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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by rusty

  1. Phil,


    That just the Hash Christmas Bulb... it shows up every year around Christmas time. After Christmas it should go away. I take it you do not see this in the modeling window. Make a copy of your project that you can mess up then, delete all poses and relationships and see it that fixes it. If so, you need to figure out which relationship is causing this. If not, do you place that action in the chor? If so, something is creating it in the action.


    You'll find it. Oh, have you inadvertently placed more then 3 hooks on the same patch?


    All I can think of.



  2. When I Copy and Paste between two documents [like between Model#3 and Model#7, but both in the same .prj] I usually get three copies stacked on each other. Any clues as to why that happens? Thanks.


    Last time I saw something like that I discovered that the model I was coping was three models on top of one another. How that happened was a mystery. If your sure the original model is not the same way then I don't know.



  3. Any ideal on the shadow will be greatly appreciated.


    You might be able to use a spot light with a negative value in the brightness to project a dark area. This use to work. If it still works then you could craft a 'figure like' model (just a flat figure) and rig it and make it white. Then animate it moving the way you want it to move then render against a black background (basically a negative image of what you want). Then you apply this animation as a rotoscope to the 'negative' spotlight -- the white will let thought the 'light' (which is darkness right) and the black should block the darkness. Then you just project and move your animated figure in your set as needed and timed to go with the animation of the figure you did (so the figure waves its arms or whatever as you move it across the wall by moving the spotlight).


    As for mixing AM and real life sets... this is too large an area for me to get into here. Anzovin Studio has a great 2 CD video tutorial on doing this. Don't remember what it costs but I do know its well worth the money.


    Hope this helps!


  4. Just a quick sanity check... you did drag and drop the sound file into the chor yes? And you should hear the sound file if you scrub through the chor (advance the frames by hand).



  5. I think that you are short-changing your ships. Nuke that generic material and create some custom maps (aka images used as decals... you need at least color and bump types) showing pipes, docks, hatches, containers, steering jets, port holes, heat dispensers and etc. One map type (can't remember which) shows as brightly lit/dark areas and can be used for rows of windows.


    Just my .02.




    BTW, I too had to create two dozen 'asteroids' -- very similar look to yours.

  6. Another question but is there a way to paint your colors for a more realistic looks. It seem like softwares like cinema 4D can paint. but is there a way to do this in A:M.


    If you mean paint directly on a 3D model... not in A:M. However, there's good and bad news. Good news, a program called 3D Paint was created about a year ago and it allows you to do so with A:M models. Bad news, its not free... don't remember the cost but I can tell you that it is worth the price. Search for 3D Paint within the forum.


    Hope this helps,


  7. Is there a way to make the default on on the poses instead of having to switch them on every action,as I tend to forget


    Just set them to 'on' (or a percentage) in the model's properties... that is, in the PWS highlight the mode the go it the model properties either by opening the properties window or, by clicking on the down arrow on the model's name. Then go to the model's poses under 'user properties' and set the default pose values.


    Hope this helps!


  8. Did you accidentially turn on onionskin? You can find that setting in the options as a own tab.


    Yep! I woke up at 3:00 AM thinking 'Onion Skin' and jumped up and checked it. I had used it to help with CP weighting and smart skinning of the arm and left it on (needed to see how the arm deformed at different stages of the elbow bend). That one had me going. The fact that it always happened at a certain frame number was a definite tip off. Thanks for the replies!



  9. Hi,


    I'm using V14.0c (don't want to switch mid-project). Although this is just a 'display' problem it makes life almost impossible as I can't see what I'm doing. Below shows a simple 30 frame action at frame 22 (I'm bending the upper body by rotating each spine bone but it could be anything).




    Below shows what happens when I advance to frame 23 (from frame 0 to frame 22 there is no problem):



    This shift in the display between frame 22 and 23 is consistent from one action to another. I can see no difference between frame 22 and 23. Here it is in wire frame mode:



    Its like a ghost image -- you can't select the CPs. From frame 23 through frame 30 it remains the same -- here's frame 30:



    Again in shaded:



    This is just a display problem... frame 30 rendered to file is okay:



    If I drop the action on the model in the chor its the same. I've tried restarting AM and rebooting my PC. I've tried OpenGL and Direct3D, no difference. I've upgraded Direct3D to the latest (version 9 as I recall) though this is not reflected in AM (it still says Direct3D v8). Regarding my video driver (and version of OpenGL I'm using) I've spent many months trying different drivers for my NVIDIA GeForceGo 7300 and am using the one from Tweaks-r-us... switching to another will only bring on other problems that the Tweaks-r-us driver has fixed.


    Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?


    Thanks for any help!



    Edit: Oh, I'm on XP all the latest updates applied. System specs for my Dell Inspiron are in my signature.

  10. HMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!! :(

    How come all sub-folders in the Materials folder do show where AM is installed but not when AM is running?




    Maybe I'm just tired but I am not catching on to what you are asking. Still I'll take a stab... if you are somehow comparing your Windows File Explorer window to the AM library, they are not the same thing; Windows File Explorer looks at what's on your disk while the AM library gets its information from a .lib file and not directly from what's on your disk drive (make sense?).


    Hope that helps.



  11. I have the annual download version of v15 on both my work PC and my home Mac. But the PC version has the full library, with all the geometric solids, primitives, etc. but the Mac version has only a brief version with six character models (and items in other categories, I mainly mention the models library just as an example).


    I also wanted to add materials (or other items) to the library, or start my own I guess, but looking around in the app folder I can't seem to locate either the existing libraries or a place to put additions. The Library item in the Data folder is only 4kb so I know that ain't it!


    While poking around in there I also became curious about the existence of the dictionary. What function does it serve?




    I'm very into the AM Library, my resource pool is almost a gig in size. What I do is sort my models, materials, images, chors, etc into folders then run a utility called Library Manager written by Glenn Anthofer (I worked with him on the design). This places the folder structure and files into a lib file and therefore it appears in the AM library*. It is incredibly flexible and can be automated to keep the lib file up to date. However, looking at your profile I saw 'Mac' and I have no idea if it will work on a Mac. I also do not know if it will work with V15 (I'm staying on V14 until my current project is completed).


    If you wish to try it, search for 'library manager' or 'libmgr' on the forum -- I believe it is still posted on my site (I'm on my laptop and not at home and can't check from here). If you can't find it send me a PM... er... I guess PMs are gone... so, post to this thread and I'll get the info to you.


    Yes the Dictionary is part of AM's lip sync.


    * You have to tell AM where your library files are located. If you keep them located in the AM program... well, on occasion you may need to completely uninstall AM (delete all files and clean the registry {not on a Mac I guess}) and re-install it and whop! You can delete you library file(s) which can be a disaster to some folks.




  12. Here are the bugs (or at least unexpected actions or non-actions) I found using mirror constraints:


    1. It will not duplicate path constraints (this might be hard to do due to the determination of the proper spline?).

    2. Offsets are not adjusted properly from positive to negative (this would assume exact bone mirroring existed).


    Here I need a sample project . Simple as possible .




    Sorry I did not get back sooner... head in the sand finishing a model. Well, said model is huge. Are you saying these work for you when you test them? I'll check again to be sure, let you know... if needed see what I can come up with as a simple example (sometimes things work in simple models).




  13. Yes to old dogs and new tricks. The moving splines while watching the checkered pattern is awesome... why didn't I think of that. I'd look at the squares, estimate the kind of adjustments I'd need then go try to make them then, go back and look at the squares, etc. etc. Definitely will change the way I do this!




  14. I found in the "aim roll at" constraint, the roll offset doesn't get mirrored correctly. It's no big deal to fix though.


    MirrorConstraints will not mirror a relationship that uses transform properties, it not a constraint.


    Oh yeah, huh? Well, it sounded good when I thought of it. :-)

  15. Hi!


    I used the mirror constraints plug-in and checked out the results carefully. I’ll assume that mirror-constraints only operates on ‘User Property Relationships’ and not the ‘Bones’ section of ‘Relationships’ which is mostly, if not completely, smart skin*.


    I only used a small percentage of the different types of constraints and even a smaller percentage of the various properties associated with each constraint but, except for a couple of glitches, it worked as expected. Constraints included Orient Like, Euler and Constrain to Path.


    The plug-in placed the mirrored constraints in the proper folder right next to the source constraint which is awesome and I thought it would not do (or perhaps what I heard related to something else).


    Here are the bugs (or at least unexpected actions or non-actions) I found using mirror constraints:


    1. It will not duplicate path constraints (this might be hard to do due to the determination of the proper spline?).

    2. Offsets are not adjusted properly from positive to negative (this would assume exact bone mirroring existed).


    If I learn more I’ll post again.





    * BTW, I often include bone motion in my smart skin and the built-in mirror smart skin function will not mirror this. I will move this kind of thing to a Transform relationship so mirrorconstraints will deal with it... I think.

  16. I need a copy of the image used for controlling hair direction. I remember how to use the "properties driven", but need the image.


    I'm not sure what you want but these may help. The second is an application for creating the maps but I don't recall how it works -- you can search the forum for how it works.








  17. hi


    This thread has reminded me that I have video tuts on TSM2 somewhere. As I recall its one of the CD tuts that Anzovin sold. All my reference stuff is on a bookcase behind me but the CD is somewhere in a 4' stack of CDs and I'm lazy. I'll add a task to Outlook LOL.




  18. I think , I know now , what there was happened .

    You have running the plugin twice .

    If the bone on the target side still exist, and "search for mirror only using bonename" is checked , this result occurs , because there is a new bonetree for the targetside is created .

    To avoid this, uncheck "search for mirror only using bonename" , or delete the whole bonetree for the targetside .


    I'll be running it later today. I'll let you know!





    Seems to work!



  19. I think , I know now , what there was happened .

    You have running the plugin twice .

    If the bone on the target side still exist, and "search for mirror only using bonename" is checked , this result occurs , because there is a new bonetree for the targetside is created .

    To avoid this, uncheck "search for mirror only using bonename" , or delete the whole bonetree for the targetside .


    I'll be running it later today. I'll let you know!




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