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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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    the image of any kind
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    Windsor, Ont, Canada

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Journeyman (4/10)



  1. wow scary great job i like the texture of the room, it suites the beast Steve
  2. oh my god ... i thought i could hear the flapping of a old reel to reel in the back ground and a voice over of a guy talking... "The nuclei, a central mass or part about which matter gathers or is colleted " eck ..i had to turn it off quick Steve
  3. it turned out great ... and the shadows are fine, i don't think you would have wanted a deeper shadow, it would have been to distracting and 15 hours ...(yes i find that time flys when your in A.M.) in photoshop 15 hours would have been forever hehe Steve
  4. rob ... this was my intent (3254 patch count) i hope to run this guy around and throw him to the ground Zar... i was working on making the model for the first year i got AM and i was not reading and banging my head against the wall... it stop modeling and started over and did the exercises ( yes there's modeling in there too ) and having fun with thom and shaggy ..i stopped for a year and just started over again with a new start and watching Barry tut, he had some great stratagy in modeling and most of all i'm growing up learning more and more of AM. thetanman it's the yellow hair, mask and the suite...and as you can see on the side view CO is not in the best of physical shape :0 to run as fast. Steve
  5. thanks Rob on the animating part ...that's the next dvd by Barry i got no time to play after this weekend...so i'll trying to get the 8.5 hours done this weekend lol i know learning of animation is not over night ...just wish there was a chip set for that ( plug and play ) Steve
  6. i was just finished the body and colour groups for cloths i got a rig done with the help of Barry Zundel dvd and Mike Fitzerald's cog tutorial ( it took me a almost 2 years to put it to action, i just never got to the point of finishing a model ...but with Barry's help i got my second model done, my first Model is just the duck head avatar lol ) i add text in photoshop and to his chest i still want to create pose sliders for him and i wanted to create real choths for him and his not so secret identity. thanks for viewing Steve ps. no caps
  7. a tip about still images, keep simple... focus on the one on the right and and flower ( zoom in on the two ) if you want to play on the idea on the size difference, lose the second lady bug on the left. just my thoughts Steve
  8. i just found a something about rigging for ( v12 ) and Barry was using 11.1 ... mirror and importing the right side bones and the relationships ( this the relationships are not named, just the folder) the right side copied over the old left side relationship ... in his video in the Control Constraints Relationships folder for example ...has two relationship 1 in it ...this will not happen in v12 the importing of the new model and the new rig will over ride the left side just thought i share that and save someone else a little work Steve the cure would be just to rename your relationships
  9. been there welcome back ! steve
  10. i all most missed a video on disc 2 ( rigging ) on the chapter page i only seen 11 ( i needed only to scroll down to see 12 ) hehe i was looking at the back of the case and Barry forgot to add #12 too lol i only found 12 when i was exporing the disc for the Will model and seen the video folder and the extra"checking the final video" disc 2 is the only disc that to have to scroll the menu just thought i share that Steve
  11. A few techniques used seem a bit dated but that may just be Barry's time tested/preferred methodology. (These methods still work fine though) For instance, Barry uses some spline adding methods where it would probably be easier just to stitch a new spline in rather than bisect and attach new splines. The technique used will be more familiar those who used A:M in days before stitching was introduced. Its easy to take the lesson and apply current techology though. this idea of stitching ...is that hitting A and add points to a set of points per made, like hitting y ( while holding the shift button to keep the current cuver of the first spline? ) i'm on disc 2 (rigging) about half way, and enjoying ever minite of it. since a took a year off of AM the first disc was a great time saver ( 8 hours ) and i think Barry's strategy in laying out spines to a the (rotoscope ) image was great ...i did see the a simular style in a maya 7 modeling tutorial for polygons. in the past i had such a hard time dealing with the deadends of a model ( like a finger tip and so forth) thanks to Barry i have a renewed confidences in my modeling skills. i look forward to the next dvd Steve i learn more with the video tutorial, then the typed out.
  12. that's so funny, 20 years ago one of the main reasons i wanted to do a comic strip because i love Bloom County and the characters...this was my take on a bill the cat in Duck form. ahh there are still fans out there i talk about it today and i mostly get ..what's bloom county? thanks for noticing that made my day Steve ps my strip idea back then was a dog and a duck as super hero's with no powers, just the cool outfitts looking for action i was having a hard time with the storyline ( gags only go so far )
  13. this was a cutie little duck i came up with about 20 years ago ( out of highschool and dreams of cartooning some day) it's just his head for now ...he was only a line drawing for those 20 years until yesterday thanks for your time Steve
  14. you're in luck ....got to Tutorials and download the Squetch rig installation part 1, 2 and 3 download squetch thom from the Riggings and relationships and you'll be off and running in no time Steve
  15. to me that sounds like the community window is using a font that is undefined to your system ...or as my friend said ...that your fire wall is not allowing your script to be read on that page. hope that helps Steve
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