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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

D.Joseph Design

*A:M User*
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Posts posted by D.Joseph Design

  1. Here's the latest render.




    Changes are as follows:


    • Added lightbulbs to track lighting and ceiling light. I still need to work with making them appear to glow. I may do a multi-bulb setup for the ceiling light. What do you think?

    • Added window glass and plastic frames.

    • Changed fireplace outside to marble texture

    • Rotated ceiling light for symetry and to avoid undesired shadow placement.

    • Modeled picture frame and glass, which you can't see in this render. :(


    BTW, I do plan on donating a lot of these models I'm creating. If you have anything that could contribute to a room like this (see my previous list for specifics), please contact me or post in here.

  2. Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way. I meant, "This would annoy me, would it annoy you too?" Not, "you're annoyed by that, that, and that; would this annoy you too?"


    You don't really notice the lens flare thing because I was careful to move the camera so to avoid the lens flare. I didn't think about plain turning it off.


    And yes, since this is in the WIP section, I do very much value everyone's constructive criticism.

  3. I noticed a reflection in the first shot seems to suddenly snap on near the end of the clip. Do you know what causes it, it's a little abrupt and distracts from the animation a little.


    Yes. That's from rendering on two computers and one of them not being set to render reflections. This is just a draft render. The final will be multipass and consistent.


    As the camera comes to a final stop in the last shot it seems to come out of a subtle dutch tilt a little right at the end but could be eased out a little more to smoothen it a bit.


    Yes, I notice that too. It's been awhile since I worked on the animation and I'm basically posting so the composer, Dane Walker, can see the implementation of his music. If I remember correctly, I looked at all the animation keys but couldn't figure out what caused that. Now that I've thought more about it, I suspect it's due to difference in "ease" timings. Like axis-a begins slowing before axis-b, which would make axis-a look almost stationary while axis-b is still moving.


    When animating it, I found the lens flare quite distracting when it'd appear for just a few frames before it was covered again. Would something like this annoy you too? What I plan to do on the final is turn of the lens flare until that last moment when it comes out behind the D.

  4. In May 2004, I sponsored a contest among select musicians to compose a unique theme for D.Joseph Design. Dane Walker composed a theme closest to my desires and very pleasing to my tastes. This animation, as company identification, is to precede "professional" media-based productions. I call this the "Gentle Logo" with the piano version of DJD Theme.


    Go here.

  5. I'd really like to keep a select group updated on my Year in Review project, but I don't want to make any publically-accessible page on my website lest some clever person from my church gets a preview. So I'm making my project center in my forums, which are restricted to registered access only. But don't worry, I know most of you don't want to register on another site, so I made a standard login and password that I'll give to trusted people:



    Username: authorized-hash

    Passcode: martin


    If you want to register your own account, that's fine. If you do, then you must join the Year in Review usergroup to access the forum.


    I'll still keep the Hash forum up-to-date on my 3D stuff, but if you want to see more about the project, get more details on progress, or just tap into the whole center for the project, then visit my forums.


    BTW, thanks for the concern over my collapsed lung. I actually plan a joke about it in my animation.

  6. Cool! Great timing and fun songs!


    I appreciate that you're not making the Ark an overstuffed bathtub.


    "Prehistoric carnivours"? Serious problems there. First, there is no such thing as "prehistoric" anything. Second, Noah would have had to take dinosaurs aboard the Ark because God said two of every kind of land animal. Since dinosaurs were created on Day 6 along side of man and lived together, they would be included in the "land animals" that God specified. And what's with the meteor?


    On another note, you should keep the animals fairly young. Noah needed to take animals that could easily reproduce in the post-flood world, so adolescents would be optimal.


    I know you're using artistic license, but try to get the history right.


    "WDAD." I love it!

  7. Just before I went to bed, I checked the render status and it was around pass 40. It looked really good, so I may consider a 32-pass render. However, 16 passes may be enough if animation is going on.


    I'll play around tonight with the track lights. Each fixture currently uses two lights: one klieg to cast the light and one bulb to illuminate the fixture and give that nice light above the fixture.


    My home desktop is traditionally slow at rendering. "March of the Rubber Duckies" took about 15–20 minutes per frame (MPF), while everyone that helped reported under 10 MPF.


    The difficulty with this animation is its platform mandate. I'm using DarkTree SimbointAM and Enhance:AM, which are both Windows-only. This also means that RenderMuscle would need these plug-ins as would anyone else who helps me render.

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