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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Jason Simonds

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Everything posted by Jason Simonds

  1. Hello @EpikRawrXD I'm going to PM you about a work around for the DVD with out shipping
  2. I hope everyone had a great Holiday, and will have a happy new year! Windows: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit SDK: v19.5 SDK Change Log: Fixed 0007283: Action lost on PRJ Save Fixed 0007279: Splitpatch gone? Fixed 0007286: Can't select target for Group Constraint Fixed 0007281: DarkTree/Symbiont Materials render blank Fixed 0007285: Importing MDL files will result in "No Name" as the name of the model Fixed 0007280: Imported Materials have no name Fixed 0007209: Texture Sequence as a Decal: Image > Timing > Frame is ignored by final renderer
  3. Fixed form some reason the uploader said it replaced the old files but it did not.
  4. I'm sorry for the delay getting this posted. My work has been out of control. We have a list of systems that need to be replace and very time when think we get ahead. Another systems needs to be replaced. Windows: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit SDK: v19.5 SDK Change Log: Fixed 0007278: Files above 2 GB not correct read Fixed 0007277: ImageIO HDR fails on some supportet files Fixed 0007276: Crash , when obj Files with decals importet Fixed 0007275: RenderServer crashes without notice on this project Fixed 0007267: Feature: node cloner for materials New entrie in the menu for materials "Clone Material" creates a new material with the same attributes New entries in the menu for material attributes "Clone Attribute" creates a new attribute with the same settings "Copy Attribute" copies the settings from this attribute (including childs) into a buffer "Paste Attribute" paste the settings wich are copied before into the now selected attribute the last 2 actions working also between different materials and different projects Fixed 0007272: Dragging Pose causes crash Fixed 0007271: Deleteing unwanted Hair Guides leads to crash Fixed 0007264: Duplicator Wizard causes crash Fixed 0007274: In v19.5c, cannot render an EXR file without a crash Fixed 0007268: Crash during Radiosity render Fixed 0007273: on Path in Chor causes crash
  5. Installers: Windows: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit SDK: v19.5 SDK Change Log: Fixed 0007263: Crash on PRJ Save As Fixed 0007262: Crash after adding CPs to Hair Group Fixed 0007266: Freeze on selecting particle emitter Fixed 0007250: Material Preview Orb has false shading Fixed 0007250: Material Preview Orb has false shading Fixed 0007260: CP weighting lost on save and reload happens only if cp's are weighted to the modelbone with a lower weight than the weight for the other bone Fixed 0007256: 5-pointers render badly Fixed 0007258: Renders not saved Fixed 0007257: Crash on Save As Fixed 0007254: Netrender crashes on startup Fixed 0007249: Orient like constraint behave incorrectly Fixed 0007252: NetRender can't start RenderMessengers Fixed 0007251: Decal animated sequence keyframes ignored Fixed 0007248: Animated decals only work when set as "Color" Chaanged: Switched to Microsoft Compiler, because ICX2024 has some problems with MFC and slower than MS both are slower as Intel Classic on Intel CPU's, but Intel Classic is not longer developed (removed from oneAPI) a comparison can be found at http://www.sgross.com/am_test/amforum/Compare_Times.html Start to switch to std::filesystem instead of the old handmade code (over twenty years old , as example with a Win95 tree...) Flock, Volume, Turbulence and Texture plugins revisited and corrected(unused parameters removed, default values corrected, fixed computations) Fixed some bugs for composite (false filenames, not displayed composites) new attempt to fix 0007241 looks like a never ending story
  6. It looks like it was about this time last year I had to post this. I guess this is just a really busy time for my company and for me. I am behind on support mail, I'm behind on replying to both forums and Facebook messages. I have scheduled time Saturday to get on top of this. I'm on call for work but this is definitely a priority for me. I posting this while at work right now this has been on my mind but every time I think I'm going to have time to get to email support and all that something comes up.
  7. Installers: Windows: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit SDK: v19.5 SDK Change Log: Fixed 0007218: Gradient Materials not rendered with gradient Fixed 0007244: Bone positions corrupted on save and reload Changed: minidump files may have be greater, in this case please zip the dmp file before attaching to the bug report (command "zip -j9 dmp.zip *.dmp"shrinks the file up to 90%) Fixed 0007243: saving a project with relationships can corrupt projectfile Fixed 0007242: external modified decals not reloaded before final render Fixed 0007240: Constraints lost on close of Relationshipwindow close Fixed 0007238: PNG plugin bugs Fixed 0007237: Constrain cp motions during modelling rotations not working Fixed 0007234: Freeze after cancel load of missing asset Fixed 0007236: Freeze on missing asset Aslo bug 0007241 Fixed 0007232: Hair properties include several Toon Bias selections Fixed 0007235: Combiner not combining Updated For Security Reasons: External Libraries libpng bump to version 1.6.41 zlib bump to version 1.3 ziparchive bump to version 4.6.9 openexr bump to version 3.2 imath bump to version 3.2 jpeglib bump to version 0.9f
  8. Hello, I'm sorry this took so long to get back to you. I have been over worked at my real job and working on my continuing education hours. I fixed the stores email.
  9. Installers: Windows: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit SDK: v19.0 SDK UpDate Change Log: 0007231: [Materials] Some Enhance plugins not working 0007219: [Particle Systems] Particle Baking and parameter keyframes los on reload of PRJ 0007206: [Particle Systems] Particle parameter keyframes ignored after PRJ save and reload lost on 0007228: [Interface] PWS activity causes crash 0007230: [Materials] Crash and Freezes while making Materials 0007229: [Materials] Creating a material causes program to lock up 0007212: [_Other] Freeze on cancel of missing asset. 0007223: [Dynamics] on Spring Mass causes crash 0007226: [Bones/Rigging] Attached constraints not deleted, if a bone is deleted 0007227: [_Other] Crash on delete of Prop
  10. I think you have to have advanced checked to see more
  11. Hello All, For the past few weeks my work has had major projects and we are short staffed. I have been working almost everyday and have not been able to get to email, support, or the forums. I'm no call Monday but only paper work is planned for me for that day. I'm going to get back on top of Hash, Inc stuff on that day too. I'm sorry to anyone I have not email pr pm'd back that has support questions but I'm working 12 hours a day at my job and really have just been dead tired and every time I think I'm going to have time something new comes up.
  12. @johnl3dI tested the download again it worked? what happens when you download?
  13. PM me your email address and I will look into this
  14. Installers: Windows: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit SDK: v19.0 SDK UpDate 0007210: [Net Render] NetRender Crashes during startup (sgross) 0007216: [Interface] Clicking outside of Chor locks out Manipulators (sgross) 0007222: [Bones/Rigging] Deleting bone causes crash (sgross) 0007225: [_Other] Crash on v19 model load (sgross) 0007217: [_Other] Crash on load of old model (sgross) 0007214: [Interface] Accent color of Windows does not change window color of tiled windows in A:M (sgross) 0007213: [Particle Systems] Hair width over length is somehow repeated several times (sgross) 0007208: [Hair] Crash on reset of Hair Parameter (sgross) 0007137: [Dynamics] Dynamic Constraints broken (sgross) 0007203: [Net Render] NetRender nodes close with format error (sgross) 0007200: [Interface] NetRender interface spelling correction (sgross) 0007194: [Net Render] Actions render incorrectly in NetRender (sgross) 0007196: [Modeling] Crash on Copy of Groups (sgross) 0007195: [_Other] Crash after edit of Expression (sgross) 0007189: [Bones/Rigging] Crash on delete of multiple bones (sgross) 0007186: [Bones/Rigging] Path Constraint target list crash (sgross) 0007185: [Bones/Rigging] Bone name trouble (sgross) 0007184: [Bones/Rigging] Crash on Bone Drag (sgross) 0007162: [Rendering] Surface transparency causing Hair transparency (sgross) 0007188: [Sounds] Playing any audio in A:M sets system volume to zero (sgross) 0007175: [Plugins] Mirror Constraints not working? (sgross) 0007180: [_Other] Crash during Backup? (sgross) 0007181: [_Other] Crash on Revert (sgross) 0007179: [_Other] Crash while renaming Pose (sgross) 0007177: [Decaling] Crash while examining decals (sgross) 0007178: [_Other] Crash on PRJ close (sgross) 0007176: [Modeling] CopyFlipAttach adds unnecessary dot suffix to new names (sgross) 0007174: [_Other] Crash loading PRJ (sgross) 0007173: [Realtime] OpenGL3 Hair with textures drawn not correct (sgross) 0007172: [General] False rounding for float/double values (sgross) 0007171: [Realtime] OpenGL crash, if a scaled copy for the realtime texture needed (MipMap) (sgross) 0007166: [Sounds] Sound stops before end of play (sgross) 0007157: [Rendering] SSAO not working (sgross) 0007165: [Composite/Post Effects] Feature: allow Blur greater than 15 (sgross) 0007160: [Realtime] Fluid particle false shaded render after load (sgross) 0007159: [Rendering] Crash on render (sgross) 0007129: [_Other] v18 D Box PRJ no longer works (sgross) 0007155: [Rendering] Fluid Particles render as Camera Background color only (sgross) 0007154: [Particle Systems] Blobbies don't die, don't resize (sgross) 0007152: [Particle Systems] Can't Bake Blobbies? (sgross) 0007153: [_Other] Default Resolution in Camera settings: Change from VGA to HDTV - 720p... (sgross) 0007146: [Lighting] Use Front Realtime Light reverts to OFF after onscreen render (sgross) 0007142: [_Other] Reverting property in Chor doesn't * project (sgross) 0007147: [Materials] PRJ saves forces unwanted keys in Material instances (sgross) 0007148: [Rendering] Custom Frame list renders only first frame multiple times (sgross) 0007143: [Plugins] Simcloth doesn't simulate (sgross) 0007145: [Net Render] NetRender Memory Allocation Error (sgross) 0007144: [Images/Animations/Rotoscopes] EXR missing from allowed image import types (sgross) 0007139: [Rendering] Shaded/Wire Renders don't show "Show Grid" or Rotoscopes (sgross) 0007138: [Rendering] renders use CPU SSAO instead of GPU SSAO (sgross) 0007140: [Animation] Euler/Vector/Quat default selection not retained (sgross) 0007134: [Net Render] NetRender nodes get stuck on "Loading Frame" (sgross) 0007121: [Materials] Increase the viewport size of a material? (sgross) 0007151: [Particle Systems] Crash on change of Attribute to Combiner (sgross)
  15. PM me your info and I will look into this: I will need Animation Master version, Operating system and your license number if you know it.
  16. I just updated the forums and tested the password reset(was not working before). I think it's because of an out of date google captcha plug in that was not showing an error
  17. @RogerI'm starting to think something is not working, but it's not giving an error. I'm going to look deeper into this over the next few days, but with no errors it's going to be a long road..
  18. They are not the same, it may come in an update but as of now it's not supported
  19. Should we move the forums to Two Factor Authentication? We can support 2 options Authy and/or Google Authenticator I'm not sure it's needed because the data we store is not much and really if someone logs in as you here, the worst they can really do is spam users. But if Yes wins, I will install it.
  20. @robcat2075It should have not showed 'email' as a approved log in, it's from covering the image gallery. Now it should support email log in. @Rogerwe do not store any real data(Back Cards, Addresses or things like that here). I can force a timed password reset, but since we do not store data like that I don't think it's needed. As for people using the same password here as there bank or stores DO NOT DO THAT YOU ARE A BAD PERSON!!!!!!!!! Here is some reading on passwords. I'm in no way saying what password manager you should use as we were using Lastpass and are now moving to a new one. This is a lot of work and a lot of reading.
  21. Hello All, on about 02/07/2023 at 11:59pm pst. The forums log in will change from user name to email. Before you ask 'why are you doing this?, I'm to old for change' haha There is security risks in people being able to use your 'display' name to sign in and the forums is bugging me about is. and before you ask 'If this is a security risk why didn't you change it before?' It was answered in the 'why are you doing this' line because I didn't want to hear 'I'm to old for change' hahaha Thanks for understanding all Jason Simonds
  22. @modernhorse I have updated the 'get hostid' program to include win10. I did not know it was not working. I'm sorry. PM me here the file it makes and I will set everything up.
  23. @GratienI sent you a PM and your serial code it's something to do with paying in other currencies I will look into it. But I may forget as this has only happened one other time in the life of the store. Sorry for the delays getting back to you.
  24. Hello, I just found out that after an Office365 update there is a problem with the forums email. I switched the forums to another email method for now as a patch. But this may mean the forums emails go to spam for a bit as it's using forums.hash.com as the email server not a registered email server. For people in the 'know' I know this is not really what's going on but it's a good way to describe it. I will be working on it tonight, but I have had bad luck with smtp and office365
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