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  1. I wanted to do more projects with Animation Master so well here we go!!!
  2. Well for school weve got to do a title page i thought well how bout this!!!
  3. Hello A:M community, my salutations as a new member and hopefully a new customer. I will continue my search readin thewebsite and related websites, but before or during this time I want to ask and hopefully get some answeres from experianced or begginer notices on the product and if I really should get it. I would love to start by Introducing myself, I am sirius, it is not my real name but itis rather a catchyname, I hope I shallbe spending much time here, and may I also add some of the movies or demo trailers of developement of movies I have seen here are great Now right to the point, I am working on a project for a movie/trailer introduction for a game in developement. My apologies but I am not allowed to release the name. But my placement was in control of the animation and movie section within my team. I have read stories, and seen many videos on the product and am very impressed. Knowingly I am a newbie to animation with outside tools, I have used maya and am learning still many documents in mayas' animation toolset. But I wish to save myselffrom many days of reviewing and reading over document over document of alias maya files and want to cut to a short almost "easy way out" In the animation industry I am nothing but what is called a newb and I am loking to further advance my skills by learning bones and althe joly good stuff. My goal is to start low but reference as much I can to become skilled from the communities influence, but I want to know about a quote I will state! Anyone can use it My only question is what about people such as me that have little or no talent at all in animation, that are looking for programs that can be used to teach us basics about animation and complicated parts so that we can use these skills to benefit us in further projects. I am a modeler and have that placed as a down frame so I am ready and willing on the modeling section using maya and a setof many other tools All I wish to do is get going and practice with animation before my project gets going. Complicated animations in a way is what I am trying to express here, such as sword,gun fights that can be compared to an almost animation capture such as tools likedevilmay cry have used for animating in game scenes, my real question here is, can anyone even someone with no talent in animation be able to use and learn from this tool ? That is my main concern, because maya costed close to 7 grand I want to make sure my investment into thisprogram will benefit me as well as thecompany I am purchasing from? Much appriciation in advance yours truly, Sirius
  4. Hi, my name is Jared Claybrooks, and this is my first animation project of decent quality. The subject matter is one of the boss fights from the game Earthbound. Ness, The Protagonist. Titanic Ant, The Antagonist. An image of the action. The whole animation won't be too substantial, maybe a minute and a half. I'd say that right now the project is about 60% complete, and could use some critiqueing before it's finished. thanks!
  5. Here's my finished clip. I meant it to be a WIP but I had it done in about 2 days. [attachmentid=21470] George X_Wing_Levi.mov
  6. I need help...I'm pretty new to hash and I'm trying to figure out just how to change someone's clothes...for example Tarzan...What if he had a complete loin cloth instead of just a skirt...How do I do it...or make uniforms such as Fantastic Four....How would I go about making those and applying them? Any good tutorials or ideas? your help is appreciated.. thanks
  7. [attachmentid=21054] This test constrained to path, lens flares, toonation xray material, and simple expression causing random light flashes. [attachmentid=21055] TG a_test14.mov test1.zip
  8. I just completed the "Giraffe" chapter of the book, accidentally got rid of the project (Model) window -- and now I can't find it! Yes, this project was saved -- I've restarted -- I even went back to 'reset controls', but to no luck. I can open up any other project and I get its corresponding window (in this case, the "Model" window), but just not the one I spend the last five hours working on. Another interesting thing...when I choose to open another project A:M asks if I want to save my job, "Giraffe" -- so I know it's there, just no window. So what stupid, silly thing am I not doing? I swear I've pushed every button more than once now trying to get my cool giraffe back on the window so impress my three year old daughter (my one year old wouldn't be that impressed). Thanks
  9. I am trying to put together a simple animation. I posted this character a little while ago and asked about rigging it. Anyway I have it rigged enough to test a simple walk test. The character is far from done but just asking for comments so far, tried some simple dynamic constraints also. Thanks Johnl3d [attachmentid=20218] piga2.mov
  10. ddustin and I are collaborating on a project, not so much working together, but helping each other out with tips and techiques, and thought we'd post a message here to get some feedback (suggestions , tips, and/or techniques) as how to proceed. The animation in question would be a short, not really a movie per sae, more of a commercial. The camera opens up onto a small building (very small, appears to be big enough only for a single person to stand inside). On one side of the building is a window with a conveyor belt running out from it, to the back of a delivery truck. packages would be sliding along the conveyor into the back of the truck. A character (I'm thinking the Homer Simpson aka The Fat Guy) walks in the door of the building. Inside the building is a huge warehouse. Because it's meant to be a cartoon, the dimensions of the inside are greatly exaggerated. There'll be conveyor systems all around the warehouse, with packages sliding along in various stages of readiness. Along the conveyor will be stations where robotic arms will be working with the packages. packing them, closing them, sealing them, etc... Along they'll slide to the end of the conveyor where they'll be weighed, a shipping label will print out, and be applied to the package, and it'll slide out the window. The parts I (we) need assistance with is the modeling of the delivery truck for outside, and a method to get a steady stream of packages sliding along the conveyor. I don't want to use anyone else models, (other than the FatGuy) but am looking more for assistance in the form of suggestions and tips on how to model the delivery truck, and how to get the multiple packages moving along the conveyor. I have the outside of the warehouse modeled, and in a sperate set (choreography) the inside of the warehouse. I also have in place the conveyor system (nothing fancy, I'm not looking for photorealisticness) as well as various packages modeled and textured (again, nothing fancy). I have a model of the robotic arms (rigged for animation), but haven't placed them yet. Still to be modeled are some basic shelves for the warehouse (easy enough), and a computer station where the package will be weighted and a label printed. Again, any and all suggestions and tips on the remaining modeling would be greatly appreciated as well as ideas on how to keep packages moving along the conveyor...
  11. Trying something I usually don't do and that is modeling. I am posting a wireframe and shaded wireframe to help with my questions. This model will be animated and I was wondering if the normal rigs will work when there are no hand or mainly feet. And any potential trouble with the model ..I noticed that the arms could use another ring or two of splines....There will be no mouth only implied by the bouncing of the nose. And I have to add a tail. The skirt will be cloth. [attachmentid=18162] [attachmentid=18163] Thanks Johnl3d
  12. Hi fellow A:M'ers I've just started up an new and ambitious project (maybe to ambitious? ). Anyway, the project is to model the beautiful WWII cruiser KM Bismarck. I hope that I manage to keep an certain amount of details, but as you probably guess, this model is going to get an huge amount of patches. as it is now I have approximately 171K of them.... I make many of the parts of the ship as individual models, and assemble it all in an actions. Let me know what you think so far Best regards Stian UPDATED 03.08.06 assembled: [attachmentid=19199] [attachmentid=19200] [attachmentid=19201] [attachmentid=19202] arado floatplane: [attachmentid=19198] cannons: [attachmentid=17714] [attachmentid=17563] [attachmentid=17564] guns: [attachmentid=17616] [attachmentid=17640]
  13. This topic will contain the modeling efforts of T-Dogg and oakchas on an old style Batmobile. Basis for the project: T-Dogg is new to A:M, having learned some 3D in another (ecch! polygons) program. oakchas has used A:M off and on for years, but is trying to rebuild his skills. We'll be doing this in ver 12 as Charlie (oakchas) hasn't yet upgraded to V 13 But, I will before this project is complete, so maybe we can light it using AO, and use some of the cooler new features in v13, too. T-Dogg chose the subject, the vintage Batmobile. So, let's get started. Here's the roto that T-Dogg supplied: [attachmentid=17111] First thing I'm gonna do is make a new directory in my hard drive and label it Batmobile project. Then I'm gonna copy this pic to it. Then I'll split the graphic into equal sized views in a photo program to import into A:M. All progress shots and details having to do with the creation of this model will be posted here. T-Dogg don't forget... if you save the model in V13 I can't work on it... 12 is forward compatible, but 13 is not backward compatible! And heeere we go!
  14. A friend of mine and I have been wanting to re-create the battle of Wolf 359 in 3D format for quite some time now. It has been a year since I first purchaced A:M and I am still loving to work with this product. I feel I can start working on something that could take years to get done. But it will be done right. The Battle of Wolf 359 has been a major battle that has been torn apart, analyzed and theorized about for years, but no one has ever tried making a rendition of it other then a version made using Bridge Commander. My friend, Mark Nguyen and I wish to create one possible version of Wolf 359. A possible "chronicle" of events. I have created a teaser which can be seen at the following webpage: http://nekosei.com/stw359/wolf359.html Please do check it out. But that's not all. I would love some help with this project, so I am bringing this to your attention. We will need ships built and/or donated. I wish to ask for you to build one of 20 ships that we need. I've been hunting for the best schematics I could find and will offer them for your use in building. I am also attempting to find a set of decals that we can all share, and a font for the starship names and registries. "But there were 40 ships at wolf 359." Yes, there was. This is where a kind of reward comes in. As thanks for building a ship for us, we would allow you to build a second starship, either using your first model and modifying it, or from scratch if you prefer. So long as it's a design that could be from that era or slightly earlier. Obviously there were no Soveriegn or Defiant class ships then. Likewise it is doubtable an NX class ship would have been there. This offer isn't official yet, as we're not 100% sure of the exact types of ships we *need* yet. It could turn out that we need 25 specific kinds, and 15 randoms. But I do know this: We will need ships for a "decommissioned fleet yard", so just about anything from the past can show up in that scene. All help will be appreciated, full credits will be given on both the website and in the final animation. If anyone is willing to help, please let me know in this thread. All comments are appreciated reguardless.
  15. I have made the models and the actions and now in the chroeography I am putting together my movie. But when I want to add a new model in the middle of my action, say at about the 5 sec spot, the item I add then flys in off the side and moves around during the first part of the movie where I don't want it. How do I add something later in the footage without it being in the first part. Thanks for any help. Lucine
  16. [attachmentid=15531] project v12t [attachmentid=15532] did a quick tut will be in tutorial section for link Nice title John go to bed decal.mov posedecal.zip
  17. Hi All, This is the start of a work in progress. I have been posting in the wrong forum, so I am putting those links here to start. The Carousel House I am making http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=20719 Subproject to Carousel "Light bulbs" http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=20799 Technodandy
  18. I created a sprite emitter material based on the one given in the manuel. I works in the project file I created it in, but does not work in other project files. I have no clue why.
  19. Hi I am making many models in the same project. How do you combine them borrow a group from one and apply it to another? Technodandy
  20. well im underway with TAoAM V12 Yeti and reading the book and watching the videos, i have come to realize something. watching the web videos i see that in the project workspace eg: model, there is an arrow next to it that you click and the properties for this item drops down under the item. but in my Yeti v12 the properties opens up in another window like it use to be in V7 that i was using. so did they revert back to the old way or is there an option that causes the properties to pop down from the workplace items? cheers
  21. All, There is information in the A:M Forum on just about every subject matter related to Animation:Master. For many forum members finding and organizing this information can be a difficult task. The A:M Forum provides for the collection, editing and dissemination of information to a variety of formats through the [Print Topic] option and basic/advanced search functions. In short, personalized/customized tutorials are only a mouse click away. Its even easier than it sounds. As such we are looking to collect, edit and format some of these treasures, format them and ultimately make useful information available to the A:M Community. Once enough material is available they will be made available in a tutorial collection. This is a good chance for writers and editors to show their skills too. Here are a few examples of the raw forum HTML that we'd like to collect.** Trees and other Vegetation for TWO Movie - Frank Silas Lighting Tutorial (Thanksgiving Scene) - Yves Poissant I have an edited version of Yves's Lighting Tutorial which I'll try to post in a few different formats to show examples of the possibilities. Formats such as .doc, html, .swf, .pdf and .avi/.mov will be explored. If you are interested in participating in this project we'd love to hear from you. Thanks in advance for your interest! ** Note1: Large graphics may cause a delay in the automated forum tutorials showing on screen. Please be patient. For those that can't wait for cleaned up tutorials printing of these files is not required just save them out from your browser onto your hard drive. Note2: These forum tutorials are 'Live' and will be updated as people contribute to the topics. Check back from time to time and see what has been added by just clicking on the links.
  22. old original 8.5 project [attachmentid=12470] [attachmentid=12471] newguy.mov anewguy.zip
  23. Here is the link to my new page showing my future project... I have modeled Dino... and Bo is a "nude" Harold !!! Bo & Dino The project will (or would) be an educational one with a flipping book (pictures + text) and small games along the adventure of Bo.
  24. Boolean cutter great for cartoon efects [attachmentid=14511] cutter.mov cutter.zip
  25. Well, im back to teaching Martial arts and personal training. My master is putting together a fight choreography scene for a internet movie, and I though I take the time to mess with Hash again. See if I can put together a fight scene in 3D. So I still need more time to polish the model and tweak the bump map on the torso. More nurnnys on the sword. Been awhile, and rehashing the things I know about hash. So this is my spare model that I am redoing, I have another I want to use, but using this one to figure my way around. If anyone remember my old project will remember Erica, I haven't given her new hair yet, thats next.
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