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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Posts posted by jon

  1. i may have never had full-blown ct, but i did experience numbness in my right pinky/ring fingers as well as wrist pain due to excessive mousing.


    with the proper ergonomic setup, i'm sure a mouse can be as healthy as a wacom stylus... but it's much harder to use a stylus in a manner than cause ct/repetitive stress syndrome-disease-whatever.



  2. great looking fellow!


    my primary suggestion would be to enlarge his head. it looks a little overwhelmed up there. ' ' )


    a very minor tweak would be to define his thigh musculature a little more. currently, there's much more detail in his upper arms. displacements might make up for this, but i dunno.



  3. i just put together a great 64 bit amd system and discovered that a significant chunk of 3d party drivers haven't been ported yet.


    likewise, programs (like a:m) will need to be recompiled to take advantage of the x64 processor.


    i'm pretty sure that hasn't happened yet, and with v13 being stability-focussed... it might be a while.


    but grab a 64 bit amd processor anyway.... it's 32 bits better! ' ' )



  4. your problems aren't ram related. have you updated your video drivers lately?


    (ati is fine, by the way)


    512m on an xp system is rock bottom, however... and not great for simultaneous applications on 2k either.


    best of luck.


  5. gopher, you're sizing up to be the next seven.


    while some people find nudity in general -- and oversized breasts in particular -- to be offensive, neither should be seen as an excuse or invitation to use degrading and demeaning language.


    i'd encourage anyone with the necessary skills and interests to pursue karl's invitation. he's meticulous, fair, and knows exactly what he likes. ' ' )



  6. what you're asking for is realtime control, so you can't dismiss ha:mr for being realtime.


    i'm sure it's theoretically possible to do what you ask within a game engine, but you'll face the same realtime limitations, along with the added difficulties of learning a new application and most likely redoing all of your animation.


    give ha:mr a little time... it's still an alpha!



  7. ho folks,


    i've been approached by a trade show to provide a virtual performer that -- with the help of an off-stage voice talent and a 'puppeteer' -- will interact with a live audience.


    using an animation master character as a starting point, is there a workflow solution that doesn't require me to be a programmer?




  8. so, if you missed the finished product, here she is:



    i rushed the wing rig, and clipped her butt with one for the final contest render, but i'm very happy with this image, and really do appreciate all the comments on this thread.





  9. an excellent job!


    here are some nits i've picked:

    • all of the blues seem to vibrant: the chair and the case
    • the monitors aren't casting light, or so it seems
    • the cases seem too flat... i'd expect a slightly shinier surface
    • and most importantly, you can't see the photographer in the reflective pot. ' ' )

    again, a compulsively fantastic piece of work!


  10. folks should be aware that even if they're in a special tripple-encrypted super secret chat room that promises absolute anonimity speaking in esperanto that their conversation will be public sooner rather than later.


    it's the nature of the beast.



  11. now sophie is a manx, but otherwise complete:



    i need to rework her flanks a bit, as i have too many hooks and 5 point patches fighting amongst themselves, but i'll prolly have to start rigging this weekend.


    i hope to skip the 'bone-every-feather' approach, and just create a few bending wing poses instead.




  12. michel,


    i'm a better at splining than sketching, but since i'm miserable at drawing, i just have to be a passable modeller to show improvement. ' ' )


    progresswise, i had to re-copy/flip/attach the body since attaching the wing to the feline body caused me to seriously rework back and shoulders.


    i'll have a new snapshot up tonight, once i reattach the torso.



  13. don't get me wrong... even if i was a decal master, i tend to like texture-free toony goodness on my characters.


    the wing is coming along nicely:



    it might be a little detail heavy for sophie, but i think the simple coloring will help it fit stylistically.


    my biggest fear now is that i'll have to bone every single feather (in a synchronized roll) to get the wing to bow properly at rest.




  14. i've been following your character for a while, and let me say she looks great!


    how black/african is your model supposed to be?


    if it's more than a bit, i'd expect her to have a shallower/wider bridge, as well as a smoother, less defined transition between nostrils and bridge.


    keep up the great work!



  15. well, i've had some trouble with applying distortion-free decals myself, and that's part of my aversion.


    i've only applied decals directly or to a flattened pose, but the new uv editor might make things easier, if i can wrap my head around it.


    i've been thinking about this issue a bit more, and i do think that i could use a simple decal to roughen up the edge of the color change a bit.


    i'd want to stick to a simple color change, and i'd like to use alpha to mask a simple white fill.


    i'll give it a shot -- but after i get some credible wings!



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