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Everything posted by paulmcg1

  1. Like the idea and I am sure the guy who is going to pay you $2,000 does too. Nice image man, you da mun!
  2. heh, I've hadmy problems with the community. Theres alot of nice people and then there is alot of really meanies and people who are stuck up....just wait till you meet David Rogers (Obnouak) or howver u spell it. OOPS did I say David Rogers out loud
  3. Well here is my first attempt to animate him. www.paulmcgrade.com/Frog Jumping.avi Let me know what you all think, how I can improve or whatever else. Thanks Paul Keep those ideas coming
  4. !!! If he wanted to do that, he wouldn't have built in the first place! yep
  5. Funny. Thanks for the ideas Mr. Jage. Comon I know everyone can at least give me one Paul
  6. Hey all, I finally finished another character. I don't got a name for it YET but I was hoping maybe one of you can come up with a cool name . Anyway here it is: Took me about half a day to model, texture and completely rig it. Now for the fun part! Animating! I wanted to make a simple character to practice my animation skills and this is it. Now I was hoping you all could give me at least one thing to do with him . So far I got: Pushing a box (make it so that it looks like he is struggling to push it) and jumping off a building. Thats it . Now I could think of probably a few more but I thought it would be cool if everyone could tell me what to animate with him and then I go ahead and animate it and show it to everyone . If you are going to say something to animate please make sure to keep it simple like the two examples above but make sure that it is interesting . So lets see what everyone comes up with and I'll try my best Paul
  7. Can you post some wireframes if you can of the top of the sword to show how you made the tip of it pointed. Thanks
  8. heh. Thanks
  9. Basically you can read everything im doing so far on Bill and Bob at my website: http://www.paulmcgrade.com/billandbob.htm You can listen to the voice-overs im using, the dialogue, what this is about heh, and even a few animated tests i've done so far and you can find this all on my website. Well there ya go let me know what you all think so far. Not that far yet but its getting there.
  10. Looks similar to Jeff Lew's Killerbean short in a way. Like it though Paul
  11. Markus can you animate the eyes? If so let me know how you make those type of eyes I have no clue how to do it and Its really frustrating me heh.
  12. Vash, I said amazing talent because in us all whether we where born with the hand for 3d or not. We all have the ability to be the absolute BEST! We all have amazing talent within us. We just have to let it out and believe that we do.
  13. Well Vash, If you havn't yet check out Colin Freeman's website at http://www.colins-loft.net/tutorials.html Those may be too advanced for you right now but dont let those words put your amazing talent down. Try it with all your heart and you can do it. Just might not be perfect at first but thats ok. If you find those too hard though just try drawing a character from your head and then modelling it. Also learn about what causes creasing and what dosn't. Paul
  14. Well Vash you can always select the points that you didn't connect right and choose detach point. Or you can select the points and choose break or "K" for the keyboard shortcut "break". Hope this helps. Hit me up on aim if you got it. AIm name- paul210m Paul
  15. Made everything in 5 days using version 11. Was my first character as well. That is 256 passes and took about 1 hour and 15 minutes to render and I know I probably could of gotten away with less passes but I was going to take a nap while it rendered so what the heck . Hope you all like it. Please let me know what you all think. Paul
  16. Vash, Yes you can group the ring by clicking on one point on the ring and then pushing the comma key. It should then select the entire ring that you want. Yea you can attach the image without doing a thumbnail simply by uploading your image to the internet then redirecting that image to your post. When you reply to a post there is a button that says IMG. Use that to find the link to your image. If you want free webspace to upload images I use www.photobucket.com since they are really good but only can post images under 250k and its unlimited as far as I know. Paul
  17. Vash, The alligator character is coming out pretty good. Im going to not do a film with him since I want to move on to bigger and better things and plus he wasn't designed so great for the joint movement since I already tested his joints out. I did add a simple rig system to get him to animate but not going to go through with it since I want to make something better. But all in all I have a plan to make him sitting in the dark, smiling and thats basically it maybe a nice color or something but just to use what I made. I see your falcon model and see that it worked out except for one problem. You got a bunch of creases. I suggest you send a email to darklimit asking him to teach you how to get rid of them . No don't! Inside joke since dark is the one who taught me how to continue through splines in there flow so that I don't get any creases. I spent a few days bothering him about it too . But anyway what you got to do is get rid of those creases! Unless thats part of the design lol. But just make the splines continue in the flow not make the splines become 6-way intersections heh . Great luck on the model Vash! P.s>> I attached an image of the alligator in a facial pose that I did for him. He's sorta smiling lol. Paul
  18. Vash, Based on what you said and seeing as I had the same problem with my alligator character usually that just happens. I don't know why but it does. What you can try is two things and this is just my way of getting around it. There are probably more advanced ways to by more advanced users but seeing as im not advanced and I want to help you out I'll give it my best shot . Ok the first thing you can try is to undo the first copy/flip/attach and try it again. Try it 2 or 3 times before you try the 2nd thing. If that doesn't work well you're going to have to connect and add whatever is missing. Now the 2nd thing you can do is duplicate the 1 side of the head and rotate as nessecary then move the copy of the head close to the original and align it correctly. Then you can connect the splines and continue the flow of the splines. I used the 2nd method for my alligator character and the picture attached is the results I got. I used the 2nd method because I found alot of problems with copy/flip/attach. The problems where the ones that you spoke about. I hope this helps you out Vash! Good luck on the character. Paul
  19. Thank you so much John for helping me figure this one out . The last test you did nailed it right on the head. Thanks so much! There is so much you can do with this now. Im gonna work with what you left us and see what I can do. Maybe I can make a scene of a huge rock falling off a cliff into a pile of snow . Ahhh well thanks again John this is really what I was looking for . Paul
  20. Thats it! An alligator. Rosco The Alligator . Awsome thank you for helping me figure out what the heck this was.
  21. Jama I didnt use any rotoscopes to build this. Although I drew a few sketches of the type of character I wanted to build.
  22. Actually I was just experimenting with the fur and I don't think thats what Im going to do with this character. For one, because he just wouldn't look good with it. Cant really picture him as a furry creature. And for two, because its a little tricky to get the patch color for the fur to be the material color. When I figure that out then I'll add fur but for now no fur PEACE Y Paul
  23. Alright got an updated version of him plus I fixed that concaved part on the top of the head. Was going to leave it but saw how it would look without it and decided to just make his head more rounder. This is just the beginning of the texturing. Im going to be adding Fur, a clothed hood, and some other things that I don't know yet. Here it is: zaryin: I am going to keep some of the deformities and lumps on there since it will be the fat that will be animated. Specifically the deformities under the neck. vash: No he doesn't have the skeletal rig yet. But he soon will have it once I am done with the texturing. Thats another big project heh . robcat: Yea like I said up above I took your advice and fixed the top part even though I was specifically going to leave him that way since that was how I wanted him modeled. But I tweaked the top part and it came out looking even better. I also do plan on rigging him and animating him in a short film. I don't know what it'll be about yet but soon I'll figure it out. Thanks guys for all the comments. Really appreciate them. Paul
  24. Ok guys here are some updated pictures of my character: Vash: Im going to add color definately to this model. I got the eyes as you see above which they will change to look more real since right now they are just too plain. And your right about adding detail to his body. Im probably going to be adding alot of fur to this character and a clothed hood over his head so that should add some detail and uniqness to this character. KenH: Yes I used copy/flip/attach for just the head and other parts of the body. The torso although was extruded from the neck. Paul
  25. Yea in the magazine of 3d World I think it was issue 58 or something like that...They used displacement maps for the indents of the ground so when the rock hit the ground it would only make the ground go in where the rock hit and it would stay that way. Paul
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