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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Luuk Steitner

Hash Fellow
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Posts posted by Luuk Steitner

  1. Luuk,


    So, a 2D tracker that can export BVH motion is in the newest release of the Tracker?


    Yes, 2D export to BVH is available from Zign Track version 1.2. I didn't included it in the A:M Track version, but I might add it if people ask for it. I assume you're going for the full version? (1.3 also exports to Poser (will be released soon))

  2. Great! I like it. Maybe you could videotape yourself playing that guitar with markers on your hands (and elbow) and then use the 2D motion tracker. If you export that motion as BVH you could constrain the hands to those bones. It might even be possible to add body motion this way.

    It's just a thought. I was thinking of trying this myself but haven't had time to do it yet.

  3. If you want to make the project 18 fps, it's best to set the frame rate first before you add anything to your project. I have had problem with changing the fps in the past, but since I set the frame rate right after I created a new project I don't have any problems. I just tested it in V15 and it works for me.

  4. Thanks your great responses, another qustion though...Is anyone familar with the Bamboo graphics tablet, a price that for now is more in my budget.


    I have one. I haven't used it much yet but as far as I can tell it works fine. I don't think I'll use it to model though. Maybe I should try it...

  5. Well, the one on the right is very smooth :D

    With 10 passes you'll loose some motion, personally I would never use values above 5 for the head (if a normal quality video is used) With 10 passes bigger movements will still be visible, but in this video there are no big movements.

    I hope you'll enjoy the ease of direct pose control ;)

  6. That looks pretty good, you might want to use the smooth function to get rid of the jitter.

    Why don't you try using a pose for the eyelids? If you use the eyebrow B features for the eyelids you could exaggerate them to ~150% and drive blink poses that close on -100% I think that's easier to do then trying to find a correct size and place for the eyelid bones, plus you will have better control over the motion curve.


    Keep going :D , nice character btw.

  7. That's a good start. Maybe you could alter the wing flap action a bit. When the bird moves his wings down, his body raises too much. A wing is not 100% efficient, so if you move it downwards there is always some loss.


    I'm looking forward to see more ;)

  8. Maybe it would be easier to render a second layer with only the object. Place that one on top of the layer with the reflections etc. If you then change the the layer with the reflections, the object itself will be unchanged. Isn't that what you're looking for?

  9. I was thinking... Maybe it would be cool to do a A:M Track contest some time. That would be a great opportunity to learn how to get the best results, maybe we could do dialogs...

    I don't know how busy everybody is... Who's in for a contest, soon or later?

  10. Hello all,


    I have good news: After much testing the new version for Zign Track is ready, and is now able to export directly as Animation: Master action files driving bones or poses. Tracking accuracy also is improved.


    But, that's not all: I have released an extra version 'A:M Track'. This is a special version that is only compatible with Animation: Master, because it only exports to A:M action files. Because of this it has a special price: $99.00! You can purchase it from the Hash store.


    At this moment I'm not yet done with updating my website, but I'm on it (Hash was faster than me). I've updated my site. I will upload the new demo version tomorrow.

    You can download the A:M action tutorial here, or from my site.



    Many thanks to those who helped me testing the new features!

  11. Okay I must have been pretty tired when I wrote that. It is actually the smile/frown pose that is exhibiting that behavior.


    Hey Ben, you are right. When I noticed the frown wasn't exported I thought it was just because there was no frown detected and I needed to make it more sensitive, but I was wrong... I forgot to set one value in the code and because of that the frown value was always zero :huh: So it was easily fixed. I tested it again and it appeared I even had to reduce the amount of frown B)

  12. How are determining upper and lower limits for the poses? Some of them used their full range, while others only half of it. Does Zign compute upper and lower limits on each capture, or do you use a fixed scale?

    The poses are computed using a fixed scale. Because of this you might want to adjust the poses the first time you try them, but you'll sure they will be the same the next time. If it wasn't fixed a character could be shouting while he speaks normal or vice versa. It's actually the same as it works with the BVH or bone action, those also are computed on a fixed scale. If you like you can add exaggeration.

    Also it seems like the brow pose is clamping at 0, even though the manual says it goes to -100. It looks like the keys below zero are being clamped out, as opposed to having 50 be the midpoint. But it could just be my capture I'm not sure yet, just something you might check.

    Take a look at the spline for the eyebrow in the action itself. In my tests they go all the way up and down. Or maybe it's the neutral frame you have set in Zign Track?

  13. Not bad ;) I wonder what causes the jitter on the hands and eyes. I can't imagine that it's caused by the action, that would be strange. I wouldn't worry too much about using the smooth filter, if you use 1 or 2 passes for the head only, it removes the jitter but it leaves the total motion almost unaffected. The smoothing routine is designed to reduce small peaks.

  14. One of the best capture tests to date. Still room for improvement but it could just be the mouth poses and not the capture software.

    Can you tell me where it didn't work for you, Ken? I'm pretty close to the material, so I don't always see what others do. I'm mostly seeing the need for more brow expression.


    What I notice is that if the mouth opens, the upper lip moves as far up as the lower lip moves down. Normally the lower lip would go down further then the upper lip. That can easily be corrected by adjusting the mouth-open pose.

    Can you tell how your lip poses work? For the A:M pose export that I have written for Zign Track the poses are based on as much properties as possible to detect the shape of the lips. I wonder how you have it set up for your poses because you create them in A:M.

    Maybe you should give the Zign Track pose control a try? You can add a few poses that drive the existing poses. I was done adjusting Squetchy Sam in 10 minutes.

  15. As I was programming the new A:M Action export function for Zign Track, I needed to do a good test myself. I choose a song from one of the best Dutch bands and play backed it. OK, it turned out I'm not very good at this because I forgot my lines a few times, for the rest it was pretty good. I exported the Action with only poses for the facial expressions.

    I have used Squetchy Sam for this example. I added a some poses to Sam so it matched the poses in Zign Track and applied the action. I needed one little tweak on the lower lip so the mouth closed better, that is because of the neutral frame I selected in the video. Besides that I haven't done any tweaking at all, and it came out pretty nice. I added some body movements and eye blinks. I still need to animate the hands and dress him up, but I don't have the time for that now (That's why I post a WIP ;) )


    Here is the video (I also need to change the offset of the soundtrack a few frames I think...): RenLennyShadedSmall.mov


    For those who want to see how I have done it, here's the project file: V14_Sam_PosesTest.zip


    BTW, how does the song sound to someone that does not understand the language? I know if you understand it you'll find it a beautifull song ;)

  16. Constrain.jpg

    You only need the 'translate to' constraint for the hips, because the hips will translate the whole body. For each other bone you use an 'orient like' constraint. The compensate buttonis the one I pointed at with the red arrow. Click it every time before to apply the 'orient like' constraint.

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