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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Posts posted by jon

  1. ..and perhaps the stars should blink, with their cycle based on the percentage of the total votes they received for their entry?


    i think a logarithmic scale for the frequency range would be better than a flat one, with the maximum being 60hz.



  2. here are two types of contests:


    anonymous (current)

    • images evaluated based on individual (and widely varied) criteria
    • votes for the image, not the creator (most of the time, as some styles are known, and some folks ignore the guideline)

    open development (proposed)

    • images evaluated by familiarity with project and artist
    • opportunity to learn from skilled exampled of project execution
    • many projects will benefit from community critique

    i'm torn, really. i'd like there to be a nice clean vote on the technical application, creativity, and themeness of the images, but that's not happening now, anyway.


    based of the a:m stills comments, there are a few images that should have placed, but didn't.


    this is partly due to the idiosyncrasies of the voting method -- where a good piece with mass appeal can place higher than a great piece without a striking, simple composition... ie, thumbnail appeal -- but the vote may also be skewed by other issues... so me griping about a 'pure' vote seems pointless. ' ' /


    in the end, i agree that the true goal should be to challenge ourselves and produce kick-ass artwork, but the competition does help by drawing in more entires, and pushing folks to go for the gold.


    luckily, it's not my decision to make. ' ' )



  3. well, i see two separate issues:


    1) he's ugly ' ' ) -- this is an aesthetics issue, and is quite possibly your intent.


    2) there are some visible spline issues in the cheeks and eye sockets that need to be smoothed.


    overall, a very good first head!



  4. i think the basic problem is that people are hardwired to expect atmosphereic haze to give distance clues... not really an option for a realistic space pic.


    otherwise, i'd suggest more nurnies, and or some other escort vessel that's more easy to visually scale with a human, or other recognizable object.


    its still a great image!



  5. its not a "rule"... but the request to remove all identifying marks on the image should give you the idea that entries are supposed to be anonymous.


    can you think of another reason for the request?


    it's not a huge issue, and in most cases -- as i said -- it hurts the entry, not helps it.



  6. since i haven't seen anyone mention it, i'll just say it's poor form to post a contest image before the voting results, and it will also most likely hurt your final standing. you give up the 'wow' effect.


    i will agree with the mob here and say that the image is too dark overall. since folks are always telling me my images are too dark, i think that adds a little extra weight ' ' )


    i'm also sure that you can find a more dramatic camera angle to better communicate the power and horror of your character. my suggestion would be to get lower and closer with the camera.


    good luck!


  7. all posts from an ignored user are replaced by a thin notice indicating the user is in your ignore list. the notice is in place of the user's message in the thread.


    there's also a link in every supressed post to edit your ignore list, should you change your mind.



  8. "...some day you will die. until you know that, you are useless." -- t. durden.

    at some point in your life, you may come to the realization that you only have so much time to do the things you want to do.


    when/if this happens, removing the unnecessary things from your life to make more time for the necessary things becomes a critical skill.


    will: thanks for helping me remove the unnecessary things.





    acutally, the number of people ignoring a user prolly should be under their avatar. kind of a reverse reputation counter. ' ' / hmmm....


    more edits: now it reads members ignored.

  9. i think the move toward simplicity is a good one. i like the latest cards best of all, but i think you can strengthen them further with more streamlining.


    there's a rule for packing when going camping. if you're not sure you need it, leave it out.


    ultimately, this card is a representation of you, so feel free to disregard all of this advice if you'd rather do somthing else. ' ' )



  10. i have to say that there are still too many horizontal and vertical lines, as well as too many bevels upon bevels and dropshadows on dropwshadows.


    the data you're trying to convey is very hard to pull out.


    allcaps may in theory increase readability, but here it just serves to turn your name into a design element. sounds like a good result, but it's not.


    sorry about being so negative, but these are issues you'll be pleased you fixed before printing a thousand cards.




    just noticed the lack of a physical address: another hit on the professional effect of the card.

  11. ah, but you're being brainwashed by my socialist-leaning subliminal messages hidden in the static.


    i'm not actually sure how the ignore funtions works, but ideally it'll detect regressive or detrimental modes of thought and give the writer a better, more productive world view.



  12. i've discovered that invision has added an "ignore user" feature for version 2.0 of their power board software.


    is a hash forum upgrade a possibility?


    if so, i might recommend a short list of users that should be ignored by defaut.





    yes... i'm on the list. ' ' )

  13. my rant, back by popular demand:


    i just told a friend of mine last night you can chop a naked woman to bits and americans won't flinch, but show 'em a pecker and they scream!


    as for god, i don't believe in such a thing, and here's why:


    what kind of all knowing creature would build such an elaborate ant farm, then sit back and watch the little bastards rip each other's legs off... then for extra amusement, trash random areas of his project just to see what happens?


    if i'm wrong, and i find myself standing before a big charleton heston guy going over my life's transgressions in a big white hall, i only hope i get the chance to kick the sadistic bastard in the ass before he drags me to hell.


    happy friday!



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