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Everything posted by satyajit2000

  1. Character Designs Tiger (Starring : Brando Tiger) [attachmentid=22023] Stork (Starring : Miss Stork) [attachmentid=22024] Forest Animals : Deer [attachmentid=22025] Bear [attachmentid=22027] Elephant [attachmentid=22026] Rabbit [attachmentid=22028] All of these designs are by a wonderful artist Biswajit Paul. Satyajit
  2. [attachmentid=22030] This is my next project. I'm making this 4 mins short film based upon the Aesop's fable of "The Wolf & The Crane". The voice over of this project is made in Bengali (An Indian regional language - my mother tongue). But I'll be putting up subtitles in English for understanding. Moreover, if somebody likes to record the lines in English. Then we would be getting a short in english. I'd redo the lipsynch if I get the support. The Story The Original story goes like this ..... The Wolf and The Crane "When working for a tyrant, feel lucky to escape alive." A Wolf was eating an animal he had killed, when suddenly a small bone in the meat stuck in his throat and he could not swallow it. He soon felt terrible pain in his throat, and ran up and down seeking something to relieve the pain. He tried to induce everyone he met to remove the bone. "I would give anything," said he, "if you would take it out." At last the Crane agreed to try, and told the Wolf to lie on his side and open his jaws as wide as he could. Then the Crane put its long neck down the Wolf's throat, and with its beak loosened the bone and removed it. "Will you kindly give me the reward you promised?" said the Crane. The Wolf grinned, showed his teeth and said: "Be content. You have put your head inside a Wolf's mouth and taken it out again in safety; that ought to be reward enough for you." Townsend version A Wolf who had a bone stuck in his throat hired a Crane, for a large sum, to put her head into his mouth and draw out the bone. When the Crane had extracted the bone and demanded the promised payment, the Wolf, grinning and grinding his teeth, exclaimed: "Why, you have surely already had a sufficient recompense, in having been permitted to draw out your head in safety from the mouth and jaws of a wolf." Moral In serving the wicked, expect no reward, and be thankful if you escape injury for your pains. L'Estrange version A wolf had got a bone in's throat, and could think of no better instrument to ease him of it, than the bill of a crane; so he went and treated with a crane to help him out with it, upon condition of a very considerable reward for his pains. The crane did him the good office, and then claim'd his promise. Why how now, impudence! (says t'other) do you put your head into the mouth of a wolf, and then, when y'ave brought it out again safe and sound, do you talk of a reward? Why sirrah, you have your head again, and is not that a sufficient recommence? Moral One good turn, they say, requires another: but yet he that has to do with wild beasts (as some men are no better) and comes or with a whole skin, let him expect no other reward. END This story is available in Bengali as "Hitopodesh" where Wolf is replaced by Tiger and Crane by Stork. This project is concieved as a rhyme (before my Hansel & Gretel) by Mr. Suman Chattopadhyay of Calcutta. He recorded as voice acting session with local bengali voice actors and I picked up from there. The English translation (WIP, will be modified further) of the Rhyme is below .... There’s rumble in the jungle and a lot of wailing A tiger stuck a bone in his throat while he was eating On this fine morning after making his kill with his razor sharp teeth he chewed off his meal Now, something has happened and he does’t know how A bone got stuck in his throat and he said wow the bone of an inch or two lodged in his gullet. And it would’t come out no matter how he roared. Sensing the danger, he considered another to pull it, So, he cried out to the animals above the breeze. “A bone has stuck in my throat and it’s hurting me can you try to take it out, can you help me please?” Harkening to his cry the elephant did ask "Who can believe this cunning beast? Who would help in this task? If we look down his throat to pull out that bone He'd surely break our neck and not even moan. Who would possibly invite death like such?” At the thought of this the animals escape from there. The tiger thought “Pleading won’t work here I need to take a more cunning approach” He called upon them again and told “Mark my word as I take a vow with the river and forest as my witness whoever manages to remove this bone from me, I’ll give the chap his rightful reward." Listen, I'm not that thankless, nor am I unkind rather than hurting the one who removes the bone, a friend he will find Miss stork was listening, and slowly she came forward Saying “Open your mouth wide and let me see” She spied the bone wedged deep in his throat And carefully she brought it out using her long beak. With the relief from the pain the tiger gave a wide smile “Love, you sweet darling, you are my buddy from now” The stork said “I don’t need that, where’s my reward? When you make a promise, it's not something to break.” The tiger said angrily “You've got a head that's thick. And some nerve to say such a thing. You still live after putting your head into my jaws! How can you forget so quick? Do you value so cheap,the life that I allowed you to keep?" Finally he roared, "With such generosity, what true friend would ask for more!?" Contribution credits : KenH, George
  3. Animation Weekly WIP Part 7/9 Part 7/9 is uploaded and Part 6/9 is removed. This WIP video file will be online for a window of one week. That is upto 11th Novembor. After that it'll be deleted from youtube and the subsequent part will be online. PART 7/9 Link Also, you can view the trailer HERE Please post your feedbacks. Satyajit
  4. It's an absolute delight. Ken. Good job. Also, its a clever way to modify and recycle existing models. It's very production oriented.
  5. Nice model. This rat means business. On a second look, the ear is looking little weird. Can you post a wireframe or some closups? Satyajit
  6. Amazing details and craftsmanship. Just like scale models on tamiya.com. Reminds me of my scale model hobby... Satyajit
  7. Hi again, A set of invitation to join youtube is sent to all of you interested in the show. You may join youtube and subscribe me to catch my works, but it is absolutely not necessary to attend and view the show. Satyajit
  8. I'll send you an invitation to join. Satyajit
  9. No, No. Just joking... It's not an physical premier. It's an online premier. View at you own leisure at Youtube.com. Hey, I'm in India, you know. Oh. Sorry, sometimes my jokes get too far Satyajit
  10. The Show I know that show will be for a limited, very limited audience. This is like a private party. But if Hashers are there I'm sure it'll be fun. Come on! Jump in! The purpose of this show is to bring the indie attitude together and celebrate within a closed group. Don't forget to bring the beers. Satyajit
  11. Ken Shot 77 : Nostrils! Thanks for the boolean idea. I'll use that. Shot 78 : Yes, there will be the sleeping kids shot composited. Shot 82 : The line is "when he is fat enough I am going to gulp" Yes, I've really enjoyed animating the Witch. I'm beginning to undestand the relation between character designs and animation. You must have notice that I have announced the premier show of H & G for hashers. HERE What do you think of the idea? Satyajit
  12. Animation Weekly WIP Part 6/9 Part 6/9 is uploaded and Part 5/9 is removed. This WIP video file will be online for a window of one week. That is upto 4th Novembor. After that it'll be deleted from youtube and the subsequent part will be online. PART 6/9 Link Also, you can view the trailer HERE Please post your feedbacks. Satyajit
  13. Hi hashers, I'm getting closer to the end of the my 30 mins short 'Hansel & Gretel'. I couldn't do it without the help and support from you hashers. Now, at the end of my journey, I'm inviting you to view the Special Youtube premier of 'Hansel & Gretel'. I'm planning to show the complete and finished 30 mins movie in an one time special premier show on Youtube. Then this movie will be released on DVD. This Youtube broadcast will be a special show for many reason. First of all it'll be a Private show. Not a public show. So, you have to mail me to your e-mail ID to send an invitation from Youtube. Secondly, this show will be viewable for a window of 48 hrs only. The Premier date is not decided yet. But I think it'll be a weekend. Friday and saturday. So that everybody can watch either from home or office. And last of all, wherever I release the DVD, I cannot reach the audience I can reach through this. I don't want miss a single one interested in seeing this film. Please spread the word to those who are interested. This is an intimation of the show. I'll let you know the release date and another announcement will come up prior the show. So, those who want the FREE passes/invitation for this show please start to mail me at satyajit2000@hotmail.com. Satyajit For Movie details & Production Log
  14. Hi, Ken & Dhar, you're becoming like partners to this project. Thank you for taking all the effort to find those errors. I'm right now, a little left behind with the previous mistakes. But will soon catch up. Satyajit Next part to be broadcasted on 28th October
  15. Animation Weekly WIP Part 5/9 Part 5/9 is uploaded and Part 4/9 is removed. This WIP video file will be online for a window of one week. That is upto 28st October. After that it'll be deleted from youtube and the subsequent part will be online. PART 5/9 Link Also, you can view the trailer HERE Please post your feedbacks. Satyajit
  16. Dhar, It's a very good movie man! Not only you are developing animation skills, but storytelling skills too. Very inspiring. I'll look forward to see more pieces like this from you. Satyajit
  17. Hi all, Thanks a lot for the comments and critics. KenH and Dhar, you deserve special credits for helping this project out. Case, thanks for the observations, can you please point out which particular shot/shots needs rework? The_black_mage, I've started animating this movie from 1st Week of July 2006. Pre-production took a little over a month. Correction List : Shot 55,56 & 58 : Drooped Walk Seq needs to be redone. And have to offset a bit. (Thanks Dhar,KenH) Shot 61 : Have to edit out the shot at the beginning. Shot 63 : Have to open the eyes a little bit more. Voice : Thanks for the compliments Dhar. Nilanjana is also a singer, I think that's why it sounded good. I'll convey the kudos to her. Music : Hmm, now that the music is kinda over. It's a bit diffcult to change it all. Then again, let me have a try. Satyajit Part 5 Coming up on 21st October > The Witch
  18. Animation Weekly WIP Part 4/9 Part 4/9 is uploaded and Part 3/9 is removed. I'm still on the corrections of Part 3. Anyway the 4th Part is up for critic. This WIP video file will be online for a window of one week. That is upto 21st October. After that it'll be deleted from youtube and the subsequent part will be online. PART 4/9 Link Also, you can view the trailer HERE Please post your feedbacks. Satyajit
  19. Relaying the story, yes that's what I want to learn. This whole project is about that. I'm been asked, 'why am I doing this long story. I should concentrate on quality rather than quantity.' But telling a feature length story is vastly different from telling a short film. Though I'm a novice in this area, I want to continue to learn. It seems such a vast subject for one lifetime. And the masters of this trade seems to do it so well. And I'm so lacking. But somewhere down the road I'll know the secret to capture the minds and hearts. For that, I have to practice. And there's no way to practice storytelling than telling stories after stories and analysing feedbacks. At least for me there's no other way. So, I'm going to continue to do that. Satyajit
  20. Thank you Mike, I'm a great fan of yours. Satyajit
  21. Points well noted Ken, What to say. I have to correct these. Also, you're right, the walk needs more ankle breakdown. Satyajit Next Part coming up on 14th Oct
  22. Animation WIP Part 3/9 Part 3/9 is uploaded and Part 2/9 is removed. This is the 3rd part of the nine part series of animation WIP. Only animations are there. Compositing hasn't been done yet. Please check it out. This WIP video file will be online for a window of one week. After that it'll be deleted from youtube and the subsequent part will be online. PART 3/9 Link Also, you can view the trailer HERE Please post your feedbacks. Satyajit
  23. Hi again, Thank you for liking Miss Stork. I'll soon open a WIP of the animation. Satyajit
  24. Hi all, Please check out Miss stork. She and the Brando Tiger are getting set for a new story. Satyajit
  25. Thank you all for posting the feedbacks. I'm glad Ken that you've liked it. Happy to make something watched by your 2 yr old. I'm posting some shots from the composite, check them out Also, 3rd part is coming up on 8th October. Satyajit
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