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  1. Man oh man, I've had post project blues before, but never for this prolonged a time. It's a weird thing. You work on this project that takes up all of your time and it's the reason you get up in the morning and the reason you are so late going to bed. Then in the last stretch, it's exhausting and it's tough sticking with it to the end. And then it's over ...and that's it. Suddenly you don't have to get out of bed in the morning, your reason for being seems to have just checked out. I've been trying to jump back into another project, but I can't seem to break out of this funk. Part of me just thinks that it was such a prolonged marathon of work that I just need more time to recover. There's also that element of the pain of the last part of it being too fresh in my mind. Some friends and I used to go canoeing once a year when we were in high school and college. By the end of the trip, I was usually horribly sunburned and exhausted and trying to remember why I thought this was fun. But then, a year later, I'd forget about all the suffering and want to do it again. I don't guess enough time has passed for me to have forgotten how hard it was to do that last project. :-) Add to it all the normal life problems (my younger brother has been diagnosed with hodgkin's lymphoma, a highly treatable cancer, but one that still will require six months of chemo and he's symptomatic, so he's in pain and shrinking down), and I'm just not being able to turn over the engine with my worn-out spark plugs. I'm certain it will pass, but I'm going to stop announcing projects until I have one that makes it past the initial "hey, that'd be fun to do" stage.
  2. It would be sad if Paul Forwood left us this great-looking set... ... and we didn't have FUN with it. So don't be sad, join the"Rear Window" project and have FUN with A:M! You've got three months (until September 30th), even a tiny little gag or blip will be a welcome addition. Hop on over to the Rear Window launch thread where you can download the set and see the instruction video in post #2.
  3. morefun.mov Project: more_fun.zip I edited once in 2007 before saving it forgot to mentioned that
  4. Working on a Kel Tech 9mm for a 2d game working on.
  5. Spent about 2 hours trying to get this simple idea to work and needed hair to be controlled by a pose to turn petals on at the end but did not work but the thought is still there earthday.mov
  6. See what it does. Added by: Fuchur84 Tags: A:M Answers File Info Project Project FPS Date: 2012-03-25 View the full article
  7. That's right folks, we are now, officially getting this old boat underway. You will need to do a few things to get started. First and foremost, you most watch the intro video that robcat put together (many thanks Robert). This video will bring you up to speed on the set, how to use it, and how to render, submit etc. Very well done. View it Then you need to get your very own copy of the project. Here it is: RearWindow_Assets_B.zip So with much anticipation and ballyhoo, I declare this project off to the races. [Edit] Uploaded the project to the forum, instead of ftp...
  8. I have both the models for my treasure chest in the same project file, they both show up in the PWS. However, they're in separate windows and I'm not sure how to combine them into the same window, other than using cut and paste or exporting a model and then reimporting it into whichever window I choose to be the active one. Is this how it's done or is there something obvious I'm missing?
  9. ny12.mov just wondering were the green ball came from
  10. Working on new short animation project and doing some lighting test and testing leaves on tree's. However I noticed the leaves tend to "wiggle" when camera moves around them so Ill have to find a work around. Added by: seandelgatto2001 Tags: Holiday short film sean delgatto forest work in progress Date: 2011-11-15 View the full article
  11. So as I am gradually tinkering with more and more aspects of AM , the idea of starting to focus all my work towards a project idea has come to the forefront. If there is one single thing that I have learned here is planning is so important. It is just such a huge time saver. (what surprised me more than anything was the need to plan modeling) Anyhow, so when you guys are working on a relatively small project (say 30 -60 secs) do you keep everything in one project file? All the different scenes and chors kept and saved in the one project? I guess I was wondering if there are any issues with AM bogging down if you start having many Chors or models. Again its more of me trying to understand some best practices of project workflow as I try to be doing things in the most efficiently but correct fashion and before I start off something would like any ideas folks might have to share.
  12. Having trouble getting any Wannabe Pirates work done, so I figured I'd try working on something different to see if I can get myself back in the groove. This is something I've wanted to do for awhile. Started working on the first of two character models for it:
  13. Will importing a saved model file from your local disk screw up a project, such that you get the problems with prior versions losing their changes? I thought this only happened if you saved something from the project as a model file. So I am assuming it goes the other way as well? Or am I wrong here? Because I just imported an eyeball model from the extras, it turned my entire penguin orange (not sure why but it looks like it applied the beak color to the entire body) and then when I went back a version the penguin was also orange. The version before that is ok, and I didn't lose much in the way of work but this makes things difficult. I guess I will have to model everything in the project and only import models into a chor.
  14. So this is the character I will be using in the up and coming forum project.
  15. Well after losing all of my Alcatraz Model from my last project I got my an external hard drive and started me another. I rewrote the script for it be in 3d (I'm thinking about it) there one part in there where I have great white shark come out of the water....LOL They won't expect it. I also made me a asset list of everything I need to model it help out a lot who every thought of that ideal thank you. I'll have about 3 choreographic for the San Francisco Bay, The Island and The Prison. One thing about modeling a prison everything just about the same and there a lot of copy and past does that save a lot of time. Fell free to let me know what you think and if I need to change anything. Alcatraz_3d.pdf
  16. but I can't get it to look like the water is rippling over the leaves. Here is the project. I hope someone can help. Water_B.prj
  17. Has anyone else ever noticed that occasionally, AM will not display a model when opening a project or choreography back up? For instance, lets say you have a project with only one model in it, and you open it back up, all AM will show is a gray screen. Then if you close and reopen it, the model will display. I'm not sure if its a problem with the graphics driver software or maybe I need to click on the model once in the Project Workspace in order for it to appear. Sometimes when i do that, I can see the model, sometimes I can't.
  18. I'm working on a rat project where I'm gonna freak out my mom's friend who is terror fie of rats. She lives with my Uncle and they got a pool thinking about having a bunch of rats around the pool or in the pool when they take there little trip I'll make the clip of the rats in the pool and send it to there email and say something like look what was in yall's yard....LOL Yap I got to much time on my hands... No rats will be harm making this project all CGI. any way here the model of the rat I'm working on.
  19. projectposewithmat.mov the title says it I guess sorry brain dead from work today Projectposewithmat.zip
  20. firehose.mov Using animated decal with alpha
  21. Since we have forum projects fresh on our mind maybe we could brainstorm here on what form the next one might take. What's been suggested so far... 1) Next Room. A character walks in to a room, does something and then either he or some other character exits to the other side. Then the camera shifts to pick up what happens in the next room. (I'm not real keen on this one anymore) 2) Rear Window. Peering into rooms in a hi-rise office or apartment complex. Things we've done before: 1) Ani-Jam. We had some limited success with where you pick up exactly with whatever the last animator did, but many people found this difficult. 2) Pass the ball. I think we've done this twice before. Other ideas I've had: 1) Commercial block. Everyone makes a 10 second commercial. ( or 5? Or 15?) 2) Who dunnit? I've been watching mysteries lately and they're all basically a bunch of seemingly unconnected events until they get wrapped up at the end. Is there a way to make a collaborative pot-luck project out of that without prescripting it too much? 3) Previously... on "Dynasty". Everyone does a scene that is like a recap of what happened last week on a soap opera. 4) Olympic event. Everyone's character does the same event, like the shotput, or high dive or... Other ideas? Fire away!
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