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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by totlover

  1. Good models man. Uhm those are not my strong suits man. I prefer modelling and a next is animating. I am not that great at lighting or texturing.
  2. hey everyone i am going to be getting an update on A:M pretty soon so i am going to try and help you guys out again. who all is still working hard with this project. i am willing to come back and work hard to get this done.
  3. alright.. my version is too far out of date. but when i get the update this christmas ill be able to fix the picture up how i want to. im still using v10.5.
  4. Alright.. i have had a lot of things come up like holidays and school work.. but i have just recently tried to fix this. i think i still need to fix the lighting.. but ill do that next. heres a picture.
  5. You know i forgot about that. i started out with a night scene. but things were easier to see with a more daytime light. i guess i just forgot about the street lights. whats your opinion on what i should do. should i do a night scene or a day scene? they would both look cool
  6. Alright in the past 2 days i have modeled this. i think i spent more time then i should have. but it doesnt matter cause i like how it turned out. but i think it could be better if i just knew how to make better lighting. i dont know though. so if you have any tips about lighting. how i should light it up. or any things you think should be changed its all being taken. i wanna know what yall think.. my intentions are to enter it in the heros image contest when the time comes. i expected it to take longer then it did.
  7. Wow this has come together so nice. it looks really good even without a final render. jequed. this is very good. these animations amaze me.
  8. Yeah you got it Masna. that is actually what we are kinda basing our idea off of. just the idea of showing the town and what not. my friends play that game. p.s. I will have new model picture up later tonight.
  9. wow. this is turning out amazing
  10. its just an online game where basically all it is i am making is pictures. its a "text-game" as i would call it. just upgrading and attacking people. but no actual game play or nothing. im not sure what to call that. so i am just making things to make pictures. which will basically just be used as 2d. because no 3d part of it is used. just the image of it.
  11. had to change up the Shack
  12. made this today a shack.
  13. I think he doesnt have to, if it is a game like earth of empire, etc. Than the images will be enough. *Fuchur* he is right all i am doing is making the models and when i hear from the guy i will just create pictures of each of the things and thats all that is needed. this stuff could be made into 2d with a paint program but i just thought it would be cooler if done in 3d. and it is way better then the drawings.
  14. Over the next two months or so i am going to be creating objects to be used in a game online. All of the objects are going to be objects from times of empires and kings times. I will say now that i do not play this game but a few of my friends do. Which is who helped me get this project. So now i am going to be making objects and showing you guys my progress. The game is called War of Empires... and you can check it out here if you would like to. None of the artwork on this site is mine though. Im not sure where my work will go if its used. The work will be created from a certain angle of each of the models so none of the shots are final. but my first models to show are. a war tent. then there are barracks.
  15. wow this is awesome great start. i dont know much about spline count so cant help you there. but it is looking very nice.
  16. Alright i finally did the hands. I know it has taken me a while but i have been enjoyin summer. WOO none of the renders are final for what i am going to make. i am not sure whether to a toon render like i have or give it a realistic cartoon look in regular render. im still deciding. i am going to need to practice with lighting though. alright. i am still having problems with my rig. i think i need to wait until i get an upgrade to rig this model. i tried installing The Setup Machine 2 and it has not worked for me. it doesnt recognize the plugins or something. i need to upgrade soon. and i am going to.
  17. hmm well i didnt know they had these things. its what i have always wanted. and judging by all the grateful comments about this it must be good. i am going to try this out real soon.
  18. oh has the price dropped from 100$ wow i will definitely be doing that. my b-day is coming up. i should get that much. i am going to get it for sure. yeah. that is where i get lost in rigging. i dont understand it when it comes to constraints and weighting and things like that.
  19. ok. well if someone does look at it and help me out i cant use that model. they will have to explain the problem to me. i want to learn as well as get this done i am sure i cant use anyones because i still using 10.5.. never have gotten around to upgrading. maybe ill do that pretty soon. GroovyDude.mdl still no hands... i will get to that soon.
  20. well for some reason the targets do not work. i dont know if maybe i deleted something but like if i use the left foot or right foot target it doenst move the foot. but it does constrain it. if i move it down a towards the target it oddlly rotates around it. but i cant actually use the target like i want to. if i move it around all it does is move around without moving any cp's that is the same with the hip target
  21. I have created a new little character mainly for the purpose of practicing rigging and animating. i am going to make a music video eventually with this guy using the song Tonto, Jump On It! but i am still rigging him right now. i have used the 2001 Skeletal rig and i still have a little touching up to do for some small points that are a little out of place. but its the best i have done. i never have rigged a human before. nor made one. i need to know how to use the target things. the cubes for like the feet targets and the hip/pelvis cube mover. if i could rig these it would make my animating alot smoother and easier. so if someone could point me in the right direction that would be great. and i will take comments on the character too. hands to come very soon
  22. ok.. well im half asleep right now. but his left foot seemed like it popped a little too unatural
  23. very nice.
  24. wow. this is awesome man. their are a lot of cp's and stuff but heck it looks good and it doesnt appear to be slowing you down at all. great job
  25. can we see wireframe.. great job man.
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