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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Amplitude used for "lip sync"


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Amplitude creates a action for a model with a named pose in the example here the model is model1 the pose pose1 I used the secret wave file on the cd and it generated the action used here. The pose was to move the "mouth" of my elaborate model. I rendered a portion to show the results. If you have a model1 with a pose1 the action will drive the model to sync with the secret wave.








Not sure is amplitude is still available was on amxchange which appears closed






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  • 1 year later...

...PLEASE! (and hello) I'm searching for a way to get this kind of "auto" audio amplitude into motion conversion inside A:M for a long time but I've not be able to find it in an easy and implemented way... Can Animation:Master make this actually? I mean modificate a pose or a bone/s rotation by the amplitude of a given *.wav file? And if not (thing that I can't understand <_< ) how you have done it in this case? Cause I can't find that program/plugin that you call Amplitude in any place and all your links in all the related threads are broken actually... Well, I think that such a feature it'd be an incredible one and if someone knows something about this issue it'd be a great pleasure to read it... Well, THANKS to you to read this! :)

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oOhm... I was afraiding it :( ...What a pity, a SO simple thing that would save tons of time and effort and it doesn't exist nevermore/yet, well, as I suppose that there will be a lot of "Feature Request" made to the respect I don't know if I should ask for something like that again, but in the other hand it is for a so just cause... Well, anyway... THANKS despite the bad news! :rolleyes:

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As they did in Final Fantasy I plan to use Amplitude (speech sound) not for lip sync but for the throat/neck movements that go with speaking that are so often forgot or not considered important... how... in an old version that I'll move up to 13 (or 14). Well, that's the plan. We'll see.



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..HI! Of course, and that is exactly the kind of uses that I'll give to such feature, I think that (carefully) it could give a lot of life into my characters cause I design them thinking in this kind of quick and easy solutions during animation tasks, as I said before it's for me a pity this lack although I thust a solution could be reached in someway, A:M is a program that offers a lot of possibilities and I'll continue thinking on this... (and I hope you ;))

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rusty - if it gets into 13 or 14, can you do something - or maybe it already has this feature: I find that a truly magical trick to make lip sync believable is to go ahead and do the sync, and then to offset the entire audio track a couple of frames so the motion anticipates the sound. It would be loverly if Amplitude, being an automatic function, would also do that automatically.

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