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Posts posted by entity

  1. There was a phrase in the story where tinman is telling whoot about how he used to have a body (meat parts) and he suvived because in OZ you are still the same person... he was taken to a "Tin Smith". The word smith got me to thinking about craftsmen and a period of time that stands out as "artful crafts". Anyway, he said he perfered the way he looks as tin rather than "meat", so he must have looked like a sculpture or something.

    But I think the one I did looks too busy... the design needs to be more simple.

    Like the shapes below for example.


  2. Yves said:

    If only the rest of the characters weren't originally drawn so realistically.


    But I think that's the idea, by having some of the characters realistic, it helps to tie the real world into this fantasy type world... "suspension of disbelief"?

  3. Paul,

    Love the scarecrow (one with the checker shirt) in your last post with the oversized hat and his body slightly mis-shaped make him look floppy and stuffed ... because when you stuff something it always gets too much stuffing in some places and not enough in others.

    So are the tinwoodsman and the tinman two seperate people? Where can I read the script or story?

  4. Thanks Don,

    You always come through! Always organized! :) I owe you some tut time now (just let me know when, probably at any weekend you want! I'm all yourz.)... ;) ... ALL you guys are great! Sorry I didn't stay for the rest... John and Scott I'll definitely have to see your work next time... I know I missed something and wished I could have stayed. Mech-- sorry about the shoulder thing...(I finally remembered that I used smartskin for the clavicle to move the bicep's translation)... I don't think I ever solved it for smooth shoulder upward movement. I'll I.M. you from the forum if I come up with something. Zach, I'm so glad you showed us how to create the "Post-Extrapolation Method"-(accumulate) B) ... Vern, I'm surprised by the detail in your models... even God would be impressed (that you appreciate all those molecules). :lol:


    Oh... And John... I'm not going first next time, no matter what you say! :P Maybe there should be a rotation of first show-n-teller. :rolleyes:



    To avoid harsh animation critiques in the future, animate characters using a bidet and make sure they don't eat to much bean dip before they do their scenes.

    Gee, thanks a lot Vern. I'm never going to animate AGAIN! :lol:FALSE!

  5. Nancy, that IS cute!

    But going by the nature of a "stuffed" character... I think he would be more "floppy" in his movement. He might even have bits of straw fall out now and then. Actually, remembering the original OZ, he contorted himself in "odd" ways. (I guess that's why they chose Michael Jackson to be the scarecrow in "The Wiz"!)

  6. Dont' forget too that these characters are sitting round a castle and have been pampered and cleaned to perfection


    That's the inspiration I was talking about!


    I didn't read the story, and I didn't participate... I'm an outside EYE for you. I'm trying to look at it with new eyes...


    Martin's list:

    1) Involve the whole A:M community (eventually).

    2) Use Animation:Master on a large production.

    3) Make a good movie.

    4) Increase the skills of those working on the project.

    5) Improve Animation:Master.

    6) Have some fun, especially by making friends (I know this sounds sappy

    but it's what I work off of).

    7) Promote Animation:Master

    8) Educating new customers (schools)

    9) Learn how to do it

    10) Be able to do it again.

  7. I don't think complicated is the answer. Elegant maybe. But for example, having 4 fingers instead of 5 doesn't take away from a character. In fact it probably would never be noticed if the animation/story is good enough.


    We can still show off AM with out complexity.....water/fireworks/dynamics/hair/cloth/etc.



    I wasn't replying in reference to how many fingers...

    Elegant is what I mean... Complexity on the design and character is what I'm talking about, and yes, it doesn't matter how many fingers-- 3--4--5--6--10-- the point is the design. And what is the REAL purpose of the production? A:M has a nice range of tools. Is that being taken advantage of here? I look at the drawings and nothing strikes me. I see the scarecrow... but I can't see any character traits that refer to the story, as to, what type of person is the scarecrow?

    I know Rodney already said something about this, but I hope people are not forgetting about Where the characters have come from and where they are in their lives and how they got here.

    I shouldn't post when I haven't had any coffee yet!



    Just trying to be a grumpy cheerleader... ignore me if you wish...

  8. If we are trying to show off Animation:MASTER's features, why are we trying to simplify the ALL of the characters so much. It will become boring to animate such, because there is not much of a challenge left. Some of the characters should be harder, because they may be important to the story... The most experienced animators will be able to "show their stuff" (I don't think I would ever try to animate something too difficult, because I'm not good at animating.)


    Make the main characters complicated the secondary characters less complicated and the extras as simple as possible.


    Does that sound appropriate?



    Um, And it would add some contrast to the characters as well. We don't want everything to be too similar. We don't want all the characters to move in remotely the same manner, so why would we make them fit so well together in a world as whimsicle as OZ! Who IS the scarecrow at this time?

  9. Worked on BG06 this past week. Splitting the background up and preparing it for animation was, for some odd reason, tougher than normal. I think I had to redo the clouds like five times.... 


    I hate to say this if it was expressed before on your thread, but do you think separating the clouds by slight color changes might help seeing the depth of the clouds? And I think the clouds should move upward arcs.

    That's just my opinion... cause everything looks just wonderful as is. Thanks for your "consistent persistence"!



    He's a TD at heart! But I think he needs to hear a producer say,"We are going way past deadline with this thing! Do you know how much this is going to put me over budget!" :lol:


    Great job, Zach!

  11. I was using "Ray-Dream" (Really, realistic characters were out of reach with it, so I only made vehicles and spaceships.) because it was all I could afford. It used to be packaged with "Corel Draw". At work they had Corel and that was the first time I saw it... I was totally unaware of inexpensive 3d apps at that point. After that, I wanted 3dmax (For character animation) so I started to save some money. And I found it was difficult to save more than $500. Then I did a search for all 3d apps. Martin's name came up, not for A:M, but for his acomplishments with spline algorithm. Then Animation:Master came up when I searched for info on 3d-spline. I got a link to the "Rod Wow" animation! Then I got to the Hash site and looked at the site page to page, there I saw the words "Software an artist can afford!" (I think) and when I saw the price... I was like- It's a scam!... I saw all those tools and compared with the tools of other apps costing 5 - 10 times as much! Then I just couldn't find anything bad about the app and Martin Hash is a very creditable reference so why not!...

    ...And the rest is history!

    Animation:Master is unbelievable, ain't it? Maybe that's why people are still using those other 3d "applications" (if you can call them that.). If you ask me, other applications don't "apply"! actually, A:M is a "solution" to animation, not an application. ;)

  12. KenH Posted on May 11 2005, 06:58 PM

    Lookin good. Thanks for Genman.


    Thanx, man.


    luckbat Posted on May 11 2005, 09:04 PM

      "Mrs. GenMan?"


    Shouldn't it be GenWoman? 


    Yes. I guess I stated that politicaly incorrect.



    apprentice Posted on May 12 2005, 03:32 AM

    Wow, a very nice model. Is she an android? I think there should be more weight shifting on the animation. Btw, did you forget to turn on the dynamic constraints? 



    She can be anything we wish her to be!

    The animation is a test for the rig, only. Did not intend to show my lack of animation skills. Besides, if I had just done a fly-around of a still model, you probably would have said,"Can't wait to see her animated". :P

    The dynamics simulate on the fly, but don't on the render... <_ how do i get the simulation to occure during render time>


    trajcedrv Posted on May 12 2005, 05:56 AM

      Yes! Great news!


    I just loved your gen-man, I can't wait for the lady


    Thank you, you are doing public service with this!



    I'd do almost anything for Hashers and Splinefolk.



    Have a lot of work to do on the phonemes... changing the "face" of GenMan to GenWoman dramaticaly distorted where the cps end up during the height of the pose. Her hairstyle is embarising... I won't even show you that yet. A few more days/nights work and I'll be done.

  13. If you decal a straight on view it will not be correct in the camera angle. You could just put your character on the opposite side of the mirror-- take the mirror out and composite it in... it would be a lot more work, but if it is soooo important to get this scene in perfectly it's viable.

    To continue... you could render your scene with the mirror as a bluescreen or whatever color is not promenent in the scene, from that you can create an alpha or hold out area. Then once you have that you could rearrange the scene so the camera is at the correct angle (I think opposite the original position?) and use the render you did (that has a hole where the mirror is) as a projection rotoscope. Now you can render the scene again with the new angle view through the mirror hole completes the effect. I know it sounds complex... but if you have no other option it could help to try it. Does this seem close to what you want?

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