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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

D.Joseph Design

*A:M User*
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Posts posted by D.Joseph Design

  1. I still get those "access denied" error messages when I try to copy A:M model files and sometimes project files from a remote computer (my notebook) to the local computer (my desktop) through the local computer.


    There are no problems when I do the same copy through the remote computer, but doing it through the client returns and "access denied" error message.


    Has this been fixed in version 11? Are there new workarounds to this?

  2. It was probably the electronic/electro-mechanical side of my brain seeing something that needed to be fixed since that's been my occupation for the last 15 years.


    Aah! Rule number 1: don't trust an engineer in matters of art. ;)


    (Anyone thinking of that poor Chinese guy from American Idol? "Sha-bang"? That's the only episode I've ever seen.)

  3. While modeling the gears for my "Making Your Presentations Zing" cover, I noticed a very strange behavior of the environment maps. I had both gears in the camera and rotating around their respective Y-axes. Because the gears have a flat plane that really doesn't move (it just turns but the plane never changes angles), one would expect the environment map to not move just as a hubcaps do not "spin" a reflection when the tire is spinning. However, the environment map does move and it causes many problems by doing so.


    Try this simple test to repeat it.


    1. Model a sphere.

    2. Apply an environment map to that sphere.

    3. Drop it in a choreography and animate it rotating along any axis.

    4. Render final quality so you can see the environment map reflected on the object.


    The environment map rotates with the sphere.


    This is quite contrary to what should happen. Reflections only move when the mirroring object's angle changes.


    Any way to avoid this bug? Is this fixed in version 11?

  4. I have been asked to speak on presentation design at the upcoming Answers in Genesis Creation College in West Harrison, IN. My talk title will be "Making Your Presentations Zing!" I'll teach graphic design principles, eye candy skills, dos and don'ts of design, and more. I'm going all out on this design and using Apple Keynote to present for its advanced multimedia technologies and awesome transitions. The gears and globe were modeled in Animation:Master. The globe will slowly rotate in the Keynote version.


    Cover (JPEG)

  5. Yes! I was on T1 at the office today and had terrible problems with only the Hash site. I called and mentioned that but they weren't experiencing any problems.


    I suspected our internet at the office because I'm in a building across from the main office and everything, including the toliets, goes through one T1 connection to the main office. So I tried it at home through my dial-up. Same random problems "Hash.com cannot be found" or similar messages (depending on the browser).


    I'm tried in both IE and Firefox (my normal browser).

  6. :)


    Well, I'm speaking at an educational conference of sorts. Everyone attending will be there to learn the skills to give specific talks and lessons. Mine will just be the most fun presentation of them all. :)


    If they just remember the cool stuff they will see, I'll be happy.

  7. Wednesday, I was asked by one of my organization's VPs to speak at an upcoming major conference hosted by my organization. As a presentation designer (my daytime job), I will be speaking on "making your presentations zing!" I'll cover basic design principles and skills, presentation technologies, and then the best part, eye-candy.


    I want my own presentation to make the audience go "WOW!" so I'm using A:M to create 3D elements for my presentation.


    I already have some ideas in mind, but I'd like some tips and how-tos.


    Probably all Mac-users have seen Microsoft's cool 3D logos for the Office suite. How can that same 3D, glowing gel effect be achieved with A:M?


    Anyone have some models or special effects that you think could really enhance the presentation without distracting?


    I'll be doing a lot with alpha channels and animations. I already noticed some strange black halos around objects. Could this be from rendering only single-pass? Would multi-pass smooth out these edges?

  8. Yup. I've had that problem since 9.5.


    I've also heard about an OpenGL bug in WinXP that causes the wrong tool tip to be displayed. AFAIK, Microsoft hasn't fixed it yet.


    Yeah, I think Steve from Hash said the same thing. When I questioned, "But why don't other apps do it?" I was struck silent when pondering Steve's reply, "A:M is probably the only OpenGL app you're running." And it is.


    Maybe Windows Longhorn will fix this? :unsure:

  9. Know that using a high-res decal will slow down A:M. I ran into it when I was using a high-res image for the grass. I now wish I kept that for it's quality rather than switching to the combiners that I used.

  10. I can see that working on the DVD case because it's a fully-beveled cube primitive. A book, however, only has its spine beveled with the other sides being completely flat. I guess I'll have to remodel the book with a few more splines.


    Thanks for the info!

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