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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by detbear

  1. HEY RC!!, Don't take my post the wrong way.... What you've done there is great and I appreciate your efforts. The group constraint itself is used very little by most A:Mers. It has valuable uses. And your example here is certainly worthy of the effort. There's no telling what kind of cool setup for a rig could be created by using your method there. I think with some thought and planning what you have a base for there could open the door for AUTOMATIC rig morphs and the like. I like your example. It is very good.
  2. That's how I set up a similar rig in one of my previous posts. But as I pointed out, the setup time to create the cp groups makes this method too time consuming for High Mesh Models. Can it be done: YES IS it way too time consuming on a high mesh model: YES. BUT WITH THAT SAID.....This group constraint method is a good tool and method for a low cp count situation..
  3. Thanks RC, I look forward to seeing how you solved this. I have looked for a solution on several occassions as you know
  4. It's Jim Talbot I think, But I'm not sure where the location is. There's a QT movie and head model floating around out there. I use to have it, but not sure where it is.
  5. A few years ago, I used the A:M troll to do a short test. Unfortunately, I buried this because because some of my collegues in animation gave it an unfavorable review. I spent a bunch of time matching the Hash shot with an animated VUE backdrop. I always liked the orange like tint. I had to reduce the quality by about 90% to get the file size low enough to post here. SO the details are not easy to see. And the colors are dulled somewhat in H.264 format. Anyway.... Wyboo_Troll_Jump_.mov Cheers, William
  6. I think Fuchur is refering to the A:M troll that came out a few years back with the cd. I don't think that's the one in the video, but it would've worked just as well.
  7. Me also Will. I find that it flows so well. Being able to set the tesselation amount really helps too. And the reduction brush tool works behind it really well. I don't think I could've banged those 3 out as fast in Zbrush. Then again....I haven't the experience to know for sure. BUT from what I hear from other Zbrush professionals, they feel the way we do on this subject.
  8. Well....Getting the base shape is a plus. I picked the central character in the sketch and did a loose representation on that. In Sculptris, it takes me about a day to get loosened up again to the flow of the tools. Especially if I haven't sculpted in a while.
  9. I asked about and wished for this a long time ago. I can't remember where the post was. Robcat and I also talked about "Blinders" for the blank space if I recall correctly. Thanks so much. This is such a great feature for setting up staging on shots. Thanks guys. This is a really really really useful feature.
  10. BTW......David...I look forward to seeing your hit on the water buffalo. This gives Will the luxury we all normally don't have. That is....being able to see different perspectives of the character and being able to take the strengths and appeals and getting a stronger character. You're such a good modeler...I think it will be great. I look forward to seeing it. Hopefully Will can get support throughout like this. It will help strengthen his process.
  11. I think being consistant with the characters is very important. Sometimes the appeal of a character can allow for breaking that rule a bit. For instance....I think "Tusk" (The Elephant) has more appeal with Elephant legs. Tar himself has hipo feet. I think it will work either way. His leg is still a Hippo leg even though he is upright. For me the shape of the legs is not as critical as having them upright. If Tusk or Tar were down on all fours, that would be odd. The main issue with the feet from an animation perspective will be handling a non-human like leg. There will be a little difference in the locomotion of a leg of the sketch I worked off of for the Water Buffalo. What wouldn't seem to match is making one of these Quadraped-like....walking on all fours.
  12. Hey David, Retopo is one of the most helpful features I've seen added to A:M. A:M has pushed forward so much. As good as it was in the past, these additions have made it even that much more awesome. By the way......I've checked out Marvelous Design before. Have you combined that with A:M animation? Or exported a mesh animation to blend it with work in A:M?
  13. Hey Will, These are quick sculpts in Sculptris.....I sent you an e-mail this morning about this. If you didn't get it, let me know. The process you described is close to what I figured you were doing in the character development. I know on my projects, the more I can see in "The round", the better I can develop my vision and faster. Even if it's just porportions, or something. IF you dina mesh the final look and use the Z-re-mesher to get the character down to a low "Quad" version, couldn't you import that into A:M as splines via the obj importer? I could be wrong about that. Or....the results may be inadequate. That way you would have the model inside A:M as a .mdl for placing whatever surfacing/ cloth/ etc. you want. Your push/ pulls is what I was kind-of thinking....in that your "stylized" look could be acheived on your side of the fence. I would be happy to pick one of the characters and go at it. My only reservation is whether I would be able to complete it on time. I want to get back on my Submarine project.....especially to finish what Robcat and I started on the "Cinematic Sub Shot." Plus....I'm inbetween Jobs here and worried about eating. So I want to be careful about what I commit to. But regardless.......these are yours for the taking as I've said several times. You can grab them into ZBrush and flesh them out to your style. Selfishly....I would love to take a crack at your Alligator/ Crocadile character....but I didn't see but a faint sketch of the head there. In the event that I could battle at one of these.....You pick the one you want me to develop and I'll see what I can do. William D
  14. I sculpted both the Zeebra and the Water Buffalo yesterday. Zeebra took a few hours I think. Water Buffalo took about the same. I wasn't clocking myself, so it could've taken a little less or a little longer. The elephant from the previous post also took about the same time. Did that one a few days back. Remember.....these aren't finished characters. In fact, I consider them to merely be a part of Will's design process. A process of "fleshing" out the base form in order for Will to put his final vision into it. More of a help with the character development. William may want a completely different size head.....or torso girth......or shorter legs........or larger head....etc. Will is a Great Sculptor and artist, so his vision could scratch these completely.
  15. No Worries Big Douglas, These are submissions to be used by Will if he so desires. Could be that he already has a "Rockin'" version of these guys already. Mine is only a submission. Zandoria is Will's universe.
  16. Hey Will, Rodney & Douglass...... Thanks.....Wanted to help Will out. None of these are super polished. But I thought it might help to have some form to experiment with.... so that as Will works out the characters he wouldn't have to completely start from just his images. He can take these if he chooses and push/ pull/ morph/ delete....whatever. William D
  17. And The Water Buffalo. Haven't brushed up on my water buffalo anatomy in quite a while
  18. Will, This Zeebra is kind of a general shape really...But could help in getting a quicker start towards the right shape.
  19. Will, Also....It's a bit sloppy....And obviously missing some limbs . I figured with your sculpting ability you could whip it/ morph it into your liking.
  20. Hey Will, It's yours if you can use it....no strings attached. Glad I could help you in some way. Let me know.
  21. Sorry if I depressed you or misinformed you Big Rodney. Not My intensions. I hate this topic everytime it comes up. Makes me want to quit the A:M forums.
  22. Hey Big Paul, Since you have a really low cp count, you could insert an extension bone for each cp in the ring that you want to solve. I'm not at my Studio, so I can't make a sample. You can extend a bone from the base of that main mover in the thigh. Aim the bone to the cp and attach the cp to it. Then place an "orient like" constraint to the main mover. Then adjust the percentages. I have had success with this in the past. IT'S SEEMS LIKE I'M DESCRIBING A FAN BONE.....BUT it's a little different because of the way the bone is placed. YOU MUST MAKE AN EXTENSION BONE FOR EACH CP AROUND THE SPLINE. If you try to use a single bone, the constraint will have only one percentage of movement. SOUNDS WACKY but it's really stable from what I remember. Anyway....just a thought.
  23. PLUS.....I don't know if that's anywhere near the character you desire. I just took a pass at it. Certainly no worries if it isn't near the mark.
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