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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by hashlister

  1. REFLECTION decal---this makes the glass windows 'glassy' and reflective...
  2. DEPTH decal...this adds 'relief'...set amount to taste.
  3. AMBIANCE decal...for glow to ON lights...
  4. Beautiful sketchery Will. One of my first A:M models was for the Detroit Red Wings scoreboard where they wanted their mascot (Al the Octopus) animated doing zany scoreboard mascot kinds of things. What I learned: Octopi are HARD to animate. Did I hear the Anzovins are making an Octopus rig?
  5. "ACID" from Sonic Foundry is a 'loop' based music generating app. A LOT of fun to use, everything is then legal and 'non' infringing'... You can buy it at your local BestBuy
  6. Well- I used PC Win2000 thru IE and once I hit 'new topic' there is the text box to type your hype and below it is an 'upload file' box that lets you browse your HD for the file with a limit of 1mb(just below the options and icons). Jpeg images are fine and so are Quicktime movies, but today I tried an mpeg compressed avi and was not allowed... Also along that line (i should post this to the forum topic) the files the forum allows you to use for your avitar (image) claims it will allow .swf's but it actually does not allow them---I was going to place my image with some interactivity (rollovers) but to my chagrin was unable to.
  7. OOOooops! I saw that Ken changed the server right after I had uploaded. I am at home now away from the computer that has those files, I'll relink them first thing in the morning (Wed) Please stand (or sit!) by...
  8. OK...I turned-on reflections. Rendering times went from :30 to 2:30 per frame...and the reflection on the 'haired' model does not appear. Weird thing is though if I do a 'preview render' the reflections all show.
  9. And here's another...my 'girlie-girl' in cheerleader form...Pom-Poms and hair all with V11. I had to turn-off collision detection because it was causing cofusion amongst the models, the hair was going everywhere. This was to test action-blending and how hair reacted (very well) and how multiple hair instances work on the same model (short hair on head...long hair on head...and pompom hair) as well as on 3 instances of the model. I rendered this at 30fps at D1 res...looks GREAT! I am still staying away from turning on reflections...maybe I'll try that tonight. cheerleaders.mov
  10. Some characters we are working on, my friend John Aretekis had A:M for about a year and then sort of gave it up. When I asked what kind of work he had accomplished he said he had modelled some characters, so I asked to see them and they were WONDERFUL! He has this wolf, 3 male fat hiphop piggies and 3 female fat hiphop piggies, all decalled and modelled. So I borrowed them and rigged them and now we are trying to conjure-up a '3 lil pigs/ goldilocks' modern day takeoff. This is a quick animation test with minimal lip poses for tracking to a clip I nabbed off TV... BigED.mov
  11. Hey- Meet Harriet. Good Side: V 11's hair modelling tools are quite nice, and I love the way they react to your characters motion...I'm having fun and look forward to rigging Harriet with TSM and the new CP weights... Bad Side: This model keeps crashing the renderer. On this test I was lucky to get 69 frames rendered, but it was a 150 frame chor. I set it to render overnight, usually, and come in to see A:M has crashed. Today I came in and saw it had crashed so I figured maybe I should download the latest version, 11E. So I did, and then went to open this project. Crash. So I uninstalled v11 and cleaned out the registry. Reinstalled, open proj-crash, open model-crash, import model-crash... I finally had to open the model thru v 10.5, which made me delete the hair, but I was at least able to salvage the model... so I get to start all over on styling the hair, which is OK because I need to practice, but...c'mon! Qeustion: Does anyone know if the new hair respondes to forces? I havent been able to get it to... hair_V11.mov
  12. 'Bear'-ey cool...get it..bear-ey? get it? Huh? I imagine it was all composited in another app as well? Good stuff!
  13. Nice image Vern- Can someone remind me of the link for Jeff Lee's Light rig? I can't find it anywhere and am interested in obtaining it...
  14. NICE! I pegged it as Robin Williams right away. I LOVE the bispecles, great touch. Are you using V11 hair as feathers? I'll agree that it is very PIXARISH...send it to them, unless you are already making 150k... That is a GREAT SAMPLE!
  15. HEY. I needed a good AM baseball recently and couldn't find one, so I made one! A baseball is a mathematical nightmare, and I wanted raised seems and stitches for extreme closeups- so I modelled it stitch by stitch like a the haitians would. When I was done, I had me a real good model that looked great in a TV commercial, and I thought that I need to build a library of Hi-Res sporting goods. So in my free time I've been putting a few hours into that task and thought I would fly it by ya'll. The basketball uses the Hash Basketball Material, yes, but I improved on the 'pebbling' of the pigskin. I hope to add a few more objects and then donate to a free A:M model database. I have tried submitting to Hash.com with no success. JPEG included or see mini FLASH webpage slide show at: http://greenwith.envy.nu Be forewarned: Envy (my free server) is hawking adware, but say NO to the offer and all is well. I will be getting a new free server soon. Looking for interested parties:
  16. CONGRATULATIONS! I recognize that was a LOT of work. I am not a big Star Wars fan, but you have captured the essance quite well of the genre. Great job! This is GREAT for A:M. Will you be making DVD copies available?
  17. Thanks Dark! I've added some doodles to the page describing how the booleans got me there...http://greenwith.envy.nu and hit refresh. Also--- since you asked...here is a snip from my lengthy post yesterday in the general discussion area 'looking for boolean tutorial' topic. (below) I am in the midst of creating a 'boolean-earth' and it is looking fantastic. Here's what I did in a nutshell; Client wanted an earth- not a photoreal earth but a stylized 'newsy' earth. Booleans to the rescue! Using map art in Photoshop, I traced the shape of the land masses separately using the vector pen tool. Using the 'export' function, I save each land mass as an .ai file, bring into Illustrator and assign color (black) and use 'exclude' tool, so the Great Lakes, for example, will be reversed from the shape. Save as a v8 .ai. In A:M, I import that shape using the .ai wizard, which is a POWERFUL TOOL. I learned that I must always put bevels on my shape so the boolean operation will not be fooled by internal patches. Looking at a side view, I delete the middle set of cp's, so there is basicly just a 'extruded' version of my land mass. I then compress (scale down) the backside of my extrusion to a very small size, go to bones mode, assign all this to bone 1. Not a boolean bone. I then lathe a perfect circle, place its axis where the rear land-mass points have been shrunk down to, go to bones mode, make another bone, assign the spheres points to it, and make it a 'boolean' bone. Now, looking at the model in render mode, You will see the sphere has taken a round 'bite' out of the continents shape, forming the backside to the shape. Assign the sphere a cool color for the 'inside' of your globe. Next, I need another sphere that will cut the shape once again, but in a negative sense of the first sphere. This time I lathe my circle sphere a bit differently. I create a semicircle (half a circle, slightly larger than the previous) but before I lathe it into a ball, I continue the points to make a large box connecting with the top and bottom of my semicircle. Now lathe that. Make sure the semicircle shares the same axis point as the first sphere, and flip the normals. In bones mode, assign this mass to the 2nd boolean bone. Assign a color to this 'face' of your continent, and have a look thru render mode. With some tweeking you have a perfectly rounded land mass, ready for more land masses. The downside: Render time. On my dual proc P4 PC at D1 res it is taking about 15 minutes a frame. In the chor, I added a smaller 'ball' with transparency, bump and reflectivity for the blue oceans. Rendering it with an alpha so it can be used as a video element down the line... If any interested parties, I can share some imagery tomorrow, as it is rendering on my work machine right now. For a :20 loopspin, should be done by Monday... My Maya friends said Maya booleans are unstable, and were quite impressed. A:M BOOLEANS ROCK! SJH
  18. http://greenwith.envy.nu/ My first WIP post. This is a stylized globe, using booleans to 'cut' the land masses into a sphereical shape. I am rendering a :20 rotation as a video element, it is taking 17 minutes per frame... A:M's booleans are quite powerful though...
  19. To rig your character, and all your characters...I highly recommend getting your hands on 'The Setup Machine' www.anzovin.com Not a paid endorsement
  20. Nice work! I've always been strangely interested in AirCrashes. Again, Nice work! Now- If I may, the 'smoke' seems to arise way too fast, almost 'out of scale'. Now I'll quit kiaboshin- Again, Nice work! Campy
  21. I like the spy stuff...very interesting. If you are interested I have a .mdl file of an actual '3D scanned' 03 Mustang. We used it in Maya for Ford and I experimented with transferring it to A:M and it worked quite nicely. Just the body, needs wheels and glass, very accurate. My plan was (until a monster job came along) to cartoon it up like an old 'weird-O's cartoon. I once had a 66 2+2 fastback, fantastic styling, terrible mechanics. I also had a 74 bomb, great mileage and very dependable but a rustbucket. I guess I am a Mustang fan. This forum is pretty neat. Thanks for letting me look thru your files. hashlister@hotmail.com
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