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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Luuk Steitner

Hash Fellow
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Posts posted by Luuk Steitner

  1. Hi Jani. I bet your computer is performing better with that textured wall in stead of all those bricks ;)

    You're getting pretty close to a good looking wall. If you use a tile able decal image it's much easier to fit your decal on the surface. (use the repeat property in the image properties)

    You can also add a bump decal to it to make it look more realistic. Do you know what that is or do you want to start with a simple decal for now? (don't want to push your brain too much :P )

  2. Those are nice examples. Is every one here loading their Icarus data directly into A:M?

    In case people have forgotten I wrote a program some time ago that converts Icarus files into A:M project files, with camera tweaking possibilities. The main reason I wrote this program was that I for some reason the Icarus data did not work in A:M back then, apparently it works again with current versions.

    Anyways, if you guys like you try my converter, you can find it here: www.zigncreations.com/icam

  3. It's a shame to hear this happened. I don't understand such things either. I won't tell here what I think off such people to avoid the use of certain words that will not be appreciated here...

    I did use the ARM quite often when I started learning A:M. I haven't used it for a long time now.

  4. Luuk, that's a great workaround. I'm sure you must have been pulling your hair out at times, but once you get something like that to work all the frustration somehow melts away. I hope we can get to see it here (or you can link to it) sometime.


    No, I wasn't really pulling out my hair :lol: I took a while, but I'm getting used to such situations where you have have to be patient and eventually always find a solution. I'll post it here (or Erik might) when the Phantom is released.

  5. For a movie project I had to build a cinema and with a projector projecting a movie on the screen (and objects in between). I tried many ways to get this right, but it wasn't fixed easily. When I was doing this I didn't know about the possibility of adding an image to a light, but I just tried it and it did not work out as good as I had hoped.

    When I do a multi-pass render the image gets blurred, and single-pass is not what I need for production. Also, the image projection does not seem to work with a sun light when the image is directly added to the light.


    The way I finally solved my problem was by actually building a real projector. I've build a projector model with a light, and in front of the light a surface with the image sequence applied to it. To get this working you'll need two sequences; the first sequence is the normal colored video, the second sequence is a negative gray scale video applied as transparency map.


    This method was the start to get to get what I need, but again, with multi-pass rendering the projection gets blurred again. An other huge problem was the quality. When I tried single pass rendering I could not get the image smooth, no matter how large is was. If I rendered to a larger size, it just pixelated more.

    Then, I tried a sun light for the projector, and the image was as sharp as the original image, even with multi-pass rendering.


    This way I got my project done, the only disadvantage with the sun light was I had to make the projector as big as the screen. But it worked :D


    I'd love to show the final result, but I'm not allowed to show it before the film is released. But you can see it in the film festivals in a while :)

    See the website: http://www.erikvanschaaik.com/phantomofthecinema/?page_id=21

  6. Are the camera and Point Cloud in the same model? If so, you can easily change the main scale of the model, and scale down the camera. If the camera is a separate object, you'll have to scale up the movements in the action to the same amount you scaled up the Point Cloud model.

    I haven't worked with Syntheyes, so I don't know if you've got more options. I have used this method with Icarus and Voodoo.

  7. DO they have to be some kind of special sticker? Sorry for sounding dumb I just have never worked with motion capture before especially one like this.

    You can use standard label stickers. If you can't find small ones, you can cut larger onces into small pieces.

  8. So for AM track you don't need any sensors or anything? Just a video file of the face from the front and them talking?


    Also what kind of video file does it have to be?


    You need some marker stickers on the face, like you can see in the demo video. At this moment only AVI files are supported.

  9. (yet).



    Oh? Are you dropping a hint? How cool would THAT be...are we all going to need to paint a room in our house black? If so, I already have one.


    Well, I am making plans for future versions with much more possibilities. I'm not sure when Zign Track will be capable of full-body mocap, but I'm hoping to get there... So, don't start painting all your rooms black :lol:

  10. You can add as many cameras to the chor as like like. Right click in the chor and choose new->camera, or drag the camera in the PWS to the chor to create a second one. You can switch camera views with Num1.

  11. I have run into this problem several times. Not only does the copy/paste take a very long time, if you alter your high res model by changing/adding splines in shaded mode, or turn back to shaded mode you have to wait the same amount of time again. This is why I build my high res models in parts as well, and only put them together when I'm sure I don't have to change the parts anymore.

    I hope Hash will make this faster in the future.

  12. There actually is a trick to accomplish what you want, but it's a tricky one and I'm not sure how well it will work.

    The Cloth - deflector simulation does exactly what you want, so my idea is to use cloth. You can have your model drag an invisible piece of cloth over the ground, and it should be modeled in a way that it's always near the foot. The ground must have a deflector material. If you have animated the walking character over the ground, you can do the cloth simulation and if it works out the pieces of cloth should drag over the ground where the foots fall below the ground. Now you can add an expression to the foot to make it rise to the same height as one CP that is nearest to the foot on the piece of cloth. Add an 'if' in the expression so it will only affect the foot when it's lower then the CP on the cloth.


    Well, this is a awkward way to do it, but I could work for you.

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