys can give me.



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I find it difficult to see details in surfaces that appear to be pure white. It would be more revealing to set the model's attributes to the following values:


diffuse color = 128,128,128

specular color = 255, 255, 255

specular size = 50

specular intensity = 50


then re-render and re-post.

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Good luck modeling, and may the force be with you.





I find it difficult to see details in surfaces that appear to be pure white. It would be more revealing to set the model's attributes to the following values:


diffuse color = 128,128,128

specular color = 255, 255, 255

specular size = 50

specular intensity = 50


then re-render and re-post.


Thanks both of you and rodger ill do that tonight so be looking for it ill try to post a view that shows more ill probly do several views if i have time tonight


Thanks again


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I find it difficult to see details in surfaces that appear to be pure white. It would be more revealing to set the model's attributes to the following values:


diffuse color = 128,128,128

specular color = 255, 255, 255

specular size = 50

specular intensity = 50


then re-render and re-post.


I tried it like that and it put all these toon lines in ill try a diferent angle tomorrow. Sorry no update cross country went longer than expected so hopefully there will be an update tomorrow.


Thanks guys


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It's very tempting to want to skip every step toward becoming a master at anything, but that isn't what it takes to become proficient. What the heck am I saying - run, before you can jump, walk before you can run, and crawl before...well, you get the idea, don't you?


This being your first model, stay basic, do it like the plane exercises in the book, be happy with a solid model depicting the outside first. When you ask about doing the interior, you are jumping way ahead of the game, and quite frankly, although this forum is extremely helpful and patient, I don't think anyone is going to spoon feed you when you are not making the effort of going through the exercises and learning the basics first. I hope I don't get into too much trouble for spelling this out, but too many noobers want to become instant prodigies without the required effort on their part.


I could go on and talk about the world situation in regards to this line of thinking, but......


So, put more effort into the outside of your model first, finish it from the outside; there are plenty of challenges still waiting for you there, wings, details, decals, etc. Do the exercises in the book first. Read the beginners' section of the forum and do lots of searches for anything you might find a challenge. You can be assured that whatever problem you are encountering, someone else will most likely already have experienced it and will have an answer for you in the forum's past posts. When you have done the exercises, done the searches, and done the required grunt work, then, people will be more than willing to help. Don't get me wrong, a lot of people willing to help you even now, but...


Sorry, but it's been a long hard month for me and I just had to get that out.

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Like Eric said it is good to get the basics down before trying anything complicated ( yes, the cockpit will be very complicated ). I think it would be a good idea for you to look up a tutorial or two on bias values... these might be a little ahead of you but once you learn how to use them they can make your modeling jump from "ok" to GREAT. I am pretty sure Yves has one on his website. ( I hope I'm talking about the right thing )


Anyway for your first model it looks pretty good. I think your next step should be to finish the hull and wings... then as you learn more make the cockpit. Everything in Animation Master is a learning process, and once you have learned it, you can create a LOT of great things.


Just take your time and experiment, we'll be here to advise and help you, but the trial and error, the learning process, you have to do on your own :D


Best of luck...



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  • 4 weeks later...

srry i havent been posying Xcountry has been taking up a lot of time and i didnt mean the inside of the cockpit(im not even going to try thast yet) im talking about the outside profile of it. Thanks for the fedback il try to get an up date posted with the beginning of the wing.


thanks for the feedback


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...and don't worry if things don't look too good at first. Every time you make some progress, save a version. That way if you get downstream and find you've painted (er, modeled) yourself into a corner you can go back and change things.


One of the cool things about spline modeling is that you can keep on changing and improving a particular model as your skills improve, essentially forever, and your previous work doesn't "fight" your new work the way poly modeling often does.

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