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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by seven

  1. Now there are four WINK tutorials. The new one about seamless patterns. http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...t=0entry99372
  2. Look out! Be extremly careful with Marshmallows! They are not good for your teeth - ask your dentist. And you can get diabetis, too... Marshmallowing is as dangerous as smoking... Why not a carrot - instead?
  3. Rodney now you have got three WINK tutorials on yours USEFUL LINKS: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...indpost&p=99372 The third about modeling, rigging and animating a wheel in a simple manner. Perhaps someone will make a tutorial on rotating it wiht Euler instead. There is already one on it - but is over 1 MB... Still I am hoping on a new Tutorials Forum. I hope Martin likes the idea and it can be up in next week. The moderator of the forum, who?
  4. I have contacted Martin - and I think he is positive to a new Tutorials Forum. We will wait and see... I have made a tutorial on WINK just a .jpg-image with the eleven steps needed to do a WINK tutorial. The tutorial image is here: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...t=0entry99372 And here is the two WINK tutorials I have made so far: Smart Skinning in A:M http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?act=A...e=post&id=99374 Fan Bones in A:M http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?act=A...e=post&id=99375
  5. That was really nice! And I believe it was really, really instructive! And so much better than just telling it with words and just one or two images. How long did it take you? Half an hour? I like the yellow signs best. The grey backgrounds are so grey... One thing I do not understand - why are the text on the menus in A:M so small? It is hard to read the text... Have you scaled it down by writing some new values in the .htm-file? That is not good. Before starting WINK you have to resize A:M!!! You are just a newbie on WINK I believe... Next tutorial - do not make the same misssstaaake! Just remembering to scale A:M down before you begin, because scaling it down by writing new values in the .htm-file will make it hard to read and a lot of unnessary bytes to download. But I believe in you and everyone else... we are all new beginners sometime. The next time we are masters all of us... and in a Tutorial Forum it is easy to tell everyone what to think of... Show Martin this and he will be glad! I believe... and you too I believe... And the Tutorials Forum can be up next week! And hopefully so many small and big tutorial contributions can be made.... fast and easy with WINK. And so many more will understand the possibilities in A:M!
  6. Why not do something about: Key Color and Alpha - just a little example! And you can help me and everyone else with some nulls! Look here pixelmech having a question about null: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=13662&hl= Perhaps you understand that null - just a little example. Or you know best yourself what to do! A little WINK tutorial and ask Dr. Martin about a new Forum. I will vote for you as the new Moderator. You are really a nice and helpful guy I think You deserve to become Moderator in the Tutorial Forum to get a lot of new tutorials - now all the good advices they are gone after a week or two - and most of the advices are to difficult to understand for Newbies - and the same questions about rigging and nulls coming back and nowhere the answers are saved as good tutorials. You can find old things here - some good advices: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showforum=42 But I belived it was some Happy New Year Forum first! A new Tutorial Forum, thanks - ask Dr. Martin - I believe he will be grateful!
  7. Thanks to beiing so "nice" to me! Sure I am blind - all my four eyes are blind! - somedays... I have missed your beautiful link - to the link of links... so by chance I discovered it! I can see that you - as a Master - is not a 100 percent against a Tutorial Forum. That is a good start! Some more Masters and perhaps you can become the Moderator of the new Forum! Or someone else? You are telling me - I´ll start... you can follow. What shall we tut first? OK! You have started a long time ago being nice to the Newbies and everyone else... trying to give some help! Now I have done a new WINK - tutorial - the third one - Emilio Le Roux - made the first one and inspired me to use WINK - then I made a Smart Skinning tutorial and now the third about Fan Bones. It is a little long perhaps - but there are some steps - I hope it is correct - and it is possible to understand it. It took me about two hours to do it. This new Tutorial Forum I mean can be used for a little longer tutorials but mostly I think just for short ones - You can do the next one on Key Colors and Alpha? which I have understand that you are an expert on... Just a suggestion... do what you want - just something small... The tutorial on Fan Bones you can find here: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?act=S...st=0#entry99138
  8. You have done something really good, really good. http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?&act=ST&f=22&t=11392 You have collected a lot of useful links! But, but, but.... Sorry to say! It was just by chance I happened to find them. Why not have a new Forum called Tutorials and everyone can find your really good collection! Well, I had a look on rigging - perhaps you have seen my try to rig a coffee cup? http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=13668&st=15 I found two links not functioning: More of Dem Bones by Raf Anzovin (Note: Link to Dem Bones is broke on the A.R.M.) A:M Bones Notes by Joseph Firestine 3D Animation & Design And I did not found anything about eg. nulls - when to use them - how to do them - perhaps you can help me? My conclusion is if tutorials were sent to a Tutorial Forum - You know you always could find them. Why not have a try with a new Tutorial Forum - if it is not used - you can skip it.
  9. Hunting for a free Camstudio I found it here: http://www.brothersoft.com/Multimedia_Grap...tudio_3944.html Sure video tutorials and Camtasia ones are good - but doing them are a bit time consuming and downloading them too... For me WINK has become an alternative - fast and easy - just text - few bytes - and you can follow what you are doing in the program - due to screen captures. Why screen capture all the time? Mostly nothing happens - just the mouse moving sometimes - and you can use Flash to move the mouse - no .avi needed. And going through a WINK tutorial is fast - just clicking and reading - not having to listen to all the speaker having to say - sometimes snuffling and gusting... And just explaining a few clicks - that was my idea with a Tutorial Forum - not explaining eg everything on rigging - the whole body - just eg rigging the elbows!
  10. To me - a Tutorial Forum - on the A:M Forum is an idea to fast and easy explain some detail - the ARM is good for some longer explanations - and it is easier to direct the ones having questions to another forum on the A:M Forum - not sending them to ARM. Sure I like ARM - really good - but perhaps - there can be two places. I have being listening and looking through the new Camtasia - sound tutorials: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=13249 Sure they are needed - but I think they are too long - better make smaller ones - easier too find what you are looking for. Sound is good for explanations - but you need some kind of Camtasia program and that is not free - and you will have a lot of bytes to download - using free WINK with only text that is fast and you can show the mouse clicks needed - not just have to stay to some words and an image to explain what you are doing. So I hope someones will test WINK and realize the possibilities to explain their own way to use all this new and fun stuff: Tech Talk #8 "Duplicator Plugin" - Ken Baer 33Megabytes ** NEW ** Tech Talk #7 "NetRender" - Steve Sappington 109 Megabytes Tech Talk #6 "Font Wizard" - Ken Baer 38 Megabytes Tech Talk #5 "Expressions" - Bob Croucher 124 Megabytes Tech Talk #4 "Relationships" - Noel Pickering 38 Megabytes Tech Talk #3 "Dynamic Contraints" - Bob Croucher 165 Megabytes Tech Talk #2 "CP Weights" - Bob Croucher 72 Megabytes Tech Talk #1 "AM v11 Hair" - Randy Croucher 201 Megabytes Well I believe their can be many ways... or what do you think?
  11. Why can you not upload SWF-files? Are they dangerous? I do not believe that. Do you? Have you tested WINK? Some tutorial to show us done with WINK? And the idea a new Forum for Tutorials - some opinion?
  12. Camtasia - you use to make tutorials with sound. Wink - you use to make tutorials with only text. Sound is good - but text is also good - the file size will be smaller - and you can go through the tutorial faster just clicking the next button. Lowresty is a great place - but being on the A:M Forum I found it easier to go to a Forum on the A:M Forums to found out something about eg Smart Skinning. And if you want to give some advice to someone on the A:M Forums it would be nice to direct that person to a special Tutorial Forum. And why explain the same things about eg. rigging time after time - better to direct the one wondering about how to do it to a special Tutorial Forum. And Lowresty can have the tutorials also! I believe it is a great option to have a Tutorial Forum. Now - You are told that You can UPLOAD SWF-files to the A:M Forums - but I cannot get it to function??? If you were able to upload SWF-files made with WINK you could have a look on the tutorials without having to first download a ZIP-file and then opening it. OK! Not so much difference - but a little faster... if it was possible to upload swf-files! Brainmuffin wrote: So what do you think about a Tutorials Forum?
  13. Why not a new Forum called Tutorials? To this Forum you can send your tutorials and/or links to tutorials on the web. And it will be easy to find tutorials on different subjects knowing where to search for tutorials. A:M is an easy program mostly - but sometimes there are a lot to explain. Text and Images are good - but being able to show some more action - it will be easier to explan and understand. There is a free program called WINK you can use to make a little more Action Tutorials with Screen Capturing. Download it from here to test it: http://www.debugmode.com/wink/ Thanks to Emilio Le Roux I discovered the program. He has done a great tutorial with WINK: http://www.moscafilms.com.br/emilioleroux/...spherizecat.htm With WINK you can make FLASH-tutorials, HTM-tutorials and PDF-tutorials. And the program is FREE! And it is EASY to use. Download it, install it, start it and go to Help on the menu to choose: View Tutorial Project 1 A HTM-file and a SWF(Flash)-file is created and you can learn the program in a quarter of an hour. And creating something it is just to click the Pause-Key to take Screen Shoots of what you are doing in A:M. Then ready you have to insert some text to explain what you have done. That is all! Perhaps using this program - we can begin to explain - how to do it yourself - to each other a little better. I have made a try. Not perfect. But a try. It is about Smart Skinning in A:M. Because you cannot upload files to this Forum you have to fetch the ZIP-file from this topic discussing WINK: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...t=0entry98840
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