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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

D.Joseph Design

*A:M User*
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Posts posted by D.Joseph Design

  1. This reminds me of a reason Apple Driven by Design conference in which Adobe and Quark representatives spoke. The Quark guy was like, "And Quark now imports native Photoshop files, and we now support true transparency and multiple undos!" Meanwhile, Adobe: "InDesign has had this from day one or at least day two, now let's talk about the amazing new features of this already amazing package."


    I'm not upgrading to 11 because of the version 11's hate for CD emulation software, but I may not be able to resist version 12 if its feature set is impressive enough (which we all know it will be).

  2. I finally have my idea for this year's opening animation for my church's Year in Review! I'll post my story sketches later, but for now, I'm looking for a character model.


    I love the simplicity of Shaggy and Thom, but I want to use Thom for something with my logo and I already used Shaggy two years ago. I'm looking for a character with basic facial expressions, rigged body, and generally humanoid. I've looked all around at models and haven't found much. Since I don't have many A:M CDs, does someone know of great models that would work for me? Either e-mail me or post a picture in here.



  3. I click to "show more than drivers" one the object shortcut in the choreography. This receals the material properties that can then be animated over the timeline. I animate the Sprite System's percentage-based rate of emission rather than the three subsystems' properties.

  4. I'm working on my title scene with text being written in by a sprite emitter. I'm also using the Hash CD sparkle effect on my emitter. Between writting letters onto the screen, I want the sparkle emitter to stop and resume when the writing resumes. I animated this by adjusting the overall Sprite System rate of emission percentage from 0% to 100% with my interpolation method as Hold. The problem is that when I reopen the file, the sparkle sprite system rate of emission settings are gone. Oddly, my sprite emission settings for the "ink" is still all present.


    Any ideas? I'm using A:M 10.5 (latest).

  5. Oh! I got it! The key was that button I usually ignore on shortcuts in the choreography: "Show more than drivers." Unchecking this plopped my Sprite Emitter in the choreography and thus allows me to animate it as I want.


    Now on to the sparkles. :P

  6. Yay! I figured out the random problem. I made a sphere as my emitter and applied the material to the entire surface. This made the sprites emit from all patches of the sphere, thus giving the "random" appearance. So that's solved.


    Now I have another problem. The tutorial simply says:


    ... I simply animated the Rate of Emission between 100% and 0% depending on where I was on the path. So starting at time 00:00:00 I set the rate to 0%. A few frames later I set it again to 0% the immediately to 100% in the next frame.




    He's using A:M 9.5f and the sprite properties appear in the choreography and thus in the timeline for animation. How'd he do that? I can't figure out how to animate the rate of emission, which I need to separate the letters.

  7. Yes, I want an invisible emitter to sparkle as it writes the text. The first example that comes to mind is, I think, the Jim Henson logo with his Muppet movies.


    The sparkle shouldn't be a problem because its a simple emitter with gravity and velocity set. I've seen several of JohnL's stuff on which I'll base mine.

  8. I want to animate an opening sequence for a short video that will show the script title being written in with an "invisible" pen as the strokes are laid. The writing point itself would be some "sparking" (or similar) emitter. How can I do this?


    I saw the writing tutorial on ARM, but following those directions and with some modification still makes the sprite emitters appear all over the place instead of directly along the path. They'll be a few pixels above, below, or other random directions instead of directly on the path.


    Another problem is that the tutorial describes animating the sprit emitter's emission value, but I can't get to the material value in the choreography to animate it.



    I'm doing something wrong, and I'm not quite sure what I'm doing at all.


    I want to do this as a simple "flat" animation. Would After Effects, which I do own, be better for this? If so, can someone direct me to a resource? Maybe JohnL knows how to do what I want.

  9. I love writing and attempt to do so often for my website. I'm also a managing editor at my day job in addition to presentation designer.


    Since one as mentioned a pet peeve, I shall reveal another common error: "there's." While the contraction for "there is," itself, is not an error, its usage usually is. Note the below examples (and similar errors):


    There's three ways to do this. (Should be "There are ...")

    Where's Dad and Mom? (Should be "Where are ...")


    Or something I hear a lot out here in the Midwest: "Where is it at?" Not only does it end with a preposition, but the preposition is quite unnecessary!


    I love language, which is quite humorous considering it was my worst and my most-hated subject in school.


    As at progress as a managing editor (I have had that role for only a couple months), I am considering adding editing to my freelance services.


    All prospective writers need two things: The Chicago Manuel of Style (fifteenth edition), and a good dictionary (I recommend Merriam–Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (eleventh edition)).


    One interesting tidbit: according to Merriam–Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (eleventh edition), the prefixes "re-" and "non" no longer requires a hyphen in most cases. In fact, several prefixes do not require a hyphen as we would think.


    So that's my writing practice for the day. :)

  10. I'm bumping this rather than starting a new topic.


    I have had this problem since day one of A:M Forums. It appears that the e-mail notification isn't really activated until one's second post to a topic. Like I know that I won't receive any notices about this topic until I either post again or manually choose to watch it. I have my profile set to notify me by default and the option is always checked when I reply or start a new topic, but it just isn't working.


    I really wish Hash used phpBB (which is in version 2.x instead of Invision Power Board's 1.x), or that they'd just implement some of the mods out there (may fix these problems). phpBB is, in my experience, much more stable, reliable, customizable, and has thousands of easily-implemented mods/"hacks" (such as spell checkers, more smilies, quick reply (which I think this forum needs), advanced security, more features and technologies, etc.).

  11. I would like to recommend that the thumb nail be replaced with the full image because dial up users have to download the original anyway to see the thumb nail. This would save them from download the image again to view it.


    I, as a dialup user, would not like that because I can get the idea from a quick thumbnail, but if I want to see more, then I'm willing to wait for the full-size version to load when I click for it.

  12. When posting an image that is hosted somewhere, I like to post a thumbnail link to the full-scale image. I do this with the following tag order:







    To produce:




    I usually make just a thumb of the image instead of an alteration like the above, but I just grabbed that straight from my website because I'm having FTP trouble right now.

  13. I check PlanetBattlefield every day and download everything from it when I'm on highspeed internet. No offense, but I find all of these Battlefield movies quite funny but not because of the production itself. All the Battlefield movies I've seen (probably a couple hundred) follow the same format: here are several guys shooting at each other and crashing stuff with my favorite (copyrighted) song playing in the background. :) I'm glad to see you at least didn't use the standard Windows Movie Maker title animation.

  14. Aah. I'm running a GeForce4 Ti 4600. Perhaps the latest Omega drivers would work better.


    In case you don't know, Omega drivers are built on nVidia's and ATI's latest driver set but are better enhanced and tweak with more options to change. But they haven't released drivers built on 61.77 yet.


    Oh cool! I just found out nVidia Omega drivers 1.5672a (based on nVidia 56.72) supports all nVidia Go chips! This is great for me because nVidia directs Go users to their manufacturers, and Toshiba hasn't updated the drivers for my notebook (or any other using GeForce4 440 Go).

  15. Since Upgrading to the newest nVidia drivers, I now get a strange error message when launching A:M 10.5.


    nVidia OpenGL driver

    Driver component sizes mis-match. OK to keep going. Cancel to exit.


    OK    |    Cancel


    And then nothing displays in the A:M workspace windows.


    Any ideas? I think I'll try reverting to previous driver versions. I suspect this has something to do with the latest version of OpenGL.

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