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Everything posted by Newbert_Zero

  1. wait hold on!starwars guy! I went on google and got a bunch of images for texturing the wall. Id appreciate it if u guys got the files im about to post and say wich image you would suggest I use for a different wall texture. Wall_decals.zip
  2. Hey nice animation! unless you updated it i noticed somthing though. after he slaps him it "appears" as if there hands go through eachother. maybe its just an optical illusion though. but other then that it looks great! i went through the whole thing in slow mo after i saw it once and you did a great job doing all the little things. you animated him really good too when he got shocked. Oh and another thing I think should change. In the very begining hes idle for quite a long time. i think it should be shortened a little bit. Again great animation.
  3. ok heres the project file. Swordfight_3d_please_work.prj
  4. ya i agree with you i need a different wall texture or at least adjust it. thanks for the comments
  5. ....Im so lazy. I need to start animating.
  6. it looks like you rendered it with a really low color value. colors are whats messing it up in my opinion. but you did a good job modeling.
  7. heres a full shot.
  8. oh good i scared the mess outof me for no reason. i didnt lose anything exept my old model of the sheild. i didnt even need it anyway. i just downloaded my uploaded project file. i put the sheild with swords on the wall now. tell me if the sheild/swords are to big or to small.... and how it looks
  9. oh crap please tell me this isnt happining.... i lost it... i lost the whole project. HELP! oh no. I lost. it all... i was almost done with setting it up too....
  10. wow that looks really good! great job! How did u light the brain reactions sign?
  11. i know i was just having a little bit of fun. before i rendered it i thought it would be more of a difference but i guess it wasnt.
  12. was there supposed to be sound? i turned the volume all the way up then all of the sudden a window pop-up appeared and blasted my speakers. my sister had a heart attack and is in the hospital now. I hope your happy...
  13. ok this is the real difference. decals. one i thought was slightly off so i just moved it over a little. the first time i also decaled some parts seperatly. so the only difference was the decals. it was interisting though to see what you guys thought about it. anyways the sheild and sword model is complete so im gonna put it on the wall then render it soon.
  14. they are acually EXACLTY the same... so you both have an IQ of 6. COUGHjustkiddingCOUGH they are slightly different.
  15. do me a favor and compare these two. wich one looks better? right or left? studies show if you chose right you have an IQ of 6.
  16. wow i didnt know AM had sorensen in it. thanks for explaining that to
  17. wow..... thanks for taking your time to explain that to me. I really apreciate it. the problem is is that i dont have sorenson so i dont really have anything to compress it with. exept AM. do you know of any free programs that would compress mov files? I have windows movie maker that works with basicly everything exept mov files. is there also some free program that converts avi to mov? again i apretiate you taking the time to explain all this stuff to me.
  18. Ok... It was quicktime. it was uncompressed...wait a minute how would compressing it jump it down to under 50mb without making it a huge blur? other mov files ive made with Am are only like 2 or 3 seconds long and alot of them are under 1mb! I made the video slightly larger then vga but still it was only like 100 more pixels in lengh and width. What really bothers me is i have another short quicktime video file thats like 3 minutes long and its only 28mb its about the same size as mine and it appears as if the quality is fine. compare that to mine. 5 SECONDS long and its like 7 times larger in file size.
  19. I see what ur saying. i had it like that at first but i made it almost smaller than the torch. i was tired and made it way to big after that. Ill ajust it later. I think im gonna either change the decals or make them smaller. I like the feel the decals give but they look kindoff boring and repetitive cause the whole room is covered with the same decal. maybe ill cover the walls with castle bricks. and the floor will be like dirt or somthing.
  20. ahh. just did a mov render of the camera zooming out over night i woke up and it said out of memory. the movie was 201mb how is it 201 mb. i thought it would be like 20 or somthing but 201? it was only 5 seconds long too. I have a movie saved on my computer thats 5 minutes long and its 21mb. I dont understand why file sizes are so random. PLEASE dont tell me its because of my splines....
  21. just another render..... i got to go to bed.
  22. Dang that looks good. great job modeling and great job texturing. It look's nice
  23. you should make him disapear and reapear throughout your scene. it would be interesting to see.
  24. lol that was good. I thought it was gonna just sit there at first.
  25. i think im gonna study splines a bit more before i fix the wall....again. But for now i got this. I still need to model the two swords behind it though. tell me if you like it with or without this.
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