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Everything posted by TacoBallZ

  1. I was able to pick up the Games, Jack 1 and 2 for 8$ and 9$ respectively. I will be taking some video footage clips to get more reference. This is kinda fun. Except for those damn ears! Ken, I see ehat you mean about the mouth protruding out too far. shouldn't be too hard to fix that. -Mark
  2. Day 2 These damn ears drive me nuts, what the hell kind of simple shape is it that it is impossible to duplicate?! its like smooth and angular at the same time. Well, I'm not happy with the ears so I will redo them tomorrow. Larger image http://renderwild.com/3d/024daxter.jpg Wireframe
  3. I agree, which is why I posted in the WIP section instead of showcase (made sense to me) I was at work and didnt have much time to play with it. I also thought that the title would help explain that it was just a lighting test. *shrugs*
  4. MMZ, thanks for the tips, I will try it out.... Ken, the character is not mine, unfortunately because it is such a cool character. It's from the Playstation 2 game of Jak and Daxter. The eyes are just kind of placeholders until I get some poses set for the squinting as showin the the reference image. The 3D model snout looks not big enough or is it too big, I don't understand the question. Info on the characters http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jak_and_Daxter
  5. Here is Day 1, I hope you have as much fun looking at a disembodied head as I did creating it. Actually that damn eyebrow ridge was a pain in the A$$!! Pupils are modeled, and the teeth are splines rendered as lines. Larger pic http://renderwild.com/3d/03daxter0.jpg Wireframe
  6. I'm not going to say it's anything special, but it sure as hell is fun. I was playing around with it at work (shh don't tell my boss) and here is something I came up with. Tried to go for a eerie flourescant look. Ambient Occlusion is using a greenish color with a light blue klieg light focusing on the subject. The room is not really a room, but more like two intersecting planes.
  7. My retinas are now officially fried. Is there something new in the v13 toon renderer that I missed?
  8. Enjoy. I will be doing a more systematic approach to ambient occlusion in finding out what are some of the better speed vs quality combinations. Thanks EOS for submitting his entry for the Hash CD I also posted a side by side comparison in the Radiosity forum. http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?s=&sh...ndpost&p=157606
  9. Allrighty, will post further tests in that thread. Thanks.
  10. Thanks Martin, we'll see how it goes. It's one of my New Year's Resolutions (To do more 3D). Unfortunately, most people don't stick with their resolutions, however I am not most people. I'm already eagerly anticipating next month's contest. -Mark
  11. Settings, AO 100% Intensity, 50% Occlusion 1 Bulb light at 25% intensity Rendered in Multipass with 3 passes PS, yeah I know there is a flipped normal on her head. Will add more stuff later. -Mark AKA (TacoBallZ)
  12. Nice work so far Nekosei, keep it up. Also, a light right can make even the most standard colors stand out. Oh yeah, is that a new Phin Phin model too? or just imported one of your older models. Looking forward to updates on that! -Taco
  13. I just upgraded my psp as well. This is awesome! Posting from my psp right now!
  14. Tooned version, just for kicks -Taco
  15. Just an update, Enjoy http://renderwild.com/3d/ack_what_is_it.jpg
  16. See first post.... (edited)
  17. Here is an update to the beast-creature thing from beyond the swamp grave thing. 2.9MB Quicktime (Sor3) http://www.renderwild.com/3d/004monster.mov -Taco
  18. Well, I'm in Sierra Vista, about 200 miles south of Phoenix. I am interested in what kind of project you are thinking about. I occasionally visit Phoenix to see some of my old artschool buddies. Drop me a line. -Mark Weller AKA TacoBallZ on #hash3d on irc.freenode.net tacoballz@email.com I have some renders, nothing too spectacular on my webpage, I've been kinda uninspired to do anything lately so it's not up to date. www.polygondragon.com
  19. Roughy, you might want to adjust the bias value on your light to something higher, like a 3.0cm, this will prevent those jagges shadows. Give it a try, lemme know if that does anything. Seeya. -Taco
  20. Wow, cool clip! I don't want to be a nit-picker here... But in Arizona, I have seen far too many Black Widows for my tastes, but I have yet to see one fall from a spider thread. They usually like to nest in dark damp areas and the webs they create are really chaotic. Oh man... just thinking about those nasty suckers *shudder* The last one I encountered had made its home in a cardboard box full of long nails. The web funneled down into a dark hole. When you tapped the box it would pop out of its tunnel and look around for prey. Needless to say I drenched that sucker in WD-40, which is the fastes way to kill Black Widow Spiders... Raid and other bug spray just pisses Black Widows off, sure it will kill them, but it could take tens of minutes, where WD-40 is in a matter of a couple minutes... FYI IT COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE!! -Mark Weller AKA TacoBallZ on #hash3d
  21. Cool characters, love the wolf guy, but... I LOVE YOUR AVATAR! I am a big Buckaroo Bonzai fan.... *pets his Oscillation Overthruster*.... *my precious* -Mark A.K.A. TacoBallZ on #hash3d
  22. Yeah, as far as details, its a very low-rez model.... The hair itself is pretty much a spline outline extruded inwards (very bad splinemanship), but it works out for toon renders. I will be making a full 3d model for the hair so I can take shots from different angles. .... *gets in touch with his inner hippy* ... must have harmonious splines.... -TacoBallZ
  23. This is a small proof of concept render I am doing for promotional work at http://www.azimagination.com . It's nothing super yet, but the owner of that site says he will promote me on the main page.. And the character is from this website, who's owner has just published a feel-good chickensoup for the ______ kinda book at http://www.verbalremedies.com . WIN / A:M V11.0.d Here's a WIP http://polygondragon.com/3d/verbalremedies/lorelei001.jpg The reference image is taken from this. http://polygondragon.com/3d/verbalremedies/AskLorelie2.jpg More updates soon to come... -Mark Weller A.K.A. TacoBallZ on #hash3dAZ Imaginationwww.Verbal Remedies.comVerbal RemediesVerbal Remedies.com
  24. Wow, very nice. Proportions look great and from the looks of it, very few creases. Good job!
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