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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

D.Joseph Design

*A:M User*
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Posts posted by D.Joseph Design

  1. I'm running into an annoying glitch and I'm wondering if anyone else has this problem. When I launch A:M 10.5r (or whatever the last one was), open my project, make some changes, and then Save (not Save As), A:M brings up the Save As... dialog box and makes me overwrite my project file rather than a simple save. However, from that first Save As... on, Save always does a plain save.



  2. In late-July, I had the honor to speak on presentation design at the Answers in Genesis (AiG) Creation College, which was a conference to train people in creation ministry and to present the Genesis messages like Ken Ham, Carl Kerby, other international speakers from AiG. My talk title was "Making Your Presentations Zing!" I taught graphic design principles, eye candy skills, dos and don'ts of design, and more as relates to presentations—digital and otherwise—for the look of high class and professionalism. I used Apple Keynote as my presentation software for its advanced multimedia technologies and awesome transitions. The globe and all silver 3D elements were modeled in A:M 10.5. All animations continually cycled in the live presentation.


    Using A:M and Photoshop, I created a high-tech, complete theme/template for my presentation, which was given through Apple Keynote.


    I had not posted this earlier because I suffered an 80% lung collapse during the conference and spent the next several weeks recovering to only have a second collapse. But I'm fully-recovered now.


    View the Template Showcase under 3D Animations on my website.



  3. I got the chair from ... somewhere. I haven't really focused on it. I plan to make it the same wood as everything else, or else make it black as I'm planning for some other stuff.


    I think the speckle effect is from a distant and low-res render. JPEG compression didn't do too much to it. It's the same Enhance:AM texture as the other dark wood.


    Anyone got some good carpet or ceiling textures?

  4. Here's a preview render of my progress for Year in Review 2004. All animation will take place in this room. The current lighting is the default choreography with the addition of the two lamps. I'll tweak the lighting as time goes on.


    For the moment, I'm looking for modeling critiques, but if you have any helpful thoughts on lighting, textures, design, or anything else, I'd love to hear them!



  5. Same thing here. I asked a similar question (I think I was the one who asked) awhile back. The general findings were that USB numpads were not true numpads but just copy the functions of the keyboard's regular number buttons (the second row of keys).


    My solution, at the recomendation of others, is to remap the key commands to my notebooks keypad that is mixed in with the keyboard. I set my shortcut keys to be Fn-Ctrl-U for 4, Fn-Ctrl-O for 6, etc. Using the function key ensures I won't conflict with any other key commands.


    Note that some notebooks use the function key differently. My Toshiba notebook modifies the square of keys centered on I as cursor keys when Fn is pressed; I have to toggle the numpad on if I want it, that's why I remapped the key commands. Other notebooks (like Gateway) change those keys to the numpad upon pressing Fn. If that's the case for you, simply press Fn and the appropriate key on your keyboard.

  6. No, I didn't. I fixed the link now.


    I tried something early this morning. I set to render frame 150 to 299, but it locked on 207 with 10 hours of rendering and only 11 of 16 passes.


    I left my Mac at work rendering, but after 20 minutes, it had only rendered one pass, so I think my Mac is useless as a renderer.


    (Another weird problem was my Mac kept giving me "Image format not supported" errors when I'd open the project, but no problem if I reimported the image. Strange.)

  7. Going through my hard drive, I discovered my Character First intro animation from September, 2003. I want to archive it but I decided to render out a nice-quality video for my website so I started rendering multipass through A:M 10.5.


    I left my desktop computer rendering the 350-frame animation while I went to work. I return to find was averaging fifteen minutes per 16-pass frame ... all except the currently rendering frame 78, which had taken over fifteen hours and showed no sign of stopping. I tried the frame on my notebook computer and got the same results (or lack thereof).


    Here are my settings:



    Targa sequence: Camera1-000.tga

    720 x 540 (1.0 ratio)

    Final quality


    20% motion blur

    Shadows On

    Reflections On


    When I render, I notice some interesting behavior.


    • 78 and on don't seem to work, but I did render 300—350 on my notebook with no problems.

    • If I attempt to cancel the render, A:M completely locks up and never responds (waited overnight) while using 100% of the CPU. Only Ctrl-Alt-Del will quit A:M.


    I'll try this on a few G5s that I have in my department, but I welcome others to try if they wish. The animation does not use any special plug-ins other than and environment map. I need frames 78–299.


    Download the project herehere.

  8. I'm scripting my next animation, which will be another Year in Review opening. Below is a list of models I need for it. I've only just begun my preliminary search (meaning just Hash's Free Models page, not the FTP or any other sites). If you have some good models of these or easily know right where one is, please let me know.


    • Widescreen TV

    • Chairs and couches (all kinds; my animation focuses on these)

    • End table

    • Two short lamps

    • Two paintings

    • Tall lamp

    • Logs in fire

    • Hanging coffee pot

    • Books

    • Pictures (free-standing and hanging)

    • Coffee mug

    • Coaster

    • Remote

    • Throw rug

    • Pillows

    • Coins

    • Picture frames

    • Stereo system

    • TV stand

    • Fireplace with mantle

    • Bookshelves

    • Window

    • Fancy door handle

    • Door

    • And anything else that would go in a conservative "den"/living/family room


    Thanks in advance! I'll post my ideas in the WIP forum.

  9. I hesitate to move anything any closer to the edges lest I run into the nonprinting range of most printers (usually about half an inch on all sides).


    When I designed it, my notes were very short so that's all the space I needed. Maybe I should make a portrait version that would still be 4-up but with more room for notes. The disadvantage there is less workspace.


    I'll see what I can do.

  10. For my production of March of the Rubber Duckies, I created a four-up storyboard template I could use to sketch my ideas. The template is for US-letter paper, has four storyboard frames, and each frame has accurate action- and title-safe dashed borders.


    Download the PDF here.


    Let me know if you like it or want to suggest changes.

  11. Some very dear friends of mine are getting married this Saturday and they asked me to produce a special video to be played during the ceremony. I gladly accepted and decided to offer it as my gift to them.


    I had previously requested help on this, and thanks to all the assistance, here is the final version.


    Visit my 3D Animations page and watch the first video "Kori & Jeff" (1.53 MB QuickTime).


    The stuff before the animation is actually longer, but I cut it down to make a smaller file.

  12. and all other programs will fade out of memory....


    Especially during render times. :P


    Maybe that's where "render" originated. When you set your computer to process all the information, it uses all the memory that it basically renders the computer useless for a time. Good theory?

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