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  1. Finally, an update. I've made some more progress. I finished the bridge (darn 5-pointers!) and have begun work on the neck and scroll. The scroll is easily the hardest part. I also completed the tailpiece, the part to which the bottoms of the strings attach. Here's an image of what I've done so far. You can also go to http://homepage.mac.com/igeek1/FileSharing11.html and download cello.zip, which is the complete project, if you want to see it in more detail. My method for starting the scroll is pretty crude. I may start over. I leave for camp for a week on the 11th, and I may or may not be able to see the forum until I get back. 2 days later I'm going to music camp, where I'll get to spend more time with the real thing. Thank you all for your comments and quick responses. Boy, this is fun! -Zev
  2. Wooooo, thanks for all the replys! Glad some of you folks out there liked it, as for questions: It was a kind of an organised jam. For instance, the directors knew what they wanted and then got the rest of us monkeys to do some of the bits. The two girls in the one photo at the end (Rebecca and Charlene) stiched 50 frames of the girl flinging her hair back, which didn't need to be timed, the same with the bird and other bits. So these were used to pad out / make the bits that needed to be on time (such as ticking) be on time. So it all came out on time in the end (but it was mainly due to luck!). As for a storyboard...heh...it was a uni project (the type where you think of a cool reason after you made it ). As for the factory bit, I have to agree with you, but I don't think there will be any smoothing as it was for a deadline so it could be entered into submerge 2004. Glad ya enjoyed it! P.
  3. This was just a project I did in one day for fun. Upon completion I noticed slight resemblances between it and something else I'd seen before. I guess that's what you get for opening A:M too soon after you've been to the movies... Enjoy
  4. tanassi


    thanks Doug, now i have to do something for that hair. btw: i'm modeling the body and experienced some strangeness in displaying objects. truly i have heard in some other post the same thing. the fact: it happens that, when i'm in modeling or bone viewport, my model disappear partially or totally, seems to be cutted away by a clipping plane parallel to the viewport plane, when i'm in modeling or boning and i rotate the view or zoom in, the geometry disappear gradually as a clipping plane is moving forward or backward. the rotoscope and bones remain visible! i have this problem both in Direct3D and OpenGL. I have a P4 2.0 GHz, 512 Mb, matrox G550 with 32Mb, perhaps is a lack of video memory. I noticed that this problem appears in models developed mostly in one axis. example: when i work on the head it doesn't show any problem. in the same project when i work on the body (that is mostly developed on the Y axes i've got the problem (the model disappear progressively or completely while i rotate view or zoom in). i think it's video card problem, but i have installed the last driver few weeks ago, the software mode doesn't work at all to me, it results in black viewport only. i don't think it is an onion skin effect, ther's no transparency, the model is abruptly cutted out by a cutting plane parallel to the viewport plane and all is from one side or other side (depends as you turn) of the plane become invisible, rather i think there are two planes one near the observer and one beyond the object, when you turn or zoom the object intersects these planes and only the part of object between the planes remains visible. see the attached images bye... Vince
  5. Dearmad : excellent project.... characters and props are amazing .... keep us updated I perceived that three great projects are being made using cities as main focus or sets .... Frank Hegemann´s city my city and your city ... all made by A:M ( Amazing : Metropolis ) Cheers Xtaz
  6. Well, I'm planning on doing a better pose, once I get it rigged. Then I will do a wallpaper for anyone that wants it I'm busy on another project this week, but I will probably have some free time next week to come back to it...
  7. Thank you very much Ihan and Jack ...... inspiring words I am learning a lot with this project... Cheers Xtaz
  8. There is a lot to like about this project. Style, mood, imagination. I don't know why but I just LOVE that street light. You have definitely crossed over to the ART side. Beautiful stuff. Jack
  9. Hi Vern, I've never encountered a theory of a Genesis-Greek connection before I started this project. I'm not sure anyone has even thought of it quite this way before, so I don't think it's a widely accepted theory. But I think it's intriguing too! It seems reasonable to deduct that the Greeks and Hebrews share some of the same collective memories. They "evolved" in the same geographic areas. They worked and lived side by side in Egypt and the eastern mediteranean region. Greek, I think,was the accepted written language in the middle east for quite awhile. The two cultures seem to have alot in common once you begin to look for the connections. To me, the idea that the Greeks may have thought it was a Good thing that Eve ate the apple fits with the rational humanist view of the world very well.
  10. I always enjoy checking on the progress you've been making with this project darklimit. I'm hoping you can post something new for us to enjoy. ---bump---
  11. Holmes, That is some awesome stuff all the way around! Incredible detail in your graphics and the site is designed in an outstanding way. How much of the non graphics part were you involved in? Way to complete a project! Vern, For what it's worth, most people use the simularities in stories, primarily pre-flood, to discount scripture instead of what looks to be portrayed in the book and in the website. The claim would be that scripture is a derivative of these myths and therefore must be discounted also. It's refreshing to see someone get it right for a change. *I should add... I don't know what the content of the book is other than Holmes's incredible art. So no endorsement intended except to say if the artwork in the book is like that on the website. Probably worth the price of admission. Here are the stats on the book: Price: $29.95 Specification: Hardback, 7 x 10, 288 pages, 251 b&w illustrations, east pediment sculptures restored by computer artist Holmes Bryant.
  12. I like the material you have on the latest version, but you might want to reconsider the colors. It reminds me of Iron Man, in my opinion. As for the breasts, I don't have a problem with the size as much as the shape. But being an alien, who knows what size and shape theirs breasts are. Working on eyes myself for my project. Really keen to replicate the looks of the eyes from the Pixar movies, but not certain where to begin myself.
  13. I have many models i never finish render, because i learn at this and they looks dreadful. I help Farstar ... (great A:M-Project) Now I bought Zbrush and love it, too! I never want miss A:M !!!!!!!! This is what i want to say ;-)
  14. Here's another lighting test, which was also a render speed test as well. Each brownstone apartment has 13249 patches, so I had my doubts whether or not even my new whiz-bang computer could handle it. The long shot helps, but it did just fine! There is hope that I'll finish this project! Later I will alter the brownstone model so that I can easily vary the window treatments for variety. The longest shot will take in all nine apartments. I'd like to animate a small boy and a small girl planting trees along this row, with the planted trees growing up behind them as they work their way down the street. Yes, there is a lot more detail in the models than will show up in this long shot, but there will also be other angles, and plenty of close-ups. The main purpose is for me to learn as much as I can in general and in some cases push the limits of things that can be done with AM. Bill Gaylord
  15. Great job Zack,it's always interesting to see the way a project progresses. As far as adding things what to you have around your own guitar?
  16. I've thought of a way around the patch count problem. I'll just do one tree for every two apartments. Then I can render each pair of apartments separately. This results in animated "tiles" I can stitch together into a single very wide shot. It still would look good from a landscaping standpoint and has the benefit of fewer trees to animate! I could probably use the same tree and just rotate and tweak it a bit. I can add relatively stationary characters, change the widow dressings, and add different props to make each tile look more unique. Wow! I may actually get this project done! I could even add conventional characters if I keep them inside each tile, or composite them later, being careful to keep them outside of the tree shadows (or simulate the shadows--a good bit more work). Thanks for the conversations, folks! It really stimulates some good ideas. Bill Gaylord
  17. Bill, What fun to be a voyuer on your project! Thanks for keeping us posted all along. The SkyCast lighting to my eye is too flat. Could you add a spot light to give some better contrast, and let the SkyCast rig provide overall general lighting? The way the leaves scale up is too obvious to those of us following along... I'd ask my wife to look at it and see if it bothers her the way it bothers me (she not having read the whole thread), but she's out right now. To be sure, actually controlling angle and size would be much more challenging than scaling a bone, but that's still what's bugging me about the animation. Oh, a lighting question, too: Is the time-lapse meant to be real? In other words, if time is passing while those leaves and branches grow, I'd expect to see lighting changes (sun movement across the sky, cloud shadows zipping by, etc.) to enhance the realism and the sense of time passing. Jim
  18. sorry but its late see next panel fir project 10.5 dome.mov
  19. Each leaf has 4 patches. That's just enough to give it a simple, but natural shape, including a slight cupping. The stems are now just splines rendered as lines. This project definitely involves a large amount of overkill, but it has a lot of potential for spin-offs. By the time I finish this, character animation will seem like a breeze! A movie of the branch growing in the SkyCast light is only about an hour away. Stay tuned! Bill Gaylord
  20. here's the project file... good night dome.zip
  21. Try a graidient change of a darktree texture from one to another using the Gradient combiner.. Not too exciting The Frog was done from Primitives on the CD .. the action is skating abit but this was to test the change and have a littlle fun If you would like the project posted let me know or I could even post a simple version or does anyone else care? johnl3d mattry.mov
  22. Hi Hashers, Spliners, Patchers : Little by little the project is going developing.... Until the last update, the city was just with the houses that would appear in the "still". On this weekend, I sweated hard to get built more houses, now, I can begin to think in the camera movement. You can find firts test camera here ( 5 sec SORENSON 987 kb ): http://paginas.terra.com.br/arte/xtaz/testset.mov IMPORTANT : COPY AND PASTE LINK IN YOUR BROWSE i tried attach it in the message but i received an error (??) look it and comment it .... cheers Xtaz
  23. Oh I am so pleased! I have finally refurbished my office and got back into my pet project and got the first frame done. So couldn't resist sharing it with you all. Unleash you comments please…
  24. Your work reminds me a lot of some really classic art. I've had a scene (background) from "Metropolis" as my desktop image for a few months... the longest I've ever kept the same image. I may have to update that one to include your imagery. When I was but a lad I dreamed of being able to make such cities... now that A:M has made it possible... I've lost some of that youthful energy and am not as inclined to dream in those same ways. Your world certainly satisfies that youthful need! Well done! I'm looking forward to hearing more about your project.
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