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  1. will post project file tomorrow if there is any interest
  2. been working on this but been busy can you see the hic cup
  3. 2003 project lost sound wallman3.prj
  4. Thought ut might be fun to look at again elf2.prj
  5. You can use any small image file I could not find the original but tried a few with the same results vortex.prj
  6. having issues with new version and got attached file after  a project closed  thought you might want to see it


  7. looking at old files and found this headstart.prj
  8. Found a bunch of old project files this one from 2002 I wonder if I should "finish it" alinemannew.prj
  9. Hi guys! I hope you're all doing well..... Can someone please post a complete (simple) smoke project (incl. all files embedded). I can't find one anywhere. That would be nice. Or can the extras dvd be downloaded somewhere? Greetings, Elm.
  10. It's been quite a while since I've been on the forums. I've been heads down on my latest 3D printing project. This one is actually the one that got me into 3D printing to begin with. If any of you have been to Disney World, Epcot in Orlando you might remember the Finding Nemo ride, and the animatronic seagulls outside the entrance. I have been wanting to build one of these for the longest times, and this project was the reason for buying the 3D printer I did, since it was the best I could afford that would print the largest model. So a few months ago I started modeling one in A:M and this is where I'm at so far. I've been able to print the head and beaks, which is broken up into four separate parts. The legs are in three parts. The body is too large to even print on my printer and will have to be broken up into at least four separate parts. On the animatronic front, it will have animated beak, head, tail, and legs. It will be a challenge for sure. The head alone I spent over two weeks on and printed at least five versions before I was satisfied to move on. The legs I got better on, and have only needed to do two copies. The body needs to have mounts perfectly aligned for all of the servos to add the movement to, and I'm sure I'm going to go through a spool of filament before I get it right. Once all that is done, I move onto the electronics where I need to design and build a controller and program that. It will be based on an arduino, we'll see how many a fry in the process!
  11. animated.zip This is the project file and decal and sound used is previous post If you have any question let me know
  12. Found this on old zip drive
  13. Here is a very fun and quite astonishing project by Microsoft: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/blog/project-zanzibar-blurring-distinction-digital-physical-worlds-via-tangible-interaction-portable-implementation/
  14. I'm adding this topic because I'm sure to forget exploring it further... Filters are very useful for quickly finding resources in the Project Workspace (PWS). Also very useful is that we can save those Filters in the Project File. Inside the file itself (the text of the file that is) filters appear as in the following: Name=Filter for Models Model At least initially the order of the list is by order of how the resource is opened in the file so it can be handy to have some filters open as assets are added into a Project. In this way they can be more easily managed, renamed (by saving), etc. A downside of using Filter (besides the fact that they are hard to find and therefore easily forgotten is that crashes can ensue while using them. We'll need to investigate that.
  15. Just as a general curiousity, here's what an empty Project file looks like in JSON format: When converting back (to xml) there are a few formatting things to watch out for: Extraneous text in red. The extra space needs to be removed as well.
  16. This past halloween I on a whim did a display in my office window using a back projection screen (I never do anything for halloween, but this was fun!). We had crowds of people stopping on the sidewalk to watch a series of 4 videos (purchased from amazon). It got me to thinking that Christmas. My front porch wraps around the side, and would be the perfect place to do this, with the screen between the pillars Instead of shelling out hard earned dollars for someone else's animations, I thought I'd put A:M to work and do my own. This is a first pass of a christmas tree being unveiled by a flying spark. My goal is to match the opening from DIsney of Tinker Bell flying. test_A.avi
  17. Decide to try a simple summer image ...(I already entered the contest)....just for fun and got this in 45 minutes. The surprise in this render was the sun and the way the "glow" rendered, It is a 3d object but now looks like an image.
  18. morefun_x264.mp4 morefun.prj did this in 2003
  19. I had this on my Back up hard drive.this was on one of the old A.M cds forgot I had this . Render 3 Pass 45min 3 Passes 47min.avi
  20. ebunny.mov ebunny.avi This is a flat model drawn with splines rough idea .
  21. animated gif file I'm ready for Valentines day done in v19 valsample.prj instead of my face
  22. http://www.adobe.com/products/project-felix.html http://www.3dartistonline.com/news/2017/01/adobe-project-felix-partners-with-chaos-group-to-bring-v-ray-to-graphic-designers/ This may be of interest to folks. I'm playing with it now. Exported an OBJ file of my Pop! model and applied a texture and am rendering.
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