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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Ex 17 Newton Problem

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I thought that cosmic bowling would be a good one to try Newton on. And after the learning curve, wow, it even spins the ball for me. But, for some reason some of the pins behave perfectly, a foot in the air.




These are the only settings I've changed in the tutorial project (changes made to the object, not the choreography):

ground - static

ball - dynamic, density 15, kinetic friction 0.1

pin - dynamic, density 10


To get this result with only those settings input is amazing - much easier than constraints.


I've tried changing gravity, to no avail.


Any ideas, please?

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Edit: Thanks, John - it was the bone. I tried your penguins, and they fell properly, although they did fall before the ball hit them. Perhaps that's the nature of penguins. Their root bone was at the base, whereas the pin root bone was in the middle of the pin.


Just working on the placement so they don't fall through the bowling lane now. :)

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

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Okay first problem is solved . I should add this to the "newton docu" , that that model root bone must be at 0,0,0 for Start and 0,0,z+ for his End Position .


Another hint

Set "Use calculatet COM" to on and make two "Newton_" groups for the pin (like the attached projectfile).

This gives a more realistic result .


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Thanks, Steffen, and thanks for the other plugins that I have yet to explore!


I could not find a setting "Use calculatet COM" anywhere. I wonder if it is included in the v13 version, or if I am just being blind. (Probably that B) )


To my untutored eyes, at first on this particular project I could not see much difference when I split out the Newton_ areas, but I see now that when the pin falls, the top wobbles when it hits, instead of just falling flat. Thanks for pointing this out.


I'll post my project on TaoAM Ex 17 when it renders, and with it I'll post a noobie intro to do this, as it took me quite a long time to work it out. I guess I wasn't expecting it to be that simple. I hope I haven't made too many blunders.


I am interested to notice that the simulation is not exactly the same every time - some randomness is involved. It is fun that I do not get a strike every time. :lol:

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I see in your documentation where it should be, but I still don't have it. In your doc, you have Use Calculatet CoM and HIgh Velocity Object between Freeze object and Group Density, but this is what I have:




Is it important? This exercise works really well without it.


Also, when I run the simulation on your example project centerofmass.prj both on Com ON chor and Com Off chor, I get the message newtonlog_centerofmass.txt contains an invalid path, and no animation happens. I'm using A:M 13.0j.

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I'm using A:M 13.0j.


Here we have the problem , install the latest update for A:M V13 . When I remember correct , it's V13.o .

The plugin was updatet in the meantime .

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