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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Chrury Sanson

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Everything posted by Chrury Sanson

  1. ^ I have had the same problem with a self rigged shy guy. hmmmm..... sorry I'm no help. And, coincidently, my name is also, Chris
  2. Impressive. 0% is far left and 100% is far right correct? Personally , I would have given the steering wheel a bone and then smart skinned the wheel rotation. Not sure how well that would work though. And it might look odd if the wheel turned too far. Keep it up!
  3. C'mon I must have done something wrong. Are there really no comments? Talking test: For such a simple character, this was how I thought he should talk. Ala 'Paper Mario' gtalktest.mov Does he need lip poses? Let me know if you don't like it. The shy-guy would've had his walk cycle almost done (minus smart-skinning) but 'paste mirrored' isn't working for some reason.
  4. When things get finalized that would be great. It seems to be normal when it loads up, then I do something and it get brighter.
  5. take 2: test 1 This is right before he would start talking his lines. dodge.mov particles turned off so 3 seconds wouldn't take all night to render The eyes need some more smart-skinning. I'll work on that. Main points here: -How's the timing? -Does anyone know a better way for the camera shake? It's when Mario hits the ground. In a related note, I can't find the 'repeat' command for actions. I've looked where it should be (action properties) but it has misplaced itself. any ideas? Oh! What will be the finished movies resolution?
  6. I checked out the shy-guy for some preliminary rigging and found he has two left feet! No one minds if I fix that, correct?
  7. LOLOLOL! Oh.. sorry. No it's nothing to laugh at. Simply move the body to center of the X and right on the y axis Line. If you know what I mean. And if that doesn't work, you can 'select all' in front view and rotate it 90 degrees (counterclock-wise in your case). Then Copy-flip-attach and rotate back.
  8. That is a sweet looking image! Could I edit it a smidge, and use it for my avatar? Would you make the chalkboard have a set of wheels on it? I think it would have more effect if it whooshed in from the side. And perhaps he could get squished after he's done talking?
  9. My thoughts/opinions: 1)To regain your smoothness, I would suggest adding a spline between the the cps you added. And then adding a pair of cps to the new spline to keep it from rendering as a patch. ('Y' adds a cp and keeps the bias) 2)I would think a nice texture would work fine for the springs. And as the texture would have to be so small to simulate that type of spring, it wouldn't matter if it was just a bunch of tiny rings. No one will get close enough to see it's wrong! Or if you used a decal, it would stretch with the 'spring' cylinder. Great model sir.
  10. looking good there. Just don't forget that Mario's (and Luigi's) shoes have a sole. Example Here's an update: A goomba jump test. jumptest.mov His pupils seem to disappear when he gets squished, but I think it works. Sorta gives that 'out for the count' look. Opinion? Also, the eyebrows (unibrow?) aren't boned yet. Would you like them setup to bounce/wiggle? I'll be doing a test on 'take 2' next. Chrury Sanson, Over and OUT.
  11. For inspiration:NC Comics (Stands for neglected characters) And even if you're not inspired, they're still funny. There is this one I keep thinking of when I work on my goomba. Goomba talking "MAN. This is like the easiest job ever! Walk to the left, walk to the right, and BOOM! Job security with dental." And perhaps you should host auditions for the voices. ("OK, read this line, like mario, as if you are rolling down a hill backwards. Record and send to Mr. Director.")
  12. HUGE PICTURE dude! You might want to scale them smaller in the future. Looks good though. (and big)
  13. Update: I got the jump and the squish done. They're set up as poses to aid animation. I'll do a short clip with them after I get the talking figured out. (It looks like everything above the teeth moves up when they talk.)
  14. ok, listen please. this movie is not going to be 100% based directly off the game. in the movie, he is going to talk. he is not going to get squashed either ok? They talk in Paper Mario. I'll do both, and the jump.
  15. How much more do you want the goomba to do? (talking? squishing?) I have 2 things I would like to tweak, then I'll be happy with him. Should I just send him after that?
  16. yep. It's getting there, tido. just ask yourself; "Is this spline necessary to achieve the proper shape?" It might be easier to edit Mario to Luigi's shape than to model a whole new character. It just might take more time. (Mario would have to be finished before you could make Luigi) They would probably look more like brothers that way. You lucky duck! Goomba update: The sideways walk. goombasidewalk.mov I would be easy enough to slow down if you think he's going too fast. (MAN those goombas have short strides ) I'm going to take a short break to complete a TAoAM exercise. 2-3 days tops. ok?
  17. I'm going to agree with everything the_black_mage just said. (except the "I suck" part ) Remember: With patience and saliva, the ant does swallow the elephant.
  18. In that case, I'll say: "Impressive. Most Impressive."
  19. 2 NULLS! DUDE! THAT'S CRAZY ENOUGH, IT JUST MIGHT WORK! why didn't I think of that? One sideways walk comin' up. Soon. Oh, and I meant to say, "Does he need eyelids?" Not eyebrows. And the shyguy looks fine depth-wise. Unless our 'director' says otherwise.
  20. Great job, d34th5t4r. (why did you have to put your name into 1337 sp34k? ) You've really nailed the look for those models. Is Shy Guy boned? For my update: A simple goomba walk. (attached) The eyes are giving me some trouble. Would anyone know how to restrict a bones movement? AKA 'you can turn anywhere within this angle but nowhere else' type deal? Oh! Does he need eyebrows? & Should I do a sideways walk? (crabwalk type deal) Critique away. goombawalk.mov
  21. That works. Good job. Yo, Nuns! Should I send you the goomba now or do you want some actions with him? (walking/talking/squishing)
  22. howdy tido, on the top corners of the mouth. You're getting creasing there because this spline (purple): looks like it doesn't have anywhere to go. That and the resulting 5-point patch creates an ugly patch. I've learned that one first hand. >_< I would suggest adding a CP about where I've circled with blue. Then sticking a spline from purple to blue and repeat on the other side. And maybe adding a cp on his nose to connect the two. It also looks lake another spline, from inside the mouth, is missing an outlet. Even if it's only a spline that sticks out and looks silly, it won't show up in the render! Goomba Update: I think I'm finished with the modeling stage. Would you like the model now or should I make a couple of walk cycles and make him talk? I'll make sure that the eyes move properly first.
  23. Just don't forget the buttons on his...um... shirt...thing. Any plans for the beamish boy? There's a sword model you can modify in one of the libraries.
  24. That sounds like a plan! How would you go about doing it? Yo, Nunsofamerica, let's make a 'Mario Makers group, k?
  25. It's Zaflart spelled backwards? After a quick search, It looks like it's your name, someones pet octopus, and a band.
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