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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by Jeetman

  1. It's been over a week since my last Bertram post, so I figured I had better post so that this section didn't appear dead. I'll pin this thread so that it will be easy to take a quick look to see what I'm bashing against my skull at that moment.


    What I've been doing is updating the biped Squetch Rig installation rigs, working on a possible add-on for the rig, started the Squetch Rig installation tutorial and started modeling a prop.


    Since most of those things are inter-related, they will probably all get finished at the same time...I'm using Bertram's rig installation to troubleshoot the rig and add-on, and as the model for the tutorial.


    Sorry for the delay on the things I'm going to release.




    I can't wait till you and Mark create the "instant" rig. One push of a button postitions bones, attaches and weights cp's and deletes install bones. It works on bipeds, tripeds, quadpeds, and any peds :lol:


    I can dream can't I?


    As I said in Mark's post, I'm very grateful that you dedicate your personal time to work on the rigging part of AM. Without guys/gals like you, animation would be near impossible and incredibly hard to do.


    Thank you for all you do David and keep up the excellent work you've been doing.



  2. I think David means that you could adjust the face in a separate window to "look right" in the chor as you adjust the body there. It's certainly one solution. I'm not sure I personally could get used to it though.


    yeah but you're ending up adjusting 2 things at the same time If I'm understanding this correctly. I agree it's a method of doing it but it seems like too much to deal with at a time. I could be wrong.



  3. The sign is looking GREAT!!


    Kudos on the attention to the finer details. I can't wait to see the finished model.



    Great work!!



  4. And here's the next part....shorter, smaller (3.4mb) and better quality.




    I agree with Martin. That's really good lipsync'ing.


    I did notice the ork's pupils dilate a bit too much though hehe.



  5. Once that's done, it's on to the next one. Eat my dust fellow keyframers! ;)


    The shot looks good!!!!


    I don't think many (if any) of us could keep up with you Ken.


    In my defense, I got side tracked by my nephew's wedding. He asked me to make his cake and I've been a little busy with that.



  6. Maybe you don't realise how HARD other people find rigging :)


    I think I showed my feelings on this in my last post about Mark and David being GODs!! when it comes to rigging :lol:




  7. Here's an alternative:


    Create a separate action for the face. Everything that happens to the face for the entire shot goes in this action, dialogue, emotion, eye blinks - the lot. No merging required. Machines should be fast enough these days to allow you have have the face action window open along side the chor window so you can see the final results....




    Hi David,


    The problem with this is adjusting the timing. If theoretically you have all the face animation (including non speaking parts), you are essencially (as you said) putting all the facial animation into an action. By doing this, you will probably end up having to adjust the "facial" action while adjusting the chor action for the main body poses.



  8. Boy, this is a tough crowd. No comments, nothing to say? Is Ken, David and Nancy the only people interested in the rig? I'm starting to think I'm wasting my time. I had plans for face controls using expressions and an installation rig, but why bother. I don't need the rig, this was for the community to use, so with no interest, there's no reason to continue.


    Sorry Mark.


    I haven't been following the rigging threads probably due to my severe inability to even comprehend rigging.


    When it comes to rigging, you and David are GODS to me. I'm amazed at your rigging abilities and I think you are doing an incredible job. Without your participation to the rig, there was NO way I could animate the TWO characters with the ease that I do.


    Thank you very much for all you do and PLEASE keep going!!!! I'll someday learn how to use this rig and as long as you keep tweeking it, it will get better and better each day.



  9. Any news on this, George?


    Hi Robert,


    I finally got a chance to add the extra ground keeping Winkies. I also created a constant raking action for the extras. The original one has the guy looking up to watch Woot. It's all committed to the svn.


    Here's a mov.





  10. Please don't change the camera resolution at all as it'll need to be corrected by someone. Also, any changes made to the root camera resolution (for preview rendering) won't be reflected in the instance camera in this shot.

    In fact the only things that should be changed in the camera, if required, are the position/rotation and focal point. Even then, it's at a push.


    I made no changes to the camera except the position.



  11. Hey George ... Nice take ..


    I suggest you to rotate his forearm while he walks.. an example can be seen HERE. I also noticed the SC's feet sliding. And try to use the correct frame size 720x405...


    Thanks Xtaz,


    I'm only in blocking stage. The details will be ironed out in the next stage or stages (not sure how it works). The feet sliding thing I saw too but I didn't make the sneek cycle and I can never seem to get the feet to work perfectly with paths so that will be something that a pathing expert will have to figure out.


    The render is only a quick thing to show the shot but in the future I'll create the proper resolution.



  12. OK made the adjustment to the shot. I added another crow (it's actually the same crow). The first one gives a reason for tin to peek around the corner and the second one catches his eye. I also added a back view camera angle of Tin seeing one of the crows enter SC's room. Oh and I opened SC's door as requested.


    Here's a mov of the changes. Remember this is only the keyframes in hold. The path animation has no hold.




    Just let me know if it's OK to move on.


    Oh and the lighting is going to have to be adjusted. I turned on the front light so I could see the shot better.



  13. Hi all,


    Can anyone tell me what determines the start of a path? I'm working on a SO shot and I have a crow constrained to a path that I had to modify by adding a few splines and now It's starting at the end of the path. I know I could use ease to make it work but I just want to understand how it works.


    So what controls where the start of a path for a model is. I need to get the crow on the other end of the path spline.



  14. I took a bit of a break from animating to make a white water surf for the bottom of the rowboat. It's a sprite material and renders fast. I think it's like a shadow for a character and helps to anchor the boat to the sea.....oh the puns! :D


    (The ocean waves look just a tad bit fast. I had to turn off reflections too because there was funky things happening.)


    Looks cool Ken! Are they in a motor boat or just rowing? If they are in a motor boat then it should work pretty nicely. If they are rowing though, you wouldn't see so much surf.



  15. Each new shot is a new camera cut, so you can do what you like. There's a default pose I'm putting in all the models that closes their eyes down to their irises but this also does other things such as curl the fingers abit.....just stuff for a more natural pose.


    This would be perfect. Thanks!



  16. I'm getting ready to do the lipsync and facial expressions. I thought about a potential issue. I think the starting face of Trot has her eyes too wide open. I'd like to close her lids a little but I don't want to lose continuity with previous shots. Is the face that she starts with her normal relaxed look or can I close her eye lids a touch so she doesn't look like shes a zombie hehe?



  17. Raising the bottom might do it actually, but it could make their knees go up to their faces.

    George's Boolean solution would work well if the water plane and the boat were in the same model - I'm pretty sure boolean cutters only work within a single model and do not interact between different models in a chor. Since the boat and the water plane are different models, and we do not know yet how a diaplacement map will affect the water's contour, I don't think a boolean cutter would work well in this case. But George if you want to make some storm waves and give it a shot (using different models for the boat and the water plane), I would be interested in seeing the results.



    The only thing that needs to be with the water model is the cutout boolean. The boat does not need to be part of the model. All you need to do is keep a cutout in the water, Translate and orient the boat to the cutout. When you don't need the cutout, you just move it out of camera.


    The only down side is that the boat cutout doesn't effect the water. It essentially cuts a hole in the water. It may not look too good. Animating the water would look better. I just don't understand how Nancy's idea works completely.



  18. Nancy's idea is cool but why not just have a boolean cut out of the boat in the water model. Then "translate to" and "orient like" the boat control bone to the cutout? Then you move and animate the cutout bone in the water.



    Here's a quick thing I threw together as an example.




    Here's the prj file.






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