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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Newbert_Zero

  1. ok ill try again.... Swordfight_3d.prj
  2. i used the fire emmiter on this website fire emmiter its the third from left to right
  3. would the sun light acually work better? cause the kleig causes the light to leak through at weird angles and it makes it appear like a light close up.
  4. ill try to attach the project file. Swordfight_3d.prj
  5. i feel really dumb the problem is that i didnt turn on the shaded in the rendering options. this is looking alot better now but the torches fire isnt brightening anything. how do i fix that?
  6. i made the kleig and everything but the light goes right through the wall.
  7. thank you guys for your help. but now another problem there are no shadows its going right through the wall.
  8. bravo bravo its a beauty its now my wallpaper.
  9. I dont see a kleig light all i see is keylight fill light and rim light options. how do i make a kleig light
  10. Hola como esta muey bueno
  11. ok i think im gonna make the sig below 3d. but first i want to get the light to squirt through the windows. What light do i use to light it up through the windows? Comments/critiques are extremmly welcome. if you bothered reading this thread please post... im begging you NEWEST UPDATE
  12. thank you!!! i will have to play around with that.
  13. would it be possible for you to animate him just for fun? it would be interesting to see.
  14. put a picture or somthing in the backround. make it more alive. It needs to be exciting and catch peoples attention.
  15. that is an AWSOME model. i wish i came up with that.... im still trying to think of a creative simple model. again great model!
  16. dang you just wrote a novel there.
  17. i think im liking the direction the rig is going in. try it out and see if you have any suggestions.
  18. Ok sorry for the double post.
  19. again it would be awsome to see that dragon animated even if it was just a 1 second animation
  20. wow adding poses is fun.
  21. i think his eyes need to be looking somewhere else.
  22. oh and your gonna have to use the pose sliders.
  23. ok ive been thinging if using the aim at constaint with the gun is a good idea. this is what ive come up with so far. i just cant figure out a way to make it work when the gun is being held by a model such as tom. here is the model. Gun_8.mdl
  24. nice if figured it out this is the way i was thinking. how i did it was i made a new bone for the bullet. that wasent connected to the gun handle so if i turned the gun the bullet would stay in mid air. then i made a on/off pose of the bullet bone constrained to the handle. so to animate all i have to do is put the pose on. point the gun. go next frame force keyframe turn pose off. then go a couple of frames further and set the bullet movment pose how far i want it. it sounds more counfusing and harder than it really is. gun_fixed.mov
  25. ah you think there would be a fast easy way of doing this
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